A geeks wet dream
Creaming pants
Whilst joystick killing
dangerous vision
we are all terrorists now
death comes here unseen
Heroes of the hour
Top gun rules in a cocoon
The real world awaits
sit back and relax
video game generation
outside slowly dies
as those behind drones
cruel objectification
maintains boundaries
Imran and his niece
Baklava and lemonade
"Sweetheart, let's go home"
Short-sighted, unfit
Comfy chairs, coke, and pizza.
We band of brothers.
ignoble killers den
highest end technology
very sad, sad end
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do
Scotty knew it too.
Don't think, just react
Multi core chips and memory
Don't think, just don't think!
a hellfire death
from the armchair of the free
and the lounge of the brave
sit back and relax
video game generation
outside slowly dies
in the pilot's seat
(not here of course, but elsewhere)
they watch the drones
Dumbed down, sharpened skills
Amusements in chaos. The
Next level? - Outside!
Heroes of the hour
Top gun rules in a cocoon
The real world awaits
dangerous vision
we are all terrorists now
death comes here unseen
Thanks boys. And isn't it nice to have a proper boy's club with no slimey girls!? Yay! We can all spit on the floor and not have to put up with any flowers or dolls or any of that yucky girl's stuff. Heeeerk, Ptooey!
Wow, did you see that one? That easy went three metres.
What's wrong with slimy girls? You never been to a Mazola party mate? And those females ripping each others bikinis off in wet mud - wow!
How high was that one?!
Urgh! I had to look up mazola party and rather wished I hadn't. Think of the carpet and the furniture! Nasty. Anyway FB you clearly fail in the being-a-nine-year-old stakes. Now you'll have to swear on a stack of Spider-Man comics that girls are-so-too yucky or you can't be in our boy's club.
Dave McGowan writes new piece on his website shock!
God boy, your worried about the carpet and the furniture, It looks like you are old enough to have caught responsibility. He he.
I misread “being a nine year old” and thought you said “Bring a nine year old” like the rest of us have bring a bottle parties. I thought that was introducing an unsavoury element into Mazola parties but I will come clean and not make a straw man out of it. I can see that if I don't swear allegiance to your wizard boys club I am going to be treated like Piggy in Lord of the Flies so I guess you got it.
By the way, what does the object of your desires think of your attitude to yucky girls? :)
HI Nob,s I can't post a comment here so A.P is posting it on my behalf (the publish comment button and all that stuff underneath the comment box has disappeared..stuffed if I know what's going on?)
So here it goes!
No girls allowed
This boys club kills
>From comfy chairs.
(up yours about "smelly girls" ;)chants "we want girls..blah blah"
A geeks wet dream
Creaming pants
Whilst joystick killing
So there!
Cheers A
A13, you bloody genius. I love it - you tie the front pic to the otherwise unconnected idle chit chat in the comments and make it all one. Whacko.
As for boy's club, FB what are you talking about? Whose mad idea was that? It's the silliest thing I ever heard of. But never mind, you can redeem yourself. All you have to do is swear on a stack of 911 Reports that you were never there and it wasn't you. If you do that all will be forgiven and you may return to polite society as if nothing ever happened. And not just polite society, here too!
And then there's AP. AP what's going on? You didn't write us a haiku. Your forfeit is to, um... write a haiku! Ha ha, that'll teach you to not write a haiku.
As for Ms Objet, she has forgiven me. Not that I deserve it of course.
And thank you John. That's good news, albeit in thirteen syllables. But who cares? I'm off to have a read!
Hmm... I don't know. Was that a bit disappointing? The whole way through the first part I was thinking, has Dave never heard of Mithras? Still, it wasn't bad. And now that I think about it, the Mithras story in no way negates his hypothesis. In fact it would function as a template for the plotters to follow.
The death cult is nothing if not unoriginal. What was the 'Iraqis throwing babies from humidicribs' story if not a near-precise recycling of the old Roman 'barbarians killing babies and floating them downstream' story?
Here's a question - what was the first historical example of the old lone nut assassin story? Certainly not 1963. In fact, given the Jack Ruby wrinkle, was that even the first lone nut killed by another lone nut? I doubt it. Meanwhile how many lone nut gunmen have we had? Without even trying I just thought of four.
The thing with Dave McGowan is that even if he's wide of the mark, had he not gone there you'd never have known there was a mark at all, if you can dig it. Which is to say, even on his off days he's better than just about anyone else out there.
As for his theory about Jeb Bush and Sarah Palin, I reckon the logic is pretty strong and he could well be right.
Like I said - even if he's wrong, it's a treat to get such a lesson from a past master of sceptical thinking. If only he'd write more...
as those behind drones
cruel objectification
maintains boundaries
The earliest lone assassin I've found so far is Francois Ravaillac who murdered King Henry IV in 1611 though there was speculation that it was actually plotted by the duc d'Epernon, Henriette d'Entragues and Charlotte du Tillet. If we scratched history further I'm sure there would be older examples, as it's a convenient cover.
That the Roman Empire never ended is not an original observation, I read the same view expressed by Philip K Dick. That it wasn't the real Jesus crucified also appears in some of the apocryphal writings. That he could have been a Roman agent is quite possible,the message of not rebelling against our overlords does work very much in their favour. That politics is mostly theatre seems correct. People still somehow manage to believe that if their party gets in things will be put right and blame all the bad stuff on the other lot. How many times do you have to be disappointed before you get it?
I do wish Dave would write a bit more. The radio shows never seem to work from here.
Nice one John. I'd never heard of him. But now that I have I shake my fist at those perfidious French! Is it too late to declare war on them?
It's certainly not too late to burn Guy Fawkes in effigy once more (speaking of the 1600's). Think of the laughter in the marbled halls of the nobles as the plebs light their bonfires each year. They know that the celebrations are a testament to their own enduring greatness. Never mind lies as mean and petty things, when they tell them they are founding legends that entire peoples embrace without exception and for all time. Which is to say, not a lie at all really!
Hmm... it seems the haiku blog has turned into the church. Who's responsible for this? It's bloody John again!
John, it's not bad enough that you nearly ruined last week with your photo on the front page but here you are doing it again with your news of Dave McGowan. Bloody hell, do you ever get anything right?
Ha ha ha, smiley winky thing!
So many targets
here, there, and everywhere
best shoot the herald
Don't know if they crucified the wrong Jesus or not but the Sadam they hanged was not the same one who ruled Iraq. And now the Gunpowder Plot has entered the conversation I am here to tell you that it was King James who perpd the whole thing in a classic false flag operation to once and for all put paid to those troublesome Catholics. Guy Fawkes was just the patsy.
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