the filth of the world
crash the garden of eden
theirs for the taking
Romance and carnage
Twenty years before the mast
Aye, aye, there she blows
Pirates of old stole
the gold. Now there’s a hanker
to nick a tanker.
Some Pacific coast,
Aubrey on the quarterdeck,
Maturin below
look on ye forward
if footing be it stable
arrival then moot
Okay, so no one much grooved on the yum-cha. Never mind, it amused me. It's the tragedy of my life that I live in a town big enough to be ugly but not big enough to have yum-cha restaurants.
Anyway this pic is for FB. If you don't like it blame him.
the filth of the world
crash the garden of eden
theirs for the taking
Not one of mine mate, you must be confusing me with some other FB.
The one I sent to you was the arty farty dark blue and charcoal effort of two men sitting on the bowsprit hauling in the jib. This one is a bit more Titanicy but near enough :-)
Did anyone else have the cartoon strip called the Perrishers? It was about a group of ragamuffin kids and it ran in the Daily Mirror for years but I haven’t seen it since I have been over here. Here is a conversation between Wellington, the smart one and Marlin who was truly thick.
Wellington “I must go down to the sea again
To the lonely sea and the sky
And all I ask is a tall ship
And a star to steer her by”
“That was Sea Fever”.
Marlin “I hope it’s not catchin’.
Wellington “No, no, you can’t catch it, it was a bit of Masefield”
Marlin “It sounded more like a bit of poetry to me”
- - - - - - - - - - -
Romance and carnage
Twenty years before the mast
Aye, aye, there she blows.
Pirates of old stole
The gold. Now there’s a hanker
To nick a tanker
Some Pacific coast,
Aubrey on the quarterdeck,
Maturin below
der schutte
look on ye forward
if footing be it stable
arrival then moot
The Schutte, where'd you go? You missed out on the yum-cha mate. You of all people...
yah, I was in darkest america with Kai, we went to Austin Texas and found mole. Kai had a great time. Just got back. As for yum cha..
delicate small mounds
topped with tasty brown mushrooms,
nipples or dim sum?
der schutte
Ha ha ha ha ha, oh man. Call me old fashioned but I can't say that I've ever had sexy thoughts in a yum cha joint. Especially given that most of the shaojie in there are actually laojie.
(For those who don't know, shao = young, and lao=old, and jie=lady. Oh, and apropos last haiku, maidan=bill. Thus 'shaojie maidan' is the inevitable cry at the end of any Chinese meal. Feel free to try this in any Chinese restaurant you care to mention).
And mole eh? You don't have a good recipe for black mole do you? I had a girlfriend who lived in Guatemala for three years and she cooked it for me and it was like I died and went to heaven. And I've never had it since. This and a thousand other tragedies...
Wait! How's Na? Kanojo ni yoroshiku etc. etc.
...I was in darkest america with Kai, we went to Austin Texas...
erm... naaa that's just the lower 40 ;)... darkest 'merikuh is dallas:P cuz shrubya lives there... shriveled heart of darkness ...of the evil empire west...
austin's pretty cool...othr than the capitol crap.... college town... bats undr the congress st bridge.... rolling hills......:)
big d just generally sukz. unless you're into shopping, footballbaseballhockey.
<waving frm the north 40....
Hey Kikz, weirdly enough I was standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus to the library and I start talking to this American chap. First we talk buses, then public transport and the crushing thereof by vested interests, I talk about Chicago's cable cars and tell him about the trolley system in Changeling's LA, then a brief chat about Clint Eastwood and he ends up recommending some film about the stoning of an Iranian woman.
I tell him I've had it with anti-Muslim propaganda and the next thing you know we're in amongst wars, banks, 911 (not that he was particularly ofay on it) and then lo-and-behold he's telling me that the only people who are worth listening to are Ahmadinejad and Chavez and that the US is completely beholden to Israel. Blow me down!
People bag out Americans but the likelihood of me having a conversation like that with a random Australian is so close to zero we may as well call it.
Anyway I jump off the bus, log in here to find your note, and I the first thought in my head is See! That's what I'm talking about! You know what I mean?
i think so noby...
well, he's obviously traveled. that does make a difference, sometimes.
but more than not, i think you've seen a pooka of sorts..
there aren't too many of those about... ;)
oh, i forgot to add to the list of 'yuck' for dallas..
fed reserve.... eyeroll.
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