Sad and all alone,
No one I can call my own.
Why don't girls like me?
You rage on Stoney
Careful where you point that gun
You may off someone
as they say in France
'appyniss is a warm gun
bang bang, shoot shoot, yeah
so what do ya want
more population control
squeeze the trigger, man
Get away from me
with those damn rusty scissors
and that dull razor
Don't ask me man. I found it on the net and I can't even remember what I was searching for.
puke puke puke puke puke
barf barf barf barf barf barf
hurl hurl hurl hurl hurl
Sad and all alone,
No one I can call my own.
Why don't girls like me?
der schutte
Ha ha ha, the Schutte - why isn't that a song mate?
Just popped to see what was going on but I will be away from the computer for best part of another week. I am not even going to try a Haiku on this one since I know who the guy is. When I first saw the picture I thought how fucking sad and unfortunate since he is quite an articulate guy really; a veteran navy seal and a bit in your face when he feels threatened but a nice guy underneath all that. This is some of his other stuff.
De Schutte interpreted the as is picture spot on but all I can say is it is not typical of the internet guy I know, he is happily married with a grown up boy. He is also a half breed Cherokee Indian but not the same one who introduced me in to Native ways. When I first saw the picture I wondered why he ever put it up but life is strange.
FB do you know how mad that is? In a world of six billion, a man in Australia finds a funny photo of an American and a fellow in Belgium says, 'I know him'. What are the odds? It's like Magnolia comes to life.
And now you've spoiled the party! Mind you, it wasn't much of a party. Just me and the Schutte sitting on a beer each and Su being sick in the corner, ha ha.
You rage on Stoney
Careful where you point that gun
You may off someone
as they say in France
'appyniss is a warm gun
bang bang, shoot shoot, yeah
so what do ya want
more population control
squeeze the trigger, man
Get away from me
with those damn rusty scissors
and that dull razor
Yes! I think that is Stoney, FB! Despite the picture, he is the best! He may be a maniac, but he's OUR maniac...part of the Trout Clan. Funny, articulate,talented & warm-hearted. I'll attempt a haiku:
Crazed Cherokee S.E.A.L.
protective and nurturing
glad he's on our side
thanks for that - gone from puking to gratitude.
i saw fat and guns
and mind spun out the rest
upon correction - heart sees love
su - that' kinda a little miracle, isn't it?
Umm.... reality check from the left.
Go back and look at this putz, I do not care whos buddy he is. Do I see automatic weapons? Is that a real uzi or a fake uzi? Is a fake uzi any more retarded than a real uzi? (yes for the same reason a porsche with automatic is more retarded than one with four on the floor)Has anyone ever read Freud? Jung? Glasser? They all talk about this guy. He was a SEAL? that makes him less a dick or more of a dick?(It was ok that Oswald murdered kennedy because he was afterall, a marine? No it is more horrific because he was trained for hatred and murder.) Either a person is part of the problem or part of the solution.
He is not on my side. It is obvious, he is posing with a gun collection, that puts him directly NOT on my side. EVER. (and what is this non sequiter about being part cherokee? That makes it better? Would it be worse if he were arab? Oh yeah, I forgot, I guess in todays political climate it certainly is always worse to be arab no matter what the situation.)
nope not on my side.
der schutte
Well, it seems that this is NOT Stoney after all. He looked it up and wrote to me that it is not him. Very sorry for the confusion, folks.
Oh dear, it seems this nice little Haiku site has turned into a political forum. Not only that but I have unwittingly put myself into the position of having to defend someone else’s point of view which is never good.
Firstly, I have seen this picture before and in my mind I associated it with Stoney but he has been contacted and he says it is not him so I hold my hands up for my mistake. In my original comment I described the person in the picture as sad and unfortunate and I still stand by that. The deliberate posing with guns and the rock guitars definitely puts the subject into the Joe Six Pack mentality class.
Let’s talk about the real Stoney. If it was him then it would be a real Uzi. This begs the question of are guns in the hands of the public a good or bad thing? Personally I do not own one and take the view that it was better they had never been invented but since they have they should only be used sparingly to provide food for the pot. We do not however live in an ideal world and it is generally known that in the USA particularly and overall generally, governments do not represent the interests of those who elect them. When people take to the streets to protest their dissatisfaction with the direction the government is taking the citizenry, as in the case of Seattle or Miami, then the government response to protect itself and those it truly represents is overwhelming. Compare that with the recent protests in Kazakhstan when beetle clad robocops confronted a body of students. As the police prepared to charge, the crowd opened up to reveal a single guy holding a machine gun at the ready. It didn’t take long for the cops to stop drumming their truncheons on their shields and start falling over each other in their attempts to get away. Does this make it right? I sure don’t think it is right such a situation should ever come about but it does level the playing field somewhat. Also I have read that those Jews in the Polish ghettos in the early 40’s that were armed fared a lot better than those that weren’t.
As for being a SEAL, I of course cannot speak for Stoney but my personal view is that we all do things in youth that we would take a different view on in later life. He has on numerous occasions stated that he would willingly fight to defend the constitution to which he swore allegiance but would not fight to protect any particular administration. Is this a bad or wrong thinking position?
You have opened up a can of worms with Oswald. Which of the two Oswalds supposedly killed Kennedy, the real one or the Russian one and was the shot possible from that particular window in the book depository? In the fullness of time it appears that Oswald was a CIA asset (patsy) in the same way that Bin Laden was.
The Cherokee thing was gratuitous information on my part but on reflection I suppose I was trying to convey the Native American sentiment of taking only from the Earth that which is needed and not what is wanted to support an unsustainable lifestyle. The Native Americans have already been dealt with, so far as the Arabs in particular and Muslims in general go I guess that it is just unlucky it happens to be their turn.
Anyway since it is not Stoney in the picture I can only apologise for any inconvenience caused etc, etc, etc and come clean and call whoever it really is a no brainer.
Oh dear, it seems this nice little Haiku site has turned into a political forum. Not only that but I have unwittingly put myself into the position of having to defend someone else’s point of view which is never good.
Firstly, I have seen this picture before and in my mind I associated it with Stoney but he has been contacted and he says it is not him so I hold my hands up for my mistake. In my original comment I described the person in the picture as sad and unfortunate and I still stand by that. The deliberate posing with guns and the rock guitars definitely puts the subject into the Joe Six Pack mentality class.
Let’s talk about the real Stoney. If it was him then it would be a real Uzi. This begs the question of are guns in the hands of the public a good or bad thing? Personally I do not own one and take the view that it was better they had never been invented but since they have they should only be used sparingly to provide food for the pot. We do not however live in an ideal world and it is generally known that in the USA particularly and overall generally, governments do not represent the interests of those who elect them. When people take to the streets to protest their dissatisfaction with the direction the government is taking the citizenry, as in the case of Seattle or Miami, then the government response to protect itself and those it truly represents is overwhelming. Compare that with the recent protests in Kazakhstan when beetle clad robocops confronted a body of students. As the police prepared to charge, the crowd opened up to reveal a single guy holding a machine gun at the ready. It didn’t take long for the cops to stop drumming their truncheons on their shields and start falling over each other in their attempts to get away. Does this make it right? I sure don’t think it is right such a situation should ever come about but it does level the playing field somewhat. Also I have read that those Jews in the Polish ghettos in the early 40’s that were armed fared a lot better than those that weren’t.
As for being a SEAL, I of course cannot speak for Stoney but my personal view is that we all do things in youth that we would take a different view on in later life. He has on numerous occasions stated that he would willingly fight to defend the constitution to which he swore allegiance but would not fight to protect any particular administration. Is this a bad or wrong thinking position?
You have opened up a can of worms with Oswald. Which of the two Oswalds supposedly killed Kennedy, the real one or the Russian one and was the shot possible from that particular window in the book depository? In the fullness of time it appears that Oswald was a CIA asset (patsy) in the same way that Bin Laden was.
The Cherokee thing was gratuitous information on my part but on reflection I suppose I was trying to convey the Native American sentiment of taking only from the Earth that which is needed and not what is wanted to support an unsustainable lifestyle. The Native Americans have already been dealt with, so far as the Arabs in particular and Muslims in general go I guess that it is just unlucky it happens to be their turn.
Anyway since it is not Stoney in the picture I can only apologise for any inconvenience caused etc, etc, etc and come clean and call whoever it really is a no brainer.
Oh dear, it seems this nice little Haiku site has turned into a political forum. Not only that but I have unwittingly put myself into the position of having to defend someone else’s point of view which is never good.
Firstly, I have seen this picture before and in my mind I associated it with Stoney but he has been contacted and he says it is not him so I hold my hands up for my mistake. In my original comment I described the person in the picture as sad and unfortunate and I still stand by that. The deliberate posing with guns and the rock guitars definitely puts the subject into the Joe Six Pack mentality class.
Let’s talk about the real Stoney. If it was him then it would be a real Uzi. This begs the question of are guns in the hands of the public a good or bad thing? Personally I do not own one and take the view that it was better they had never been invented but since they have they should only be used sparingly to provide food for the pot. We do not however live in an ideal world and it is generally known that in the USA particularly and overall generally, governments do not represent the interests of those who elect them. When people take to the streets to protest their dissatisfaction with the direction the government is taking the citizenry, as in the case of Seattle or Miami, then the government response to protect itself and those it truly represents is overwhelming. Compare that with the recent protests in Kazakhstan when beetle clad robocops confronted a body of students. As the police prepared to charge, the crowd opened up to reveal a single guy holding a machine gun at the ready. It didn’t take long for the cops to stop drumming their truncheons on their shields and start falling over each other in their attempts to get away. Does this make it right? I sure don’t think it is right such a situation should ever come about but it does level the playing field somewhat. Also I have read that those Jews in the Polish ghettos in the early 40’s that were armed fared a lot better than those that weren’t.
Blogger has gone crazy, It told me twice the request was too large to process so I split it then it has published all attempts :-(
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