plato drank deeply
the naked flame
knowing shadows lie
weather cooling now
grilled veggies, shrimp, hamburgers
and Sam Adams Beer
The flames kindle my imagination
There a face, there a dinosaur
trans-FORM flames,
track lights for bodies levels
like a thunderbolt.
Cold and dark at bay.
Warm now but in the morning
Footprint in the ash.
Huddled together
Backs to the wind and weather
The gift of fire warms
Fire, crackles and spits
Images rise and fall free
Near, the air is warm
Throw all my papers
on the fire of frustration
smiling as they burn
If you click on it you can see it at a higher rez.
plato drank deeply
the naked flame
knowing shadows lie
weather cooling now
grilled veggies,shrimp,hamburgers
and Sam Adams Beer
The flames kindle my imagination
There a face, there a dinosaur
trans-FORM flames,
track lights for bodies levels
like a thunderbolt.
Cold and dark at bay.
Warm now but in the morning
Footprint in the ash.
happiness is a warm gun
bang bang
shoot shoot
nah that isn't my haiku, but, it was on my mind with this pic, I'll be back!
How marvellous, nice to see people back again.
And it seems like I'm the slowpoke now. I'm having trouble jamming my ideas into 17 syllables. Honestly how do write a haiku when words like 'illumination' take up a whole line? Aargh.
Gathered close in the
night, humanity awaits Ra's
mighty chariot
Huddled together
Backs to the wind and weather
The gift of fire warms
...and Kikz, despite my most literal of efforts, your first remains the most brilliant by at least an order of magnitude. Bravo.
Fire, crackles and spits
Images rise and fall free
Near, the air is warm
~ Buffy (belated)
Oh and I'm sorry I missed the Van Gogh - I really love his work and the time I spent at the Museum in Amsterdam!
Yeah, kikz might want to keep in mind that if she gets too good at this we'll gang up and kill her. That'll teach her to mess with the Salieri Gang! Vicious mediocrities, we!
Hey Buff, don't worry, write a haiku for Vincent and I'll whack it on the front page regardless. The only problem with this is that I don't trawl back through the old comments looking for new stuff. On my other blogs, the comments are arranged such that I'm notified if someone has submitted to something old. Every now and then someone does this and whomever it is and I have a chat in what is effectively the boonies. It's all good. But here the only way that'll happen is if you drop us a not at the latest entry. Feel free.
We watch mesmerised.
Creation and destruction,
our sense of time gone.
Gently dancing flames
and hypnotic orange coals.
Who needs a TV?
I won't truly start "worrying" about kikz until she finds those three missing syllables. And the worry won't be for me and my reputation, but hers... =)
Nothing stands one out from the crowd faster than the ability to write good and meaningful poetry.
She'll have much bigger fish to worry about than we -- the other lowly poets -- by then.
And kill her Nob-y?
It's your private universe my good man, but on the contrary, I suspect we'll have to come up with some sort of ad hoc initiation ritual. Now where does one find virtual chicken entrails?
Now, shall we dance?
Plato drank deeply
the naked quivering flame
knowing shadows lie
ancestors of man
warming mind body and soul
nature's pyrrhic gift
Just joking kikz, you know that.
Otherwise Miraculix, where do we find virtual chicken entrails? In a virtual chicken, natch!
Also I was about to suggest 'wobbly' but I think 'quivering' is better. More poetical.
Gee, I am in a silly mood today...
miraculix, re: ‘Nothing stands one out from the crowd faster than the ability to write good and meaningful poetry.’
I'd rather pee on an electric fence than read a poem mate
As our good fiend applewhatsis would say 'good' is subjective
Although I do like the poem Our Cow
:P) to ya'z >:)
i would intone... roolz/schmoolz, but i'm makin conscious effort to banish all yid frm my linguistic repertoire.
do i look like i count syllables? blinkblink?
figure i'm doin if they don't rhyme...
but thanks y'all. even if it's not technically haiku.... i hope it's evocative or halfass'd entertainin':)
initiation? aww cummon..wasn't 9/11 and 8bloody yrs under the bush regime enuff?!
::opens lid on huge trunk and starts diggin::
wizard hat, garuda masks, sarong, g.i. jane camo's & a boonie, grass skirt, pashmina shawl, coolie hat, wedding dress, chain mail bellydance belt covered in tiny bells......man o.. the kids left this in a mess........
hmmmm... chicken entrailz??..... soundz like santeria.
got all sortza goodiez in my gris-gris collection....but nothin that messy.
maybe some flora/fauna frm one of my seashell collection jars?
alligator gar tooth or shark...?
molluccan, peacock, jay or owl feathers?...
i know... shed skin of rat snake, or diamondback rattler hide... cicada hulls? annole egg? mistletoe berry? mayan pyramid dust? pufferfish fin? horseshoe crab/egg cluster? deer moss? 20yr old pot seeds?
monarch wings or luna moth chrysalis?
no wonder my kids think i'm crazy. swearta the godz.. i do hav that stuff scattered round the house in various places. :) never really thought bout it til now. :)
"I'd rather pee on an electric fence than read a poem mate"
Then WTF are you doing postin' here mate? =)
Your prejudice against poetry notwithstanding, I suspect you've just been unfortunate to only experience the cliche crap that passes for poetry in most high school lit classes, replete with sloppy rhyme and sloppier sentiments.
I also suspect you've just never experienced the true power of such things -- at least not in full awareness. Ever pump your fist and sing along to a great rock lyric? Or croon along to a superior bit of balladry? There you have it.
Poetry -- good or otherwise -- isn't just sappy greeting cards and love letters. Far from it. Try on a little Type O Negative or Mötörhead for size and let me know if you're still of the same mind once your ears stop ringing... =)
Throw all my papers
on the fire of frustration
smiling as they burn
mooooo tony!
how bout...
the naked eternal flame
Yes, Moo kikz (and I even turned my head to look over at you when I did that)
I re discovered this bloke when I was looking for some poetry for my kids when they were young. I first ran across him in about 5th grade - his Hist! was in a school magazine (so you are right there lectrolux)
Everyone is being cool, yes? Very good. Never mind Tony stirring the pot. And Tony, we don't wish to know your sexual proclivities mate. I found it quite 'shocking'. Groan. Otherwise, it's a wonder the neighbours don't see you and call the police, ha ha.
In the far paddock,
Tony communes with nature.
OW! F%*あ#! ∂#*%! ぬ@#!!
Nice one Pen, it made me smile. Whereas kikz made me laugh. And I love my sarong I tell ya. It's not sarong weather here yet, but nearly.
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