the blinding whiteness
makes me turn my face away
we wait on the beach
salty lips
sand between toes
sun on my back
a warm summer breeze
libations and vibrations
oh, take me away
Bondi Bondage a
Desire for high entropy
The rest free for me
the bodysurfer
waiting for the perfect wave
then three strokes and go
Even though there weren't so many haiku last week I enjoyed it. And no one will be surprised by this week's photo will they? Inevitable really.
past the horizon,
the world coming to an end.
and here? gentle waves.
oh joyous of joys
the warm caress of the sun
cancer in old age
beauty and quiet overrun, despoiled
squawking boxes and children
how desperate one must be
to want this crowded din
sucky, but conveys my *nosecrinkle*
only other thing that fits for me....as descriptor...naked seal rookery.
um... this is more like my idea of beach...
Masses of humans
Thinking that's a vacation!
A mass barbecue.
Waikiki sunsets,
drinks with paper umbrellas,
Birkenstock sandles
der schutte
To be honest, I don't really do the beach thing as such. Sure I go there but I instantly hit the water, do a strict 20 minutes of bodysurfing, and then leave directly. What with every single person in my family getting skin cancers cut out of them I'm pretty paranoid about the sun. And not that I ever checked but I'm pretty sure that all those people lying on the beach at Bondi are Europeans. No skin cancer there!
the bodysurfer
waiting for the perfect wave
then three strokes and go
Bondi Bondage a
Desire for high entropy
The rest free for me
Gregariousness an idea
I run away from
The haiku didn’t really work for me this time :-/
one drunk summer night
skinny dipping in the waves
kissed a Chinese girl
der schutte
Hey nobs, have you got one of mine in your garbage can. Admittedly it was not a particularly good effort but it went up then disappeared and now I have deleted the original. Or maybe it was bloggers shenanigans
One second...
Sorry mate, nothing in the spam folder. But lately blogger has been pulling some weird monkey business. It's declared itself 'closed' or somesuch for the last three days or so. That's not just me is it?
No mate it's not just you, maybe they have been invaded by spooks.
It is also the devil to get the visual verification up. There is a dialogue box with the words "visual Verification" in it but nothing else. You have to reload the page many times to get anything sensible. Hey ho.
where land meats water
a cult of son warshippers
flounder, butt out, leave
where land meats water
a cult of son warshippers
flounder, burn, butt out
elusive escape
from technology and ads
till the planes swoop down
a warm summer breeze
libations and vibrations
oh, take me away
It sure doesn't like me this week it has eaten another one of mine :-/
ate one of mine too. Probably the best haiku I ever wrote
Sorry boys and girls, back again now. And yeah, I checked the spam folder again just now and the only thing in there was your comment FB about how it wasn't just me. Anyway, weirdness. We shake our fist at the blogger gods.
And John! Inspired! Very good.
As for weirdness and lost haiku, go on the Schutte, have another go. Oh wait, what are you talking about? You did write a haiku:
ate one of mine too.
Probably the best haiku
I ever wrote. schutte
Ha ha ha.
der schutte
Naked Euro girls
Swarm beaches, speak German,
Kai can't wait to go.
der schutte
less than two weeks till I take my son to Europe for his first trip. He just discovered a website that show pictures of sunbathers in euro beaches and he is beside himself with desire to get there.
That's why Americans wear board shorts (even when they don't ride boards). It's because of the woodies they get at the thought of topless girls on beaches. In Australia, of course, every beach is topless so we're well used to it. And the Euros of course...
Anyway, finally the mystery solved.
And not that his raging teen hormones will pay any attention but tell Kai that it's not that big a deal.
Hi nobs,
here my interpretation of the Bondi pic..Overwhelming homesickness...
"Salty Lips.
sand between toes,
Sun on my back.
fresh exhillaration entering the swell.
Avioding the others i make my way through the crashing waves,
to where the blue sky and blue water meet like lovers.
The noise of the waves, the ride and the break,
back to shore then over again"
Then these Lyrics come to mind..
It's a long way from Chatswood to the top of the gulf
I'll be hitching pacific when the morning sun's up
It's mile after mile on the long coast road
Smell of frangipani ocean sky blue"
Cheers A13
Hey A, exactly. Weirdly enough your first three lines were more or less a haiku. And quite a good one, ha ha
New picture soon.
I always go topless on the beach, except when I have my T shirt on. Sure hope Kai doesn’t get too wound up over that thought ;;-)
I Haven’t been into any sites for over a week now. Wifey managed to blow up two hard drives simultaneously on the desktop. I put it down to class, I couldn’t have done it. We didn’t even get as far as a BSOD just a black screen telling her to press F2 for the BIOS or F12 if she was feeling lucky. She had her hands open and that put your coffee down and get this fixed look on her face. For now I am using her little 12 inch screen laptop which really isn’t all that bad and probably has as much on it as the desktop. For now I am kicking my heels and waiting for the techie to deliver my new shiny laptop with a 17 inch screen and six gigs of working memory. My, how times change so quickly. Anyway, there is a lesson in backing stuff up on the slave drive. Now I have to use my own working memory to guess what I had installed. Still if it doesn’t spring to mind then I don’t need it, huh.
Btw, my missing meagre efforts found their way onto your site in the intervening week. I think I must have offended the gods.
Um, okay... they must have been diverted through the old 128Kb network that's soon to be our lot. Anyway better late than never.
And backing up! I never bothered till lately (ie. I started nobody) but you can buy a little playing-card-pack terabyte hard disc (powered entirely by USB) for a hundred bucks oz. They are sexy little boogers.
the blinding whiteness
makes me turn my face away
we wait on the beach
Coconut oil
Cigarette smoke
1980's holiday music
Hee Hee, two good ones. Hullo John, nice of you to take time out from your bluebelling. And A13, very good, you can do this. My advice (feel free to ignore it - the best here do) but if your middle line was your last you'd be a whisker off the 5-7-5 syllable count.
Cheers nobody. All the bluebells are gone here now as is the hawthorn blossom. Mind you I did see a Ring Ouzel the other day, never seen one round here before.
Yay! A Ring Ouzel? I just looked it up. Great name - ouzel - very ancient. Speaking of birds, I had a good weekend. I went to a mate's property in the country and saw two new birds. The first in years! And they were handsome boogers too - the Eastern Spinebill and the scarlet robin. Hmm... I just checked that last wikipedia page and its pix are a bit ordinary. Perhaps this.
Wow, yes that last photo really shows the colours. have a good weekend.
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