years of diligence,
meditative yoga, so
I can see my heel.
with absolutely no effort
the center piece of the sculpture
manifested formlessly
mastery attained
and now coiled like a spring
waiting to go BOING!
Living Triskelion
Quocunque Jekeris Stabit
Or Mr Terre’ Blanche?
what a blessed relief
that on seeing this agility
nothing but a smile arises.
years of diligence,
meditative yoga, so
I can see my heel.
der schutte
Hee Hee.
wherever she goes
feted like a superstar
world Twister champion
mastery attained
and now coiled like a spring
waiting to go BOING!
"Help! I'm Stuck! Can't move!"
"Don't worry I shall free you,
but, um... not just yet..."
with absolutely no effort
the center piece of the sculpture
manifested formlessly
Living Triskelion
Quocunque Jekeris Stabit
Or Mr Terre’ Blanche?
A somewhat convoluted effort.
Yeah but it was worth it just for 'living triskelion'. And Su, I'm glad you took on the duty of being the designated grown-up. Somebody had to do it...
Hey Su,
Sorry mate, Saturday was busy with yoga and I didn't get down to the library until 4.45. Instead of going in I sat outside. There I wrote you a reply, hit send, and -bingo!- the wifi had clicked off and it was gone.
Anyway, what can I say? If I'd been there I'd probably have been cheering ha ha. I ain't shy and if a friend gets in a stoush I'll pile in. But then I think of the Buddha and you know...
Always such dilemmas.
For me that sort of instant let-rip fury came from being a motorcyclist in a world of cars. I smashed off mirrors, kicked door panels, hit people - at 80km/h! I was fucking fearless. I actually used to shock people into silence by daring them to drive their cars into me. "Do it! I fucking dare you! And if you ain't going to do it, shut the fuck up. I'm sick and tired of car drivers who think I'm scared of them. I ain't. I been knocked on my arse plenty of times and all it ever did was make me fighting mad. Now stay 2 seconds off my arse or I WILL see you at the next set of lights and I won't be nearly so polite."
In the end I gave up motorcycling. Um... is there a message in this story? Probably not. Twenty years of motorcycling though... I do recall absolutely loving it. Never mind, I only ever so vaguely miss it now. Sorry I'm just rambling now so I'll stop.
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