Swirl, twirl, spin and whirl
traversing the galaxy.
While people lay still
Swirling moonlit night
The sleepers will never know
Dark spectre rising
A young Dutch painter
Malnourished and brilliant
Hallucinates again
Still controversial
Astronomic anomaly or
Heavenly vaudeville
the worm whispered
in vincent's ear
share this star-swept flight
through your eyes and hand
come love
Moment of eclipse
along the cone of shadow
dark thoughts seek to go
Hey Nina, will you forgive me?
I was a heartbeat away from dropping you a line and asking you if I could use your marvellous 'nightwatch'.
But somehow Van Gogh got in my head and when I put him into google images I couldn't resist. You won't mind being stood up for Vincent will you?
Hey folks, click the link and check out Nina's painting. I love it.
This world was never never meant
for one as beautiful as you
Thanks An(t)on(y),
That's wonderful. It's not original, but I'm glad you put it here.
I do like the idea that one doesn't have to comment on what's in the picture precisely. The thoughts leading into the picture, the creation of it, what led to it, the person who created it, the picture's renoun, all of these are discussions to be had.
"There's more to a picture than meets the eye."
Someone call the Penguin Book of Quotations because that's a keeper. Meanwhile, everyone should feel free to use it, as long as you attribute it to me.
The shimmer of stars
through a restless atmosphere.
Unchanging chaos.
Clever nobody
Loves Vincent's light.
An(th)on(y) would be more right
A sky full of stars,
quietly waits for poets.
No one heeds its call.
Swirl, twirl, spin and whirl
traversing the galaxy.
While people lay still
Swirling moonlit night
The sleepers will never know
Dark spectre rising
Been away for a bit, ostensibly to celebrate my 42nd.
Now I *AM* the answer.
For some reason, I have a very strong feeling that this will be a good year; for me at least.
Now, we dive back into to your regularly scheduled 5-7-5...
A young Dutch painter
Malnourished and brilliant
Hallucinates again
Still controversial
Astronomic anomaly or
Heavenly vaudeville
Nobody knows the
trouble I've seen in the deep
dark soul of the night
Most excellent!
I thought it was just me and Pat Malone for a while there.
Also it did occur to me (after I posted sure enough) that this is the second um, 'heavenly bodies' phote we've had in short succession. But then again, the moon is the moon, and the stars are the stars, and never the twain shall meet, ha ha! Well let's hope not anyway...
Pen, is that your best yet? I reckon.
And bravo Miraculix. And of course you are the answer. And now you need merely spend another 42 years figuring out what the question was, ha ha.
As the dream faded,
the answer was apparent.
"Damn! I'm awake now!"
workin on one.. :)
the worm whispered
in vincent's ear
share this star-swept flight
through your eyes and hand
come love
Yay! And hats off to that worm, but geez, old Vincent paid the price didn't he? Ha ha ha.
I do like 'star swept flight'. Very good.
Hi Nobody, hope all is good there, I got
Moment of eclipse
along the cone of shadow
dark thoughts seek to go
I don't know if it is an eclipse but there was one of the moon around the time and place this was painted so he may have seen it.
It's odd that it seems a bit like Miraculix' first though I hadn't read the comments.
Ah well, you see...
I don't know that it's too surprising that people see similar things in a given picture. Actually it stands to reason. I recall in the first picture we did there were several pivoting on the same idea.
Me, I'm always gunning for something not obvious. But then, so are other people, ha ha. And, lo and behold, we have similar haiku. Never mind, it's all good.
thanks nobody :)
hey y'all les has 2 new.
one on the mirror and the orig on petri dish.
bigsigh....great to read him :)
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