Near the grassy knoll,
unknown gunmen and Hoffa
ride Cuban saucers.
Alain yum-cha
Giant nipples in the sky
Shaojie, maidan
the sad cow watches
his sphincter gone to heaven
where the tricksters are
The wind is so strong
now I have to tend rice fields
without my best hat
warm warmer warmer
no come back, I am here
cold colder colder
Oh yeah Dallas...
Near the grassy knoll,
unknown gunmen and Hoffa
ride Cuban saucers.
der schutte
I'm goin' back to Dallas to see if theres anything worse than losing you.
-The Austin Lounge Lizards
Alain yum-cha
Giant nipples in the sky
Shaojie, maidan
Well, if that’s not mixed source plagiarism I will eat my hat.
In one of my former existences I was a night porter in a hotel. A young lady walked in quite late one evening and asked for a room in a very nasal West Atlantic accent, so I casually said “Which part of Canada are you from”? She replied “The Dallas part of Canada”, so that ended my smart ass remarks for rest of the evening.
It is a fact that most Americans interviewed in the street thought Austria was a town in Texas!
Well I saw this thing
Was coming out of the sky
It had one big horn
And had one big eye
Looks like a people eater
To me, to me, to me
Yay - My kind of gibberish.
the sad cow watches
his sphincter gone to heaven
where the tricksters are
Well In fact I think Austria is a town in Texas, along with Fredricksberg, Paris, Odessa and Munich.
Its a mighty big place, I reckon.
Perfectly sane Jane,
When given a few strong drinks,
Believes in spacemen
der schutte
don't forget... palestine, texASS... pronounced.. pal-uhsteen :)
I am always willing to stand corrected but I figure I am out of my depth on this one.
a flight of fancy
deliberations on truth
devoid of substance
What are you on about FB? Your first one rocked.
Not the picture Nobs, the fact that I didn’t know there was a town called Austria in Texas. A year or more ago there was a small vid that was making the e mail rounds to demonstrate how dumbed down average Joe American was. The makers interviewed people in the street and asked them simple questions like who won the Vietnam War or what currency does England use. After not getting many of them right they thought they had hit the jackpot when they were asked where Austria was and most said it was a town in Texas, mistaking the name for Austin. What I didn’t know was that they had actually answered it correctly so right now I am wondering where that puts me? I had heard of Paris Texas after the Wim Wenders film (my favourite all time weepy, what a wuss) but I didn’t know of the others mentioned above. I guess education is an ongoing process.
Hello all!
The wind is so strong
now I have to tend rice fields
without my best hat
Black and white photo
never captures the magic
of playing frisbee
Thanks FB, now I get it. As for Austria, I'm from Australia. In Japanese they're even closer than they are in English. I remember one student, on being told where I was from, being astounded I spoke English. "Why, what language did you expect me to speak?" "German," says she.
And thank you Felix. You know what's weird? I really like your first one without the UFO pic. It's nice as a simple unironic piece. You know what I mean?
warm warmer warmer
no come back, I am here
cold colder colder
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