lilitu sighed
as the dark moon was come
ready my pets
soon we fly
Everything on Earth
cycles together, we are
a brief mutation.
An experiment
in natural selection,
but still imperfect.
Vague symbolism
abounds deep in the heart of
deepest darkest man
Bring me a wheel of
oaken wood and a rein of
polished leather my dear
A note announces
That a Lion is coming
Wind rises for storm
Laying in the yard
In my birthday suit, so bare
And all becomes one
Eve in the garden
lush greens and all kinds of beasts
But, where is Adam?
Gardens drip colours
Leaking into forms
i prefer her sumerian name :)
lilitu sighed
as the dark moon was come
ready my pets
soon we fly
Heeen-ri! this thing
wouldn't fly
even if it did have a motor
Sorry Anon, I'm confused. In what spirit do you come here? Did you not wish to write something about the picture? Best I can figure, you want to take the piss out of kikz's effort.
I can understand a fun conversation sitting around on the porch out back with a beer in hand and a spliff in the other. But here we are in digital land with only some text on screen and no clue that you're not being ill-mannered. Can you dig it? It's perfectly possible that you're not being ill-mannered but we have no way of knowing that.
That you're anonymous ain't helping. A joke from a friend is one thing, a joke from a stranger is another. If you hang under the anon label it follows that you'll be viewed as a stranger. Is this how you wish to do things? Really? Blogs come with their own etiquette and there's a lot to be said for going with it. And a blog is where we're at...
maybe anon is referring to the settee in henri's painting :)?
Yes I wrote that before I read kikz05
I don't like the painting style and the woman is seated so as to be taking off somewhere; so the 'wouldn't fly'
and I'm giving you first impressions here bra - no thought
When I did read kikz05, 'great minds' popped, so I left it
I do appreciate kikz' gift at these things as opposed to my efforts
P.S see kikz05 chivalry is NOT dead
Sure, but only by way of your suggestion of flight. Actually it's not a bad gag if we knew who it was. But whatever humour we might find in it is trumped by the question, 'Who's this?'. Same as for any social situation. 'Who is this stranger having a dig at Auntie Trish?' kind of thing. If it was some old friend no one would bat an eyelid. Hell, we'd all have a laugh.
I get the anonymous thing on all the other blogs we're on. But this blog is different. For mine, anyway. I feel as if this isn't so much the Roman Forum as it is somebody's backyard. We're all friends here. The politics is elsewhere as is the idea of being anonymous. Can you dig it anon? Believe it or not we are here to welcome you. Pick a name, any name, pile in, and be part of the crowd. Sound fair?
Jinx for simultaneous typing. Otherwise, okay, okay, I'm probably being hyper-sensitive. It occurs to me now that that's you Tony. Why don't you just whack Tony on there? We already know you're a curmudgeon;) and that you don't groove on poetry;) Just be you and we'll all be cool with it. Honestly!
Everything on Earth
cycles together, we are
a brief mutation.
An experiment
in natural selection,
but still imperfect.
Vague symbolism
abounds deep in the heart of
deepest darkest man
...(vaguely connected)
Beautiful woman
reclining naked in her
private paradise
...(nah, too literal)
Bring me a wheel of
oaken wood and a rein of
polished leather my dear
...(nope, too Tull)
Not receiving strong
vibes from this one Nobody
and so it goes, no?
A note announces
That a Lion is coming
Wind rises for storm
I like Rousseaus work a lot. After much faffing about I ended up not getting anything for the previous musical one, it was like the hardest homework ever and I am supposed to enjoyment haiku, ouch!
Sorry to hear about your dads deterioration Nobody, I hope you are keeping steady.
I've been getting an old wood burning stove up together here as there are cold times coming. It has been nice working with metal but I tend to get completely Jacques Tati around anything mechanical and i've just broken a nut off it, bugger. Hi everybody and nice one Kikes I like the lilitu one.
Cheers for now.
When looking at this piece, it IS everything, almost a Noah's Ark in Paradise. Male/female, black/white, lush and diverse vegetation, bold and soft colors, animals, birds, the sky, the full moon, the emotional lure of the piper's tune, the time is twighlight or dawn, i.e.; between daylight and darkness. The title, "The Dream," is an amusing metaphor for life on Earth. The woman waking into Paradise is everyone who contemplates Nature.
This makes it necessary to take ALL of that into consideration when abstracting into 5-7-5 syllables. I agree its a lot to take in, that makes it challenging and makes for a tight, streamlined haiku. Bring it on.
The Nobel Prize committee doesn't want American authors' submissions this year, saying American writers are ignorant.
Maybe its so. Maybe Americans have en masse become too entertained to think creatively or look beyond the surface.
Excellent. We're firing on all cylinders now. Hats off to all. Thanks for those comments John. That music thing was a mixed bag. Obviously people didn't groove on it. Not that I'm about to let that stop me, ha! But next time I'll choose something less ambiguous, less ethereal. Something meatier. If for no other reason that to break things up. But no rush...
Hey M, your 'Tull' effort was my fave. And onya Nina. I do love a chick with insight. Mind you, there's more than a few on this blog (winky smiley thing).
Oh, and sorry kikz, I'm with John. Another cracker. I quickly looked up Lilutu and didn't get very far. Can you fill us in? And bloody hell, there's so much good stuff this week that I'm going to have to stop mucking about, clear my head and just look at this picture with no distractions. Amongst all the sixes and sevens, all I'm coming up with is dribs and drabs of trite rubbish. McGonagall ain't in it, ha ha!
Laying in the yard
In my birthday suit, so bare
And all becomes one
I too had some trouble finding much inspiration from this one. So I looked out into my (fading) garden, as this usually does the trick.
~ Buffy - thinking in the Buff...
glad ya asked >:)
lilitu/sumerian mythology
my first glance at this just screamed lilith, not eve.
ya know adam's first wife? >:) the lions cinched it :) only rousseau didn't include her owls.
well.. she has a quite the story, suffice to nutshell, told the patriarchal assholes to kiss off and she is defiled by judeo/xtianity as a witch/vampire to this day.
she is at once; 'audaciously' willful humanity, {nod to nina :)}
and a facet of all nature herself.. handmaiden to inanaa (sumer) known in egypt... as the mother of all.... isis.
those that seek ultimate control always daemonize what fights/thwarts them :)
or just google
'lilitu, sumerian'
apologies for being tinyurl illiterate.
p.s. thanks y'all.. this one was cake :)
check google images... some of rousseau's other work seems to echo the myth, albeit in a more victorian garb.
Eve in the garden
lush greens and all kinds of beasts
But, where is Adam?
Where is the netting
Waving my hand does nothing
Please get me some "Off"
On a humourous note, this woman needs some bug repellant.
"OFF!® personal and area repellents keep pesky insects out of the outdoor activities that you and your family enjoy"
sorry nobody, couldn't let it pass ;)
Onya Buff, and sure enough, inside every poet there's a copywriter busting to get out. Ha!
Thanx Kikz, that was brilliant. And you know what? I've never heard of Lilith. Which probably speaks volumes in itself. Off to check it out.
Otherwise I ran with an art theme for some reason. Thus-
With Manet banished,
Olympia's mind's set free,
far, far from Montmartre.
In this lush dark green,
the ebon flute weaves a spell.
Still the couch holds her.
Sorry that was Pen as the copywriter. And Buffy is the nudist. Sorry I'm just confusing my Canadians here. Canada - land of nudists and copywriters!
Gardens drip colours
Leaking into forms
There ya go - I've got my clothes on again.. ;)
~ No longer Buff
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