We swam and drank beer,
Last summer, just you and me.
Now, alone, I'll die
Modern Weaponry
Gives video game choices
With no reset button
a sleepwalker's trance
through an endless world of death
too tired to wake up
5 - 7 - 5
Haiku are a form of Japanese poetry that are written in three lines with a syllable count of five, seven, five. But don't let that stop you writing whatever you like. There are no fascists here and any contribution you wish to make is welcome. Here we seek the sublime, and if we can't have that, we'll just have a laugh. It's all good.
With the current picture as your inspiration, pile in to the comments and have a go. At the end of the week I pick five and put them on the front page.
As the Japanese say - Let's enjoyment haiku!
wanted: avatar
operator no previ
ous background needed
We swam and drank beer,
Last summer, just you and me.
Now, alone, I'll die
der schutte
Here are a few random thoughts
Occupied village
In far away land hosts a
Mexican stand off.
Modern Weaponry
Gives video game choices
With no reset button
The end of the road
Death amongst the autumn leaves
The village lives on
Quiet times with friends
And years of intense study
Led to this moment.
He gives his body
As a weapon of the war
Will we see reason?
a sleepwalker's trance
through an endless world of death
too tired to wake up
I just wrote out a long explanation and the library's new re-login ate it. Sometimes I really fucking hate this place.
Take II
I've rejigged the haiku blog back to how it used to be to begin with. The experiment of me attempting to make it all less about me came a cropper and quite right too. If I'm going to do the blog then I should just damn well do the blog.
So! I'll look after it all and I'll put up a new pic each week. Still, if anyone wants to send me a pic, or point me at a pic on the net, please do. No promises but it's likelier than not that I'll use it.
Then at the end of the week I, as great sage and equal of heaven, will select the best five. I understand that inherent within this process is the possibility for people to get their noses out of joint. I recommend no one make too much of being left out, due to, a) me being a capricious whimsical bastard, b) the calibre of the competition, and c) the likelihood of idiotic criteria.
As a frinstance on the last one, I actually had the Schutte's Van Gogh effort on the front page for last week (since I liked it a lot) but ditched it because its title made it a visual odd man out. I'm sure the Schutte won't mind since he's very very good at this and will doubtless be in next week.
Is that cool? Frankly it's a tiny change and will make very little difference to anything. Everyone carry on.
Oh, and my old policy of never including my own? Bugger that, I'll whack 'em in if they're good. Mind you I've had weeks here where I liked everyone else's haiku better than mine so no doubt there'll be occasions where I don't get in.
I shouldn’t need to tell you this but obviously I do; compose in Word or Open Office, save file, C&P to Blogspot. I don’t know how you could forget this. Did I just come over as an insufferable twat? Probably the best insufferable twat in the world. ;-)
Actually it's simpler than that. All I have to do is select the text and control c. It's not like I crash or anything. I can be back to the correct window in one second, cut, paste, done.
The problem is the newness of the arrangement. And the pointlessness of it! It's almost like it's been purpose made to cause people to lose ten minutes worth of work.
Actually the even easier option is simply to pop open a new window every couple of minutes. That's all it takes. But thanks anyway mate. Yoroshiku.
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