years of hardship
dissolved into this moment
the ground falls away
many years of toil
now it is your turn to fly
don't forget to breathe
Perfect poise in space
Five make a baby’s mobile
Art instilled from birth
this body developed
toned, shaped, stretched, enlivened
by an exceptional mind
hey you beautiful
your body as a token of you
do a dance on me
Thanks everyone for last week's effort. I thought it was marvellous. Apologies to those who didn't get on the front page. There were so many good ones I was sorely tempted to break the '5' rule and just whack them all up but that seemed a bit silly. Instead I stuck to my role as arbitrary but well-meaning fascist and chose. Sure enough the power went to my head, but then again maybe I just stood up too fast and got a bit dizzy. Low blood pressure will do that to you.
Otherwise, has everyone seen Mao's Last Dancer by Bruce Beresford? What with it being on Foxtel I saw it any number of times and completely fell in love with it. The last two scenes comprising the ending are note-perfect, a real heartbreaker. Anyway... here's a pic of the chap whose autobiography it is, Li Cunxin. He's very good isn't he? Enough to make me wish I'd done ballet. Maybe I still can? It's not too late to start ballet when you're nearly fifty is it? Nah!
no past or future
gravity an abstraction
transcended in dance
No fancy words here. Simply a lovely rendition of a male dancer/athlete dancing/flying and captured in full graceful extension. Well balanced, subtle (and not so much) highlighting to guide the eye to body parts of interest.
One of the nicest male drawings I have seen in years.
Hullo Noor, lovely to have you pop in. And speaking of photos, yours isn't bad either. Is that really you? Actually don't tell us, you'll spoil it.
Silliness aside, if you like this pic I'm pretty sure you'll like the movie. Oh, and I should've mentioned that rather than get actors and teach them dancing (ie. Black Swan), for Mao's Last Dancer Beresford got real dancers and had them act. Sure enough dancers are better at acting than actors are at dancing. You hear that Natalie Portman? Ha!
non haiku but I thought that black swan was stupid.
Really stupid.
But, that's just me.
not just you, penny. me and a dear friend were the only ones of some hundreds of ppl in the theater laughing our asses off for natalie portman not acting, camera man trying to cover for her not dancing, and all the obvious let's abuse the child within natalie until the kingdom comes scenes. and oh how they prioritized in putting money to unnecessary special effects such as a weird std of natalie's and thus only afforded to film a movie set in new york on the streets of new york for less than two minutes. I really could go on and on about this, but then again, who's surprised that hollywood products nowadays suck? or maybe it is just natalie portman.
hey you beautiful
your body as a token of you
do a dance on me
Hee Hee, very good P. As for Black Swan, from what I understand it's all about mind control - twins, mirrors, all that stuff. I haven't seen it, mind you. I just read about it. I might watch it when I can get it for free.
years of hardship
dissolved into this moment
the ground falls away
Be not ashamed,
men who Like Ballet and Drink Pints
Stand proud ye LIBDRIPS!
Perfect poise in space
Five make a baby’s mobile
Art instilled from birth
I liked your haiku Nobby
Having been a gymnastic coach way back when, I thought I'd fashion mine after yours.
many years of toil
now it is your turn to fly
don't forget to breathe
Hullo anon, well that's a bit spooky since that haiku started out with variations of inhale/exhale but it took up too much space so I chucked it out. Yours works much better.
Hey FB, you know, it would make a great mobile.
...black swan..
***nose crinkle****
i'll take 'the turning point' w/bancroft/mcclaine any day....
hope you're doin well noby :)
Aargh, take two. The Chinatown library connection just ate my comment.
Er... hello Kikz! Yes, I'm well enough. I've progressed from sofas to spare rooms to an empty apartment I'm currently minding. This whilst I wait for the bureaucracy to spit out the Kafka-esque hairball they currently have stuck in their throat that prevents them from giving me my licence back. It should be sorted shortly.
Otherwise I'm on tenterhooks waiting to see if I score a caretaker's gig at the property of this rich cove who needs someone to look after his horses and chickens etc. He works in the city and gets down there every other weekend or so. I've never met him but my mother knows his mother it seems. Anyway it's marvellously isolated and otherwise in a nice part of Oz. If I get that it would be ideal. Fingers crossed.
I hope he is not Jewish!
Aussies in Speedos
on white Hawaiian beaches,
Huge hilarity.
der schutte
this body developed
toned, shaped, stretched, enlivened
by an exceptional mind
Thank you the Schutte - for those who don't get it, the subject of that haiku is me. I visited Hawaii and imagined that I could wear my speedos and that the Americans (all of whom are possessed of a really perverse hang-up about speedos) would eventually tire of cracking jokes about them.
But I was wrong! I completely underestimated their ability to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about what is easily the most sensible beachwear ever invented.
In Australia, which is quite possibly the most 'beach' nation in the world, we just wore them and no one so much as batted an eyelid. Perhaps Americans all have small willies and are embarassed about it? Who knows? Anyway, I eventually gave up and wore board shorts.
And sure enough now in Oz, what with the saturation of American TV shows teaching everyone how to be American, it's all changed. Whilst no one is actually brave enough to say anything on the beach proper, bravery is always augmented by being in a car and driving away.
But whatever! Hawaii was fabulous, the wedding was brilliant, and we all had a marvellous time.
And hey FB, seriously mate, like that was ever going to happen. Mind you, this will be a real test of my ability to do the old yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir. Actually now that I think about it, it could all come to a grinding halt when I tell them I want to be paid in cash. Anyway we'll see what happens.
Off now, ciao ciao. New pic tomorrow perhaps.
Oh, and nice one Su, I actually wondered how to get 'mind' into it and gave up.
soitenly! IF a joke is funny once in HAwaii, it is funny a 1000 times.
der schutte
well.. on second thought...
no haiku.. but..
snickerz... >:)
sorry, but if everybody that put on a speedo look'd like that dude, it would be ok.. but.. large pit bull/bearz covered in gut omentum/back hair just give me the shudderz!!!!!!!
keepin my fingerz crossed on your possible gig noby!
glad to hear thingz are lookin up!
oh and.. p.s. NOOR?
is that jpg a still frm the movie Kingdom of Heaven?
it is beautiful, where'er it's frm :)
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