Beer drinkers gone wild
One suffers their drunken wrath
In vino veritas
Schoolies play and schoolies cheer
Schoolies like a drop of beer
And mayhem
Distorted faces
Display hateful emotions
Senseless acts result
naked apes screech & flail
for blood and death
the lord of flies smiles
Boys and booze don't mix
Alcohol spurs their rages
Mob attacks its own
Peace on Earth
Goodwill to all men
a bang on the head with a beer bottle - miracles happen
Schoolies play and schoolies cheer
Schoolies like a drop of beer
And mayhem
Beer drinkers gone wild
One suffers their drunken wrath
In vino veritas
Distorted faces
Display hateful emotions
Senseless acts result
For the curious, this is one of the astounding photos from a single day at Maroubra Beach, Sydney, in 2005. With the media whipping up anti-Muslim hatred (led by Alan Jones, a quasi-intellectual, crypto-gay version of Rush Limbaugh) the local 'bra-boys' organised a race riot to beat up any Muslims daring to come to 'their' beach. Who knows if they got any - anyone with olive skin was 'it'.
My haiku not quite there yet...
naked apes screech & flail
for blood and death
the lord of flies smiles
hey kikz!
you are back?!
hey y'all.. hi penn. y, we're back.. ystrdy was a sodder... jury duty, groc's, then a visit to the twins' school.. whew.. the jury duty was enuff! had a few mins ystrdy morn b4 the chaos started to do haiku for this pic and the last :)
trip home was long.. we got late start round 11A as we had to wash sheets etc for cousin's condo. we got into dallas proper round 12:30A and home round 1A on sun..... over 2100mi round trip. sheesh. wouldn't trade the trip for the world though.. kids had a blast.. i had a great time too.. got to teach the girls how to crab w/o baskets... just a chicken back and some string, and one longhandled net :)
i hav some nice pics, one of beach ya could add and one of the kids on the dock.. might be interesting for haiku. if ya want.. but i hav no idea as to how to add them.. maybe send via email noby, then you could add? whatevr is easiest :) lemme know :)
Hey Kikz,
I was just talking to our favourite 'donna misterioso' Lua who is in FL right now. I told her to keep an eye out for you and say hello, ha ha. Never mind.
Matey, send them to me by all means. I don't have your email so just send it to me in a comment on the church blog. I won't post it sure enough, but we'll be in touch and can carry on.
Waves break on the shore,
the wind through the Norfolk Pines.
The gulls pay no mind.
after the vacation, another vacation is often necessary to recover from the vacation.
it does often seem that way?
Boys and booze don't mix
Alcohol spurs their rages
Mob attacks its own
(pardon me for being rather sloth lately wrt your haiku club Nobody)
Dear Mister Nobody
May I be so bold as to correct your interpretation of the latest haiku photo?
This actually was taken on World Youth Day and was a modern day re enactment of the lead up to Christ's crucifixion.
When everyone woke up the next morning it was to celebrate the new birth in Christ.
(The Pope explained it all to me.)
Pope approved.
Your PM - KMR
Peace on Earth
Goodwill to all men
a bang on the head with a beer bottle - miracles happen
Crack me up! The people in the internet cafe all turned around to see what that mad man was doing at the outside table. I do like a laugh.
And PM, you're such a bar of soap on the telly. Piss off your advisers mate. Just let rip. I'd vote for you. Are you still hanging with that Epstein cove? Hmm... maybe I wouldn't. Not that you should let that interfere with you popping in here...
Thanks Buffers. Sometimes people write a haiku, and sometimes they've got better things to do. It's all good. No one should feel obliged or anything. Me, I prefer it if everyone piles in. But who am I? Nobody. ha ha ha ha.
Sorry, the PM has me in a silly mood.
Otherwise, with this pic I thought I'd change the pace and see what happened. I suspect that haiku are better suited to slightly more contemplative topics. But I grooved on everyone's efforts. All good. I've got a swag of great pix for the next effort and all I have to do is pick the best. I had a lovely time browsing through the website I, ahem, stole these from. See you all on the next page.
Re: Mister David Epstein
I'm sorry Mister Nobody that was one of the prerequisites of me having my job.
(see R.Murdock/K.Rudd agreement - 2007)
My blog
Feed the chickens, Mister Nobody, feed the chickens. (Wink, Wink! Nudge, Nudge!)
I remain your PM
Ha ha ha, one suspected as much.
And I remain your obedient servant, ha ha ha.
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