Saturday, August 23, 2008

DSG-TRADE - Those coming here after having searched for DSG-TRADE, please scroll to the bottom of the page and read the last comment.

you are loved
know this

remember now and forever
as love awakens in you

beyond time and space
beyond - even god

you are loved


Through tears of joy
and tears of sorrow
I see children can't see colour


Mommy Daddy me
you and little brother too
under crayon skies


Blue skies and golden
sun shine down upon us now
standing together


Big smiles on faces
Sun shining, blue sky places
Seen through a child's eyes


sky blue bells ringing
summer people bring flowers
and smile in greeting


mommy moon, daddy sun,
are receiving living scent
from the children of the earth


Anonymous said...

Through tears of joy
and tears of sorrow
I see children can't see colour

Anonymous said...

Mommy Daddy me
you and little brother too
under crayon skies

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps...

Teacher made us draw
But my crayons had melted
So I used felt pens

Anonymous said...

And another...

Happy family
Under bright crayola skies
Sunshine memories

Anonymous said...

Dunno what it is Yoro, but I found this one quite inspirational; especialy in the wake of the anthropological image of beer-swilling Bra Boys captured in their native environment.

I must admit, I am genuinely glad I stumbled across your various virtual shingles some weeks ago, as this Haiku page alone is worth the "price" of admission... =)

So glad, in fact, that I went looking for that mentor I mentioned awhile back -- and found him. Wrote him a brief introductory note and received back the most heart-warming and confidence-building words I've read in many a year.

And I must admit, it's surprisingly fulfilling to be so well remembered by someone you
count as a major influence in your own life. I do believe I finally feel like a writer again. Feeling like picking up the jazz bass and working up lyrics again for the first time since I left eL-Ay.

So, I'm gotta put it straight here: thanks man.

Blue skies and golden
sun shine down upon us now
standing together

kikz said...

you are loved
know this

remember now and forever
as love awakens in you

beyond time and space
beyond - even god

are loved

Anonymous said...

You certainly have 'it' mate.
Only from a mother?

nobody said...

How perfectly marvellous. God I love this blog. Hats off to anon, and the other usual suspects. That anon wasn't you was it Tony? I suspect you can write haiku mate.

(BTW, for those who don't know, it's pronounced 'high-ku'. For anyone curious, in Japanese 'ai' is always pronounced like 'eye'. And 'ei', as in sensei, is pronounced 'ay' as in 'hay')

And kikz, Tony is right. That was brilliant. It's not a haiku, sure, but who cares?

Miraculux, you never cease to amaze, mate. I'm glad to have been of assistance even though I'm not quite sure what I've done, ha ha. But this is a normal state of affairs for me. I walk through great swathes of my life with no idea what took place.

I'm glad you hooked up again with your mentor. (sorry mate, I'm scratching my head as to your previous mention of him. Mind like a steel trapdoor, me). Anyway, forget my forgetfulness, one tends to view such matters as minor but in truth they're not. Speaking of things Japanese, the teacher/student relationship is taken very seriously there, by the students and teachers both. 'Teacher' (the aforementioned 'sensei') is actually an honorific in Japan, like 'Doctor' or 'Father'. In the West it's just a noun with no great significance. This speaks volumes. And reflects poorly on us, I think.

Anyway I'm pleased for you mate.

and one does hope that your new-found creative energy doesn't stop you from popping in here and having a spray, ha ha.

kikz said...

yup tony:)

thricely, a mum.

it's a slight variation of something i've whispered in my 3 girls' ears since i was graced w/them, some 13 & 11 yrs ago. :)

Anonymous said...

You know kikz I look at my grand daughter (the only grand child I'll have by the looks) and I feel the same way - didn't happen with my own kids - they were just our kids and we all had fun together but the grand daughter is different. (It's because I'm older I think and appreciate life more)
Your girls are lucky to have the mum they do.

Penny said...

Big smiles on faces
Sunshining, blue sky places
Seen through a child's eyes

Penny said...

nobody: If I may?
Oh heck I will anyway....
Haikus often make me think of songs, or rather the pictures make me think of songs, and this pic made me think of this one
R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People

Penny said...

oh, sorry check out the video and you'll see why, if you haven't already seen it?

nobody said...

Hey Pen,

Certainly you may. I'm the kind of fellow who could spend ten minutes discussing a single image. Hell, I used to do it professionally.

Otherwise I know what you mean. But to be honest Shiny Happy People was pretty much the point that REM lost me. I know it's cliche but 'I prefer their earlier stuff', ha ha.

nobody said...

I'm with Miraculix. I had a marvellous time bending my brain around this picture. Various things occurred to me and in the end I couldn't choose which I liked best. And it also seemed as if the bits and pieces I came up with were possessed of a sequentiality (Is there such a word? Well there is now), but in a Carver-esque fashion.

So here they are. They're almost connected but not quite. The viewpoint shifts and different people participate in the conversation.

BTW - Did anyone notice that the picture is signed? The name of the girl who drew it is Maya.

nobody said...

Here is everything
that's important to Maya.
'Flowers make you smile'

nobody said...

With no thought beyond,
a flower for her parents.
'To make them happy!'


Thank you sweetheart girl,
is that a flower for me?
And the sun is shining!


What else might there be?
Just your family and flowers?
'No silly, just that!'

Anonymous said...

sky blue bells ringing
summer people bring flowers
and smile in greeting

Unknown said...

mommy moon,daddy sun,
are receiving living scent
from the children of the earth

kikz said...

fyi y'all

just updated to V3 firefox..


just wanted to warn y'all....sigh...

nobody said...

Onya John! Good effort. Certainly better than kikz's. Her syllable count ran to 9, 5, 7. Kikz, do you mind if I re-write yours?

New V3 firefox,
the homework dog in mufti.
Bookmark eating swine!

ha ha ha.

Thanks Lua. Speaking of warnings, Lua just had her money stolen by a Chinese mob purporting to sell Mac laptops.

For anyone googling ' complaints' or ' fake' - WARNING! - is a FAKE SITE. Do NOT send money!

kikz said...

cute noby >:)

ahem.....coff coff coff

sneaky fox
heartattack V3
hiding 8yrs
of bookmarkz
frm me

*waistbow* :PPPPPPPP

Penny said...

dam kikz, just updated to that to!

don't like it, and it screws alot up.

the bookmarks are there,sorta, but the status bar? (where the web addy's go) now logs every single page you visit, and or alternatively the bookmarks??
what's up with that.
had I read this post, mighta thought twice about 'upgrading' to this mess!

kikz said...

ok, lemme remb what i did to make mine stop..
after hubz finally got the 'bkmks backup' i finally found, piddling around in help;profiles;app support yadax3. once ya get to the profile page in help... its somewhat instructive..

to make the autologging of bkmarks stop...
organize bkmks
open the 'bkmks toolbar folder'
then i imported my old 'daily' file and deleted everything else there
especially that infernal 'visited' thing.

then i moved my 'personal bkmks' up the list..of the bkmks menu folder
and manually deleted down
and all is well, no mo logging of everplace/thing i visit or read goes into the damn bkmk file.

you can find your entire old set.. i'm on a mac, so i'm not sure where it would live on a pc...

somewhere on the harddrive... they live.
it's just a matter of digging them out and importing them. i didn't even bother w/the profile issue.

swerta.. i've never seen a mozilla prod. so fuk'd up. i should email & bitch...!

cripez.. penn. good luck hon.....
they are there.. in toto... just keep digging....

nobody said...

I was just about to make some snide comment about PC's (since I'm on a Mac) but you are too. Why are you using firefox? You don't like Safari? I use it and think it's fine. Is there something you know that I don't know? I'm curious now...

Oops, battery's nearly gone. Back in a couple of hours...

kikz said...

safari.... meh.. tried it..didn' like it.

some things... i embrace change...
some not >:)

nobody said...

Att - dsg-trade searchers,

You have actually arrived at a poetry blog. But never mind that, your search has turned up a conversation we had in the above comments.

Lua, one of the contributors here, paid money to in order to buy a Mac laptop. It never came.

Since I lived in China and know people there she asked me to see what I could do. First up I went to dsg's site and noticed they didn't have any pages in Chinese. This is a significant clue. Firstly it's inconceiveable that a Chinese company would sell to foreigners but not Chinese. There's no shortage of Mac users in China, you know.

The only reason dsg-trade don't sell to Chinese people is because they can't scam them. If they tried they'd be arrested, beaten up, you name it. So they don't bother. They just deal with Foreigners. Thus their web-page is in English only.

After that I got a buddy in Beijing to call dsg-trade at the Shenzhen number listed on the web page. She was told that the number had been cut off because they didn't pay their bill.

Here's a quick summary -

- Lua paid and never got anything
- They only pitch to foreigners
- Their phone was cut off

It's not looking good is it?


Further more detailed confirmation here.