drift in the current
distant shores gold with the sun
shimmer in the haze
clouds in clear water
this origami smokestack
reckless fingers weave
Hands withered with time
Perform familiar actions
Mind soars, body withdraws.
bowing at gangas feet
in an embrace so tender
and a hug so brutal
summon the great zeus,
this river of green gift-wrapped,
just a spark, mind you.
Sorry boys and girls,
It was poor of me I know to be gone like that. I was drifting in a river, golden haze, etc etc.
And never mind me not writing a haiku for the last piece, I didn't even thank FB for sending it to me! Dreadful. What's more I made it look as if his haiku on the front page was mine. Sorry FB, I hope that doesn't stop you sending me pix.
But to hell with me. Pile in!
Roll up, Roll up for
A trip on the Golden Haze
Roll up, Rock and Roll.
No sweat Doctor Father, more pickies in due course. I didn’t expect much from the last effort. If truth be known it was just a poor excuse on my part to get the Whistler’s Mother joke in and I didn’t really expect it to last for more than half a week. What I really didn’t expect was that each effort that came up beat the one before it and left mine hiding in the shade. Te he! At least you are ok and that’s the main thing, I am sure all of us half suspected that your DIY party came from a Jewish crop.
Er... no, organic hippy buds from a mate in Northern NSW. Otherwise I thought your pic was spot on. As for poor excuse etc, no price is too high for a good bit of word play. I once flew to Paris and pushed a man into the river there solely to be able to say, "You are in Seine!" Boom tish! Actually now that I think about it, was that me or was it Spike Milligan? It was one of us anyway.
the beginning of
a journey replete with the
free-wandering mind
The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam
In the snow outside,
we smoked, then entered into
a sun drenched hay field
der schutte
Yay Schutte, Yay Other John
spurning the company
of sanctified pontificating gurus
i bow at your feet
bowing at gangas feet
in an embrace so tender
and a hug so brutal
Su, that was spooky.
Hands withered with time
Perform familiar actions
Mind soars, body withdraws.
breathing in the magic
the self referencing false me
succumbs to pure knowing
hey noby...
glad all is well...
miss ya.
Nice to see you back at it nobody.
clouds in clear water
this origami smokestack
reckless fingers weave
Fucking hell! Good haiku here, absolute killers. Either the month off has done everyone a world of good, or the topic is one close to everyone's heart, ha ha.
And Kikz, Hullo! How are you? All those oil spills and tornadoes, none of that is you is it? Disasters aside, somebody mentioned that you'd been asking after, and I'd been vaguely meaning to poke my head in and say g'day but I wasn't sure where (yes, yes, email obviously but I hadn't gotten around to that yet). Nor John. Hullo John.
alls well.. sort of..
the 'gushers' have broken my heart..my poor gulf coast...
kids out for summer and bored..
i too am enraged over the flotilla mess and the non response of US.
the 8th was the anniv of the attack on the USS Liberty, of course not one word in MSM.
cj in toronto for a few wks..
his daddy in hosp... iffy w/end stage congestive heart failure...
thaz about it...
looks like oddities abound w/les viz.. hav no idea whaz up w/that..
Do you remember,
When we used the White Album,
to shake out the seeds?
der Schutte
summon the great zeus,
this river of green gift-wrapped,
just a spark, mind you.
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