wee folk lead the dance
a thousand housewives follow
all nowt but child's play
5 - 7 - 5
Haiku are a form of Japanese poetry that are written in three lines with a syllable count of five, seven, five. But don't let that stop you writing whatever you like. There are no fascists here and any contribution you wish to make is welcome. Here we seek the sublime, and if we can't have that, we'll just have a laugh. It's all good.
With the current picture as your inspiration, pile in to the comments and have a go. At the end of the week I pick five and put them on the front page.
As the Japanese say - Let's enjoyment haiku!
A guy? What are you on about?
By the way, these fairies are the famous Cottingley fairies that comprised their own chapter in the story of Victorian spirituality. They were a very big deal at the time. Believe it or not, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a big supporter of these pix and toured the world telling everyone that they were real.
not on about anything in a haiku, too short for that. it looks like a boy to me, and boys don't usually see fairies, which explains why he's looking somewhere else. not that deep, just a shallow haiku.
sheesh i read your instructions ya know.
a thousand yard stare
all sorts of mischief around
to what to focus
Well, that's where you went wrong AP, following my instructions. Fact is, I'll say any goddamn thing and no one sensible should pay any attention. I certainly don't.
me? sensible? not so much.
Do you remember?
Those long lazy summer days
All you did was dream?
der schutte
wee folk lead the dance
a thousand housewives follow
all nowt but child's play
At one point I thought
that magic was all around
Boy, was I stupid.
der schutte
those mushrooms were good
mum should make them more often
my daydreams are wild
In the emptiness
of innocence and
fullness of knowing
manifestation reveals itself
Somewhere in the universe this must be a haiku.
BTW the chap in the last pic was Ezra Pound. I've been reading about him lately. A truly extraordinary guy.
Ezra Pound mentor of Eustace Mullins.
not a haiku, but, from what little I know, he is interesting.
fairies or faeries
what be they, but fanciful
bits of dream nonsense
innocence destroyed
enter a world become false
after the great war
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