a sphere was fashioned
in unfamiliar form
not real but seeming
5 - 7 - 5
Haiku are a form of Japanese poetry that are written in three lines with a syllable count of five, seven, five. But don't let that stop you writing whatever you like. There are no fascists here and any contribution you wish to make is welcome. Here we seek the sublime, and if we can't have that, we'll just have a laugh. It's all good.
With the current picture as your inspiration, pile in to the comments and have a go. At the end of the week I pick five and put them on the front page.
As the Japanese say - Let's enjoyment haiku!
She is looking in
Fashion icon time tunnel
We are looking out
Yay John. Onya Cruachan.
Give us a second, I'll pop back later.
she who rolls in glass
should make absolutely sure
that heels are flat
weak - yes
trapped or escaping
magnifying the absurd
throw rocks or let fly
Beautiful, evil,
"Bow down before me Earthlings!"
Boufant Woman rules!
der Schutte
Swine flu pandemic?
Get your enviro bubble!
And seal yourself away.
girl in the bubble -
"It's not a medical thing,
I just can't stand oiks"
a sphere was fashioned
in unfamiliar form
not real but seeming
Alics's new dress
Direct through the Looking Glass
Onto your viewscreen
Good haiku here. John, I do like your photes mate.
I did a thing I've never done before and went back through the old postings. There've been some brilliant haiku written here, really spooky and good. This may sound weird, but they were far better than I expected, ha ha. And it seems everyone has at least a couple of excellent efforts to their name.
We should publish a book. I reckon if we did that we'd make anything the Japanese could do look like a bunch of foreign jibber-jabber, ha!
Brown girl in a ring
She looks like a sugar in
A plum Tra la la
I am not only showing my age but admitting to the world I remember the words to Bony M songs Not that there were all that many to remember and the ones they had never made much sense anyway. Just a bunch of foreign jibber-jabber. Oh dear.
People wake up
see me in tow
You live in a bubble you know
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