with neat roads
the city is well planned
with much greenery
The earth is now square
No blossoms for festival
The Borg does not care
man in reduction
technique is thy god program
look for the harness
God laughed when they tried
to put "creative" inside
a small metal box
Innocent circuts
data bank analysis
the Beast is born
trails, buses, mother
conquering the world out there
here laying souls bare
with neat roads
the city is well planned
with much greenery
The first credit card
was cumbersome and awkward
amazingly so
The earth is now square
No blossoms for festival
The Borg does not care
If you squint real hard,
one can see the blurry words . . .
yep, that's the absolute best I can do with that one, sorry.
Rocking! And everyone goes sideways. I love it.
Christmas gifts once were
carved, painted, knitted, or printed,
Each gift for someone.
der schutte
We have come for your soul
Without my intricate heart
The Big Pull was doomed
Thanks for the run of ideas Slozo. I don't know how many of you remember The Pig Pull, not that many I guess. Here is the complete Wicky on the subject.
The Big Pull (1962) was a highly-innovative BBC science-fiction series concerning an alien invasion of earth. Unlike conventional science-fiction of the Doctor Who-type, there were no monsters or humanoid aliens. In this respect it was similar to A for Andromeda.
The events occur during early space exploration. Earth came under attack by an invisible force, which took over humans in pairs; one disappears, one dies. The disappeared one emerges under alien control.
The fear grows palpable when it is realised that the number of victims is growing exponentially; the time between each attack halves each time, and the number of victims doubles.
Again, unusually for the genre, the series ends with widespread panic as it is realised that every effort has failed, the scientists are dead, that the whole population of the Earth will be gone within hours, and there is nothing that can be done.
The series ran over six episodes, during the time that the first ventures into space by Russian and American astronauts were taking place. As of 2009, however, no episodes exist in the archives.
you made me the richest man
In the world today.
in our electrons
in our bones we view these boards
as primitive toys
we secretly loathe
little green "men" who covet
our humanity
Cheers all and thanks FB for the info about The Big Pull, it sounds like a fascinating series. What a shame that so much of the BBC archives don't exist.
Nobody, haiku
team up as a profiler
Hullo Tony, what? You lost me.
As for BBC archives, the only reason that Monty Python's Flying Circus still exists is because Terry Jones spat the dummy and furiously told the accountants that he'd pay them for the cost of the blank tapes that they wanted to turn his shows into. Unbelievable.
What's that quote about knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing? Anyway, that.
And The Big Pull, eh? I've never even heard of it. Off to check it out. Oh, and FB I don't get your second one. What's it all about?
Otherwise, thanks the Schutter and AP. Adopts wobbly voice and waves walking stick: "You've all done very well!"
So sideways it went obscure. It was just that such stupid bits of circuitry made Mr Gates the richest man in the world. No more than that. Except that is for the Rothschild's; Schrif's; Mellon's Warburg's etc etc who always seem to have the power to exclude themselves from such silly league tables.
Ah, very good, it all becomes clear. As for our banking masters - exactly.
God laughed when they tried
to put "creative" inside
a small metal box
alien servant
a dark enigma for a heart
its rules now ours
The haiku you elicit from us come from way down, so, you have our inner most thoughts on the graphics (subject) you pick. Nobby + haiku = our deep down thoughts.
trails, buses, mother
conquering the world out there
here laying souls bare
Thanks Tony, it's obvious now that you mention it. And yeah, it does function that way doesn't it? But in some ways that's the point of poetry. Anyway very cool.
It's weird but I thought that this pic would leave people nonplussed but it's got the coolest bunch on sideways takes. Really brilliant.
Wait a minute. What's going on? Is there some secret plot? You've all ganged up to write great haiku so that when I have to pick five I can't choose and go nuts. You cruel scheming bastards.
dumpster diving kids
treasure hunting for christmas
components for gifts
Spirit and conscience
Where the human brain excels
Computation fails
man in reduction
technique is thy god program
look for the harness
Take me home
to the place i belong...
oh dear! too bloody early here..
More cofee Mr nobody...
OK, One more.or two
motherboard highway
the route of all evil
destination awaits
Innocent circuts
data bank analysis
The Beast is born.
Hope your well Nobs, Howz the van comming along?
If your heading up way north give us a shout..Cheers A
A13, that's (Motherboard) got to be top of Nobby's choice - excellent.
ps now I'm a critic!
Hi boys and girls,
A quick note in amongst the frenzy (frenzy at my end that is). The object of my devotion is arriving in four days and we're hitting the road in the van. The van is horrendously incomplete but it'll be do-able. Happily Ms. Objet declares she will not mind.
As for the haiku blog I expect that my attendance will become somewhat spotty. I'll post a properly seasonal pic tomorrow before I head to Sydney. And after that, who knows? I shall do my best.
Hi Nobs, tell us more about Ms object!! how exciting :)
and thanks Tony..
Not so bad yourself, especially the one you did a few weeks back that you mentioned the Hawkesberry River..
i used to ride my motorcycle to the wisemans ferry pub (great road) and spend many hours fishing around there.
imagine how pristine that area was for the original inhabitants..Heaven alright.
Cheers A
A13, I used to water ski at Wisemans Ferry back when, until people started to get killed almost every weekend - then I moved to Qld.
I think I remenber the "bridge to bridge" race along that river..is that right?? It was very dangerous as i can recall..I left Sydney when the Olympics came..headed up way north to Darwin..still here :)
Cheers A
I never ventured into the bridge to bridge it was only for the best of the best and yes it was very dangerous only because it was so fast. I skied at Wisemans early '60's – beautiful, early in the morning the water would be so smooth it was like glass – the nose of the ski would pierce the clear reflection of the sky so except for gravity it felt as if you were skiing the sky. Unreal.
I drove to Darwin a couple years ago (then to Broome via Kununurra, I wanted to fly over Lake Argyle), the wide open ocean view from Darwin impressed me greatly.
This' your fault A - at Wisemans we would park the vehicles nose onto the river bank about 4m back from the edge; at high tide the water would lap the grassy bank. To be cool (although I don't think that was the term then) to exit from the river at the end of your ski run you would ski straight up to the bank and smoothly step out of the ski onto the grass.
With about half a dozen cars parked as such, a younger brother of a mate was performing this manoeuvre, smiling at us for his cleverness as he did so and tripped. Boomp! Head first into the bumper bar of one of the cars and was out cold for about 20 minutes. Not real cool but he was okay... just got-it!... 'neat' was the term – it was a neat move if executed correctly.
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