the sins of the past
ruined lives long since ended
all unremembered
5 - 7 - 5
Haiku are a form of Japanese poetry that are written in three lines with a syllable count of five, seven, five. But don't let that stop you writing whatever you like. There are no fascists here and any contribution you wish to make is welcome. Here we seek the sublime, and if we can't have that, we'll just have a laugh. It's all good.
With the current picture as your inspiration, pile in to the comments and have a go. At the end of the week I pick five and put them on the front page.
As the Japanese say - Let's enjoyment haiku!
Apologies -
Sorry FB, your picture defeated me. The art director in me refused to post it as is and every effort I made to fix it just exacerbated the problem. Which is a pity because it was a great pic.
And sorry to everyone who's not Schutte for slinging yet another of his efforts on the front page. And it's barely even on topic! The thing is you see, on topic or no, it's a great bloody haiku, classical really.
Turning things around - read his haiku, now check out this famous Diane Arbus photo. Spooky huh?
Robert Rauschenberg today. I'm a big fan even though I couldn't tell you why. He was part Cherokee you know. Oh, and no, he's not Jewish.
Anyway I can't wait to see what people write for this one. I've no idea, me. Yoroshiku
PS Don't worry about the size. I actually uploaded it at 1000x738. Just click on it for the full rez.
cock a doodle do
birch sittin far from traffic
an ugly collage
the sins of the past
ruined lives long since ended
all unremembered
....such decisions
Can’t win them all Nobby, trying is what counts ;-)
Colonial house
Fifty’s soft porn, sons report
GH really cares.
Not a haiku this time and not trying to be outdone or show off – really, I just thought I would pass on some totally gratuitous information. Montana Freeman, a half breed Cherokee and contributor on some blogs, unfortunately not here or the Church was so taken with some of my meanderings that he held a secret ceremony with some of his indigenous brothers and made lil ol me into an adopted Cherokee. How about that! I have the given name of Spirit Across the Sea. On some other blogs I contribute to you may see me referred to as FB; Belgium or SATS, all are used interchangeably. I have an old keyboard stored away somewhere which I converted to the Cherokee Sylabry. I just plug it in and type away in Cherokee. I knew the sylabry at one time but have forgotten it now, sure seems time I should brush up. And as you already knew I am not Jewish either. Anyway, I regard it as quite an honour, there can’t be too many other Cherokees living in Belgium.
I will send you another picky which should not be quite so challenging.
Cool. I'm a full-blooded Gael myself. Which is to say 'Irish'. It sounds better as Gael doesn't it? Oh well...
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