I feel my heart stop
Silhouette and horizon
Luna is rising
crackling fire soft wind
desert sand and moonlit sky
touching the heavens
immense bright face,
like round way,
tides to the source.
sheer delight,
came streaming through.
moonlight peers
over the sky
in the heavens, in the sky,
on the earth; the mystery continues
suddenly a hole
quick we escape eternal
war for peace on Earth
Arizona moon
my saguaro mate and I
pledge our endless love
Perceptions heighten
Anticipation aroused
reflected fleeting blush of love
dispassionate cool beauty of night
her ceaseless journey
tides ebb & flow within & without
all is movement
Hi Folks,
Sorry for the lateness. If only I had a time-and-motion man standing next to me with a clipboard and a stopwatch. Never mind.
Nina, who painted the inspirational house by the railway from two weeks ago, popped in to have a bit of a comment about art and haiku. Good stuff. Thanks Nina.
Otherwise, on the subject of the moon, it might just be THE inspiration for poets. For a really marvellous intellectual discussion of the moon and what it means by way of soup, cutlery and zeppelins click here.
I feel my heart stop
Sillohuette and horizon
Luna is rising
Curse that mad white god,
I shake my fist at the sky.
And still it shines on!
immense bright face,
like round way,
tides to the source.
the voices quiet,
and only joy in her heart
Lua lost in dance
crackling fire soft wind
desert sand and moonlit sky
touch to the heavens
in the heavens, in the sky,
on the earth; the mystery continues
I knew you had a poetic soul. Bravo.
Same-same, Miraculix. I like your second better...
suddenly a hole
quick we escape eternal
war for peace on Earth
Arizona moon
my saguaro mate and I
pledge our endless love
I like them both, for different reasons, but the second one should have concluded with:
"touching the heavens"
Like so...
crackling fire soft wind
desert sand and moonlit sky
touching the heavens
Certainly more human and down-to-earth than the first, which treads in cooler metaphysical waters.
And though "your" PM does appear to have a more poetic soul than anticipated, he also hasn't quite mastered line breaks... =)
hell nobody, I have been swamped, but I am working on this one, don't take it down yet. PLEASE :)
and thanks in advance
sheer delight,
came streaming through.
moonlight peers
over the sky
Hey Miraculix, I did notice that. But he has come a long way. And you can't blame the fellow. He has years of Public Service grammar and syntax inculcation to overcome. I'm just glad we didn't get phrases like 'in the fullness of time' or even the dreaded 'working families', ha ha.
Assuming the PM is male of course... Me, I take nothing for granted. Yoroshiku, PM.
Not forgetting that haikuofnobody is not 'strict' as such. No Jesuits here brother.
Pen - Just for you mate. A new photo is ready to roll but I'll leave it until tomorrow. Yoroshiku, all.
Upon reflection, I realize that the seven sylabble line is actually eight. Oh hell.
Jesuit moonshine
Unethical theology <---(eight)
Worshipping raw power
Lesson: that's what you get for typing an impromptu response and not reviewing before clicking the big orange "publish" button.
Hmmm. Try again:
Jesuit moonshine
Dark history in black robes
Worshipping raw power
I'm a bloody politician mate
Not a poet!!
We don't have souls
Maybe in the fullness of time...
thank-you for your patience nobody.
Perceptions heighten
Anticipation aroused
Ha ha ha ha,
Perhaps the soul is what Johnny Howard wanted us to 'aspire' to. This being back when we were all 'Aspirational Australians' as opposed to 'Working Families'. Mind you, everyone I knew simply aspired to having a bigger television. It's a bit like having a soul, I guess.
Aspirational Australians sounds a lot like Ownership Society. Different marketing agencies, but the project was the same.
Everybody did a great job on this one. Nice work.
reflected fleeting blush of love
dispassionate cool beauty of night
her ceaseless journey
tides ebb & flow within & without
all is movement
Ayah! You're lucky I popped in to have a look Kikz. In the haiku blog I get no notification of comments for older pieces. Otherwise, very good!
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