vices and virtues
rewarded or else punished
by fall of the dice
does anyone else
prefer to go down the snakes
than up the ladders?
sadly have played this
far more times than i have
indulged in wild sex
Endless summer hols
Long days swimming in the stream
Nights of snakes and ladders
Hot night with the kid,
Beer for me and juice for him,
board games and apples
Hullo Boys and Girls,
Um, that's weird, I was sure I posted this yesterday. Too dizzy. Anyway it's there now.
As per usual I've no idea how it will go. But people might be interested to read where exactly snakes and ladders came from. Sadly wikipedia doesn't include a sample of the original but I do. Interesting huh?
Excellent effort last week with me having a real struggle to choose five from all those in the comments. As much as I liked the funny efforts (I did two myself) in the end I decided the more reflective ones worked better on the front page.
And FB, apologies for not having done that harvesting pic you sent me. Whilst it is a great pic my problem is that we did a 'harvest' pic already with that one by Van Gogh. Remember it? Whilst they're completely different images, they're remarkably similar themes. Subseqently I'm not sure what we'd write for it that was different to the last one. Sorry mate!
vices and virtues
rewarded or else punished
by fall of the dice
does anyone else
prefer to go down the snakes
than up the ladders?
sadly have played this
far more times than i have
indulged in wild sex
Snakes up, ladders down
Two dice, children play this game
Endless summer hols
Long days swimming in the stream
Nights of snakes and ladders
Childhood innocence
Threatened by ghoulish serpents
Later learned the word ELITE
Hot night with the kid,
Beer for me and juice for him,
board games and apples
der schutte
corporate ladders
replace spiritual building
with snakes everywhere
it's all so simple
go forward dodging satan
for sweet salvation
36 and 45
are magical numbers
time stands still
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