Fates divine union
a child born from warring tribes
he chooses wisely
Dignity remains
First nation spirits have flown
Gone, not forgotten
what words can arise
upon seeing this wisdom
just thank you, and sorry
Did cities once rise
Now long forgotten and lost?
What songs did they sing?
calm yet fierce, he stands
waiting for the Great Spirit
bewildered absence
Dignity remains
First nation sprits have flown
Gone, not forgotten
Fates divine union
a child born from warring tribes
he chooses wisely
what words can arise
upon seeing this wisdom
except for thank you
and sorry
oh dear she broke the rules yet again/
Hullo Destiny, I got your message and raced over to see what you were talking about but here's your haiku no problem. And it's very good!
But never mind that, Cruachan wrote one that I liked a lot (nice to have you drop in Cruachan) but now that's disappeared!
All I can say is that it's not my fault. Well it is my fault given that I turned comment moderation back on at the church blog. Somehow this magically disappeared (then reappeared then disappeared etc etc ad nauseam) all comments over there, mine included.
But as to why that should ripple over into the haiku blog is a complete mystery. Anyway I gave in yesterday and ran screaming, hoping that it might come good today. And it did! Go figure. So I'm guessing we just carry on.
Cruachan, do you still have your haiku? Do you want to repost it? Please?
Otherwise apologies to whoever else might be out there that thinks I deleted their haiku. Honestly, I'm not that variety of malicious fellow.
I'm another variety, ha ha.
lol Now come on NB your not trying to imply someone is concocting a vile conspiracy against you - are you ? ;) Actually I do believe you I just went over to a friends blog and she just lost all of her comments as well :) and well quite frankly that made me feel like a piece of shit lol what with my childish stroppy outburst and all -so my sincerest apology to ya ;)
No worries Destiny. It's the kind of thing that's bound to happen when regular human interaction gets filtered through a computer.
Otherwise, you're obviously familiar with Quanah Parker yeah?
I am familiar with a few of the Native American leaders - I am fascinated by their history / myths and prophecies which I think were based on good observation and common sense - I really loved your picture choice for this haiku
Did cities once rise
Now long forgotten and lost?
What songs did they sing?
der schutte
Phwooar, good haiku this week. It looks like I'm the slacker now...
a sea with no shore
and unfathomable depth
still as a mirror
calm yet fierce, he stands
waiting for the Great Spirit
bewildered absence
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