effortlessly i sow
miraculously crops grow
this divine life flow
the cold autumn sun
shimmering the field to sleep
man oblivious
the sun a halo
sanctifying the sower
and blessing his work
"The field is purple,
and dude, the sky is, like, green!
or am I just high?"
I love two painters
van Gogh is my favourite
Constable comes next
(Phwooar! scraped it in to the fifth spot Tony!)
I love two painters
van Gogh is my favourite
Constable comes next
I really dislike
Picasso extremely so
A fake by any name
Just thought I'd let you know
Tony! You've written not one hake but two! Blow me down. As for Picasso, there's a lot to him, certainly a lot more than cubism alone. His blue period has a universal appeal and I saw his minotaur series when they came to the Gallery of NSW and it was fabulous. You could use lots of words to describe him but 'fake' would have to be well down the list.
seeds, earth, and earth, seeds
now that I've introduced you
I hope you get on
For those who didn't know this painting is entitled 'The Sower'.
Today is solstice,
From now on days are shorter,
It's time to plant squash.
der schutte
Tomato's and Okra,
Tonight I roast the new beets,
and drink my own beer.
der Schutte
the cold autumn sun
shimmering the field to sleep
man oblivious
"The field is purple,
and dude, the sky is, like, green!
or am I just high?"
der schutte
Nobs, he (PP) couldn't even draw hands properly.
In my head he and Kiss (the people) go together. And I like Kiss' music.
Okay Tony I promise not to buy you a Picasso for Xmas. But I only do that provided, if you do happen to come across one, that you give it to me. That's fair isn't it?
Nice one John. And the Schutte. And Roast Beet Beer is it? Hmm...
Kevin Rudd has gone
His tax bit him in the arse
Long live Julia
the sun a halo
sanctifying the sower
and blessing his work
I dont know about beets in beer. I have had success with apple juice and guavas and lilikoi. Planning my october pumpkin beer, but lately I caramelized two pounds of organic sugar, nice and dark and made a caramel belgian triple. Umm, it is pretty wild and very strong and there are zombies at the door asking for more.
der Schutte
Hee Hee. Honestly mate, you have to keep the human brain tissue out of the beer. I've always thought that that should be rule #1 in any guide to beermaking.
Otherwise, a caramel Belgian triple? Is that anything like those old Kawasaki 750 triples? They were 2 strokes, had a neck-snapping throttle, and weren't called widowmakers for nothin'. Ha!
effortlessly i sow
miraculously crops grow
this divine life flow
effortlessly i sow
miraculously crops grow
this divine life flows
ha ha sneaky thing told me i had got the veri word wrong and so i reentered and voila this superb piece twice.
don't know about beetroot and beer but if anyone ever has piles a few glasses of this pungent veg will knock them out.
Su that was definitely worth reading twice, if that is not a front pager I will eat my hat!
Re Belgian beer, although the word is never used a single is regarded as 3% abv and doubles and triples are multiples of this. Before I came to Belgium I was told that I had to drink Duvel whilst I was here which is an 8% er. Duvel means Devil and I was told that after 2 or 3 I would see the Devil but it is not true, you need much more than this. Although I am willing to stand corrected on this I believe the strongest beer is called Bush which is 12%. It is secondary fermented in the bottle and if you tip the bottle completely out you get a yeasty sludge which is not to be recommended. Most of the medium strength beers are brewed by commercial breweries and the most of the strongest beers are brewed by Trapist Monks.
Shucks blush blush.
Onya you two. I didn't replace this pic on Saturday because I knew it had some life left in it yet. And I was right!
Thanks FB and thanks for that tip Su. Not for me of course. I have... a friend who is afflicted with the, um... aforementioned, and I'm sure I can speak for him (my friend) in saying that he'll definitely give that a try. Beetroot juice is it? They do a decent beetroot blend down at what passes for this town's health-food cafe. And no doubt he'll go there. On my say-so etc. Did I make it clear it was a friend? Oh look! Some people! Walking on the street. Fascinating.
FB You didn't write us a haiku mate. And the pic is your neck of the woods too. On your head be it - Tony wangles the front page!
Thank you Nobody
Is most gracious of you
To allow me fame
Ha ha ha.
With fame like that
who needs complete obscurity?
'Nobody? Tony who?'
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