a Spring afternoon
alarms split the air and then
all is swept away
Time for renewal
Waters cleanse, ashes arise
With death comes new life
namazu rising
underworlds and underlords
next up, cthulhu
The Shinto Spirit
Turned his coat collar up, final look
Then wandered away
his face a struggle
haunted by thirty five ghosts
"To be alive is hell"
1 - click on the pic for higher rez
2 - don't click on the pic for higher rez since I'd prefer people not to get too stuck on it. This thing is too big for the specifics of a single photo.
I don't know about anyone else but I clocked up hours watching this thing unfold. It broke my fucking heart. Japan is easily my favourite place in the world and to watch the absolute relentlessness of what took place there was crushing. God pity those poor bastards.
Actually I'll ask the question: is this a dumb idea? Just so you know, I actually posted John Frampton's sunset here and as soon as I'd done it I just wondered at it: a sunset in the face of all this that's gone on. Anyway if someone feels strongly and makes the case I'm happy to ditch it and post, um... I don't know... back to the sunset I guess.
Me, I think it's do-able but we'll need to avoid the obvious. A deft touch is called for. But hell, what would I know? Don't listen to me, just pile in with impressions. Oh, and like I said, it doesn't have to be this photo. It can be any image, episode, or theme that struck you in amongst it all.
Watching this unfold
Numbed my mind for hours
Nature is the boss
Aceh tsunami
Looked like debris banked
Was many many bodies
a Spring afternoon
alarms split the air and then
all is swept away
Oh! And Su! I'm hoping you pop in here.
I didn't want to ask over at your place (what with not wanting to make a fool of myself) but you weren't writing about me in your last thing were you? In wondering yay or nay I decided it wasn't me since whoever it was you were describing didn't resemble a desperate loser frozen in the headlights and instead sounded more like someone who knew what they were doing and were otherwise brave.
God knows that ain't me, ha ha ha.
Time for renewal
Waters cleanse, ashes arise
With death comes new life
heat, fire, volatility,
water, devastation, snow
halter, hamper, but do not stop
the efforts of the living
to recreate
to replenish
to make right
the absolute devastation.
heart, love, humanity
all stretch out towards this land
and its people
stretch out right now in deepest sorrow and regret.....
tears falling, spinning downwards, heart breaks open again and again.
hey nobody i just thought you were doing your bi-monthly sabbatical.
Exactly! And that's why I didn't ask at your blog.
Mind you, it's looking like the old man has days left and then the whole gig is over. The genius plan is to buy a van and drive about looking for something or other. Perhaps windmills?
And what with there being no Sancho Panza around to screw things up I'm sure I'll succeed where Quixote failed.
namazu rising
underworlds and underlords
next up, cthulhu
the van sounds awesome, though I didn't know there to be windmills in oz... I myself am eagerly waiting for the summer to come, for I am to drive from stockholm to rotterdam with a bicycle. I guess there's windmills along the way, too.
I wish to go crazy enough to drive all around europe in the coming months, and to reach an insanity dense enough in the future years to drive through russia to mongolia.
i see you cycling in vietnam.
don't know why.
are there windmills there?
The Shinto Spirit
Turned his coat collar up, final look
Then wandered away
P2P I thought I had done some long bike rides in my youth but nothing in comparison to what you are contemplating. I had thought of the Mongolia thing by train but that was just a dream. I take it you are doing the Malmo Copenhagen route and not going the long way through Finland. Anyway, if you make it to Rotterdam I will buy you a beer, let me know; all the better if you can make it a few kilometres further to Antwerp. The beer is better – well biased people say these sort of things – and you can add another country to your tick off list.
Nobs, we never knew your dad except through you. I know it is a stressful time but I think you will have the wherewithal to get through it without too many scrapes. The van idea sounds like a good one to me. The down side for you is the docs. Maybe you could persuade a mate to buy it and have an open insurance. There again, if you are into Gothic chicks then maybe you could buy a second hand hearse for a knock down price – a six liter engine, never been stressed and virtually maintenance free. Just trying to be helpful mate.
Well constructed houses
Float hither and thither – Why
Were they not fixed down?
we are going to take a boat from turku to stockholm, there's really no point in driving from finland because it would be like an another thousand km to drive from helsinki to stockholm, which is the distance from stockholm to rotterdam. we have friends living in rotterdam so we don't really have a schedule. my friend who i'm driving with is actually moving there, and i guess i'll too stay in rotterdam for some weeks before heading somewhere else.
the mongolia thing is a hardcore dream for me, i've known people who've driven motorbikes through russia to china, but well, a woman on a bicycle really needs some dense insanity to conquer the same roads as do drunken russian truck drivers. our dear coppers have measured them driving with stunning 4 per mille or more.
and, i take your offer on the beer seriously, like i always take everything seriously. i'm a big friend of beer anyway. i hope you've had the chance to taste finnish beers, which lack two last stages of preparation by default and are for that very reason amazingly bad for human metabolism.
Hello boys and girls,
I just got a break from hospitals and visiting relatives.
As for riding to Ultima Thule, hats off to youth! As they say, a journey of a thousand miles starts with complete exhaustion on the first day. Well it would for me anyway. Mind you, the other arduous part of the journey - the drinking of beer - I'm pretty sure I could handle that.
Otherwise the windmills are just metaphoric, Don Quixote and all that. Mind you, there probably are windmills between here and Tasmania but doubtless they'd be of the power-generating variety.
Hmm... here's a question: If one tilted at a power-generating windmill with a metal lance would it be shocking? Ha ha ha ha, very good.
As for Vietnam... There's currently a cooking show in Oz called Luke Nguyen's Vietnam where the aforementioned chef wanders around Vietnam and cooks all manner of food. Never mind the gorgeous dishes he comes up with, the scenery is mind-buggeringly spectacular. And the people are so sweet. What a place. And we made war on them? Fucking Anglos. A pox on us. Cursed Anglos aside, I'd truly love to wander around Vietnam.
But instead I'm going to drive South with Tasmania as a nominal destination. As for docs, a driver's licence can't be avoided. You can't bludge on other people forever. Happily however my address will consist of: a campervan, somewhere between Brisbane and Tasmania.
And here of course. Do drop in if you're in the neighbourhood ha ha. Off I go now to tend to the relatives.
ciao ciao
heartbroken. the only thing i can say...
i don't know what would be worse.... to die in it, or live thru it...
the 3 things that got to me..
the image of the older daughter finding her dead mother in the wreckage of her home.. the image showed the mother's gnarled hand.
the image of a young mother, having found the burned hull of the kindergarten vehicle her daughter was riding in, finding her daughter's remains and loosing her mind.
i appreciate the conveyance the photographers were aiming for.. but my god.. what an intrusion on such personal horror and pain.
the third, there is no image... the report of 30 small school children waiting on parents who will never come.. 6 days in.
as a parent, i know that unless i were dead, i'd've gotten to my kids,wounded, radiation, army, flood... no matter
they must be dead...
...and then the snow.
Kikz, I totally agree but what makes the whole thing harder to take is that the complete series of events may have been deliberately induced. I want to be careful in what I say and not be too emphatic about conclusions. It is so easy to fall into the David Eyck trap of loosing credibility by buying into every lunatic theory thrown out there.
Firstly to take a step back I never felt completely comfortable with the Malaysia / Indian Ocean tsunami of a few years back since its epicentre was not on any apparent weak spot on the earths crust. It has been said that what follows can never be proved but it has been suggested that the 1912 Siberian ‘event’ coincided with JP Morgan deciding that he could not make any money out of Tesla and cutting the financial chord and Tesla responding with a final “Up yours”. The Americans have had a lot of time to refine the technology.
Now fast forward to March 2011. The Pacific plate disappearing under the Eurasian plate has been known about for years and was planned into all the safety equations for the nuclear plant. Apparently the earths crust resonates at a frequency of around 2.5 Hertz and the Haarp plant had been transmitting this frequency for three days prior to the earthquake. Coincidence or not? I do not know but after the earthquake struck the transmissions stopped. This from the Induction Magnetometer at Gakona Arkansas:
Click the arrows to flick through the days. The transmissions start late on March 8 and continue to between 0800 – 1200 UTC March 11 when they stop.
The next part is pure supposition and if there is any truth in it, it is entirely sinister. It involves the Stuxnet worm (computer virus) which is claimed to have been written jointly by the Americans and the Israelis. It has been claimed that this is whole levels above hacker material and was targeted primarily at Iran’s nuclear centrifuges. It specifically targets the peculiarities of Siemens controllers and works by ‘observing’ normal plant operations for some time. When it has a profile of ‘normal’ operation it attacks the plant in question with military precision whilst playing a profile of normal operation to the plant controllers, like false security tapes played to bank guards during a heist. Stuxnet has also appeared in India, Indonesia and other countries and Symantic has also picked it up in Silicon Valley. Is it coincidental that Japan’s nuclear reactors have Siemens controllers?
Some details here:
Could these events have anything to do with the long predicted demise of the dollar?
As I said at the beginning, I make no specific claims here, read the stuff and make up your own mind.
So far I have skilfully managed to avoid Finish beers but thanks for the advice. I will send you my e-mail address direct to your blog and when you get to Rotterdam I will scoot up, probably by train and we can meet somewhere. Incidentally I am no spook but I think I found you by a total fluke – maybe? Do you live in a town that has an outdoor sports centre which has a multi strand ski jump run, the largest of which ends in a swimming pool just to discourage show offs? Or maybe it was somebody else entirely.
Nobs, sorry for hijacking the Haiku site for serious stuff; this seems to be where it is happening. Btw have you thought about the future of the sites? Life seems to have got busy here lately; do I need to spend time updating the back up anytime soon?
Do you have a spam box, if you do then I think you have one of mine in there (twice)?
it wouldn't totally surprise me to find out haarp interference. i've also questioned katrina in those wonderings.. the sea floor couldn't've chgd that damn much in so few yrs and wave pile up just can't explain that.. i don't care what the NOAH modeling says. unless the storm was under reported for whatever reason as a lower cat. it was just wrong.
hells bells, if ya wanna go 'whole rense'.. it could've been an underwater detonation of a nuke during the storm, just to clean off the coast so it could be sold for pennies on the dollar. i put nothing past no one, anymore.
i know there is much offshore oil drilling in the malay area of that quake.. fracking could also be an option.
i haven't read about haarp in a few yrs.. what i remb, it can fry the ionosphere.. and theoretically could push storms around.. not sure as to resonance issues and land/fault moving.. but who knows?
as to this; "Apparently the earths crust resonates at a frequency of around 2.5 Hertz and the Haarp plant had been transmitting this frequency for three days prior to the earthquake..."
i can discern no transmissions coming frm haarp, only what the magnetometer pick'd up. so?
stuxnet... anytime israel is anywhere, i am suspicious.
noby, i hope you aren't having too bad of a time w/the old man... hugz*
Hey Kikz, yeah, I've had my heart broken over and over on this one. But as much as I hate the media and its misrepresentation and manipulation of everything, I still take a variety of solace from the stories of parents finding their children and vice versa. Is this clutching at straws? Maybe not since the 'happy' stories seem to break me up as much as the 'sad' ones.
FB, right you are mate. God knows why it was in there but it was. The stupidest thing about that spam thing is that it seems uninterested in the fact that I've already declared a given individual 'not spam' and will (randomly) continue putting them in there. In gmail I can declare someone 'not spam' but in blogger - nup. Oh, and the flipside is that it has yet to catch an actual spammer. What bullshit.
I wrote that this morning just before my brother the banker called me declaring that their lawyer has informed that there is such a thing as a 'testamental trust' (a variety of tax shelter that is bequeathed in a will) that, in spite of no one ever having heard of it the day before yesterday, is now the most important thing in the world and the reason why they're having the will rewritten and why I have to go back and get Dad to sign a new one.
God spare me. He's non compos mentis and incapable of writing. Those fucking jackals. There's any number of relatives who could insert this into their will but none of them are going to die soon enough and besides which my brother is no doubt loath to ask someone to make, or alter, their will so as to provide a superior tax shelter. Not when there's an insensible old man who'll sign anything provided you push his hand around the page nor when you have me as the patsy-on-the-spot to do it for them. Sickening.
So! For me the old man dying is neither here nor there. I've had four years to get my head around it. Instead it's the bureaucratic greedhead hoop-jumping that's doing my head in. I thought I was going to avoid this but it now seems inevitable.
Anyway, whatever, bitch bitch bitch. In the face of Fukushima, it's the smallest of small potatoes.
Otherwise, HAARP, stuxnet? Sure, why not. They exist, they're for some purpose that will never be discussed truthfully, and that they would do it if they could is a deadset certainty.
To dismiss it outright as an impossibility is the merest expression of ignorance and naivety. The possibility of these disasters being deliberate acts of malice aforethought is as likely as any other thing. And, sure enough, with the more one reads about HAARP and stuxnet, the more likely the proposition becomes.
Off to the hospital now,
ciao ciao
I think there might be several such ski jump spots in f-land, but the only one fitting your description I am sure of is in Lahti. I've been to Lahti only once, which is actually funny because it was early summer and we were just driving around with a car and ended up for the first thing to that very spot. it was closed for the season but not hard to "break into" (going over a small fence isn't really breaking into anywhere on my opinion).
I don't know what you were thinking when saying the pool would "discourage" show offs, because at least for me it was very tempting to use whatever to slide downhill and end up splashing into a pool.
oh well, don't know about flukes and don't know about Lahti really either, though, coincidentally, the second time in my life of going there is actually in two days. who knows about these things.
would be interesting to hear more about flukes and ski jumping from your perspective, but I am ok if the case rests.
Yeh Lahti it was :-) I was mooching around in your “Blogs I follow” and dipped into the site “I Understand and wish to Continue” which incidentally is where the content of what I wrote above came from. The owner of this site is one of those who put the last 20 or so entries of his stat counter on the main page. I was busy looking at the site when a hit came in from Lahti and since Turku is doable from there I put 2 and 2 together and came up with the wrong number. I had to look Lahti up on Google maps and included the photos to see what it was like. So there you have it. Incidentally I am an armchair traveller and Finland has been on my list for some time. Seeing the world’s beautiful places is always calming, it is so sad they are being systematically buggered.
Scroll down the page for the relevant articles on Japan
Nobs, Fucking family vultures. My mum, now long dead, took her sister into our house and nursed her through all but the very final stages of cancer. Then another sister from New Zealand turned up on the door and demanded half of the little cash that there was. People!
From my experience in commenting on other blogs I believe the spam filter looks for key words. Anything remotely critical of the US admin or its higher level controllers is deemed unsuitable for general consumption.
Yeah, actually I have a feeling it's all going to fall in a heap. I said he'd have to include me out of the whole caper but that if he wanted to fly up and push the old man's hand around I wasn't going to attempt to stop him. But somehow I don't think it'll be that simple. I have a sneaking feeling that his plan to grab two nurses as witnesses will come a cropper. Without being certain I suspect that hospitals would have seen their fair share of hitherto unknown relatives lobbing in and attempting to have non compos mentis patients sign a new will and will refuse to be a party to it. And quite right too. And then he's fucked. No witnesses, no will. Anyway we'll see.
Dear, oh dear. Did a reverie about the tsunami turn into me detailing family squabbles? Um, sure looks like it.
Hmm... why don't I cravenly write a haiku in an attempt to atone.
his face a struggle
haunted by thirty five ghosts
'to be alive is hell'
The last we heard about your dad he had to be told to lie down in bed. We didn't know he had actually gone into care. A quiet word in the ear of the hospital administrator (used to be called a matron) would not go amis. As you say, I am sure it is not a new gig to her.
ok, last fuking post didnt' take..
do you hav standing power of attorney? if yes, you can say no.
demand an actual attorney be brought in to represent your incompetent father.
even if shared/ you can demand representation for your dad...
changing the will is bullshit.
don't become a party to this crime, noby...
if there are more details.. hubby is dealing w/same frm elder sistermonster after his mum... so he could help you.. if you need counsel, email me hon..
No it's alright. Whatever will happen will happen and that's that. The theory is that none of it makes any difference to the rest of the will. It's just the hell-bent, panicked unseemliness of it all that I object to. "Quick! The old man could be dead tomorrow and our kids could suddenly become starving orphans without a tax shelter to their name!"
God spare me such nonsense.
on friday the 25th march at lunchtime here this sentance just popped into my head.
nobody's father has just died.
how weird is that?
Um, not as weird as if it was true, ha ha. But no he seems to be hanging on. Speaking of weird, he's doing an extraordinary impression of someone with his wits. He's almost like one of those computers that are programmed to sound like a human (you know that ongoing experiment where test subjects have a conversation with a computer and then with a human and have to decide which is which). It's like there's responses on his hard drive that he can whip out at short order that give an impression of participating in a conversation but once you get beyond three sentences or so you realise he doesn't actually comprehend anything. It's weird how the body just keeps going regardless of no one being home.
sometimes... they get quite lucid b4 they checkout..
I was 19 when my grandmother died.
In the morning my mum was making her bed and noticed her mum, my nan, was busily wiggling her toes.
As mum made the bed she asked nan, 'What are you doing with your toes?'.
My nan answered, 'I'm trying to get this dying business over'.
She had been in and out of lucid for a few years.
That morning she got the job done.
Thinking of you.
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