Shemales beat the drum
Rhythm and magick abound
Continents connect.
5 - 7 - 5
Haiku are a form of Japanese poetry that are written in three lines with a syllable count of five, seven, five. But don't let that stop you writing whatever you like. There are no fascists here and any contribution you wish to make is welcome. Here we seek the sublime, and if we can't have that, we'll just have a laugh. It's all good.
With the current picture as your inspiration, pile in to the comments and have a go. At the end of the week I pick five and put them on the front page.
As the Japanese say - Let's enjoyment haiku!
Another pic from FB. This is an actual Rorschach inkblot test as made by Rorschach himself. A tad unsubtle I'm thinking...
Shemales beat the drum
Rhythm and magick abound
Continents connect.
Butterfly flutters
Parrots fall in formation
The circle of life
Personally I wouldn't have mentioned that it was a Roraschach test card just to see what everyone made of it. Snide huh! If anyone is curious enough to see what the other nine, (plus this one of course) look like they can be found here.
For me, I think all of them look pretty pelvic so you can make what you will out of that. I think it has more to say about Rorschach than me.
A word of caution though, I have it on good authority that if you decide for whatever reason to interpret the white space rather than the image, than they come round to your house and take you away.
butterfly browed
nostrils, teeth, intensity
staring and waiting
A man is at the psychiatrist's being evaluated.
"I want you to look at these pictures and tell me what you see," says the psychiatrist.
"Ah," said the man, "that's two chicks with dicks."
"And this?"
"That is two midgets copulating with a two headed giraffe."
"And this?"
"Good god! It's two men who have fish for penises and the fish are fellating a fat large breasted man who has three, no wait, five penises. And a vagina."
Says the psychiatrist, "I hate to tell you this but you're obviously obsessed with sex."
Says the man, "I'm obsessed with sex!? You're the guy with the dirty pictures!!"
Pwark, pwark, pwark, pwark, cluck
cluck, cluck, cock-a-doodle-do
Pwark, pwark, pwark, pwark, scratch
Nice one Nobs
Double ended bra?
Or two kissing doves, who cares
The ladies make bread.
That thingy which looks like a vertical washing machine drum in the bottom centre appears to be in perspective, so what everybody including me, assumes to be a phallus could be the ladies other foot. It is surprising what you see when you are not assuming things smutty, swt.
aboriginal grain-pounders or canoe hollowers.. was my first impression.. but the reds don't quite fit into that...
assume wide leg stance
bend at the waist young ladies
catch pink butterfly
word verification: cringen
su! teaspit-allovermonitor!LOL
y, apea.. i did see kissing butterflies.... but...
...and that white space..noted..but i couldn't bring anything into focus.
white spaces are bound
where a cats face is now found
solidly is round
Hee Hee, what fun! I had a laugh from Su and second one at the thought of Kikz ruining her monitor. AP - who knew that inside you was a Japanese minimalist poet trying to get out? Very good.
And Anon, superior effort...
Hey FB, since you're unable, I posted one of yours. Tell me if you have another druther.
(Hmm... it occurs to me that Americans might not be familiar with that: 'druther' derives from 'I'd rather'. Thus 'druthers' are one's preferences. yoroshiku)
No Druther Nobbs there are some superlative efforts here, I wasn't expecting this one to fly. It just goes to show you how wrong one man an be.
i once took a long quiz to find out what dog breed i would be, and the result is shiba inu, ancient japanese breed. so there you go nobs. though actually i'm a horse, but anyway....
Did you know - Japanese dogs don't say woof woof, they say 'One One'.
Probably because they were never taught to count to two. Ha!
No but seriously, that's what they say. And cows say 'Mow' and horses say 'Hee Hee'. Cats say 'Nyah' and roosters say 'Coca co co'. And quite right too.
no i did not know that, but i believe you. it's like the bird watchers have all their little sayings for bird songs. like for instance male bluebirds say cheer, cheer, cheerful, charmer and the cardinal says purdy purdy purdy... whoit, whoit, whoit, whoit.
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