in the good old days
chicken were as big as men
and smoking was cool
so all right yous guys
no more chicken road jokes
Bugsy and me say
Everything depends
on a banded, white chicken
standing next to me
Chicken licken
roll your own
smokin kid KFC
Spring of sixty nine
I started to smoke because
Zappa looked so cool.
*eighteen* sixty nine
real boys rolled their own wads and
knew how to speak hen
psst... you distract them
and I'll steal their lunch box
we'll live like kings
courage, hope and trust
hen for eggs, kid for genius
awesome husbandry
after seeing that image I was compelled to pick up a great book by william james, the varieties of religious experience, last read a couple of years back. I opened it up from a marked spot and found something that contributes:
"One of the doctrinal sources of Mind-cure is the four Gospels; another is Emersonianism or New England transcendentalism; an- other is Berkeleyan idealism; another is spiritism, with its messages of “law” and “progress” and “development”; another the optimistic popular science evolutionism of which I have recently spoken; and, finally, Hinduism has contributed a strain. But the most characteristic feature of the mind-cure movement is an inspiration much more direct. The leaders in this faith have had an intuitive belief in the all-saving power of healthy-minded attitudes as such, in the conquering efficacy of courage, hope, and trust, and a correlative contempt for doubt, fear, worry, and all nervously precautionary states of mind.1"
and, the footnote,
"1. “Cautionary Verses for Children”: this title of a much used work, published early in the nineteenth century, shows how far the muse of evangelical protestantism in England, withher mind fixed on the idea of danger, had at last drifted away from the original gospel freedom. Mind-cure might be briefly called a reaction against all that religion of chronic anxiety which marked the earlier part of our century in the evangelical circles of England and America."
oh and, for the record - all references made to god by me are dead serious.
Bugger that, Nobody . . . I thought it was my best haiku ever, and there you go calling it post-modernist. A great insult, considering that I have more meaning attached with that phrase as I have studied art history somewhat.
This is me sulking in the corner:
A chicken, a boy
Sitting on a chair smoking
Oddness abounds here.
Straight-forward enough for ya?
post.grumble.modern.grumble.ist.bullshit.crap.haiku bloody grumble . . .
Hmm... I just wrote a long piece explaining a whole bunch of stuff, and then decided it was all moot. Long and short - I shall do things ever so slightly differently in the future and I think it will work better. I shan't explain it, I'll just do it. And don't worry, it's the smallest tweak - I doubt anyone will even notice.
which came first?
the chicken or the cig?
hmm... cig first, then chook.
And if all else fails,
the cigarette doesn't work,
love the one you're with
boy with his best friend
no doubt ogling some cute girl
deflowering next
detective for hire
hard-boiled gumshoe seeking work
have chook, will travel
so all right yous guys
no more chicken road jokes
Bugsy and me say
Ha ha ha ha ha, crack me up!
This one is a bit of a puzzler, I am hoping something infuses itself into my brain overnight.
One thing is clear though, when you lived in the bullshit seaside town you didn't go anywhere near the bullshit souvenir shops, otherwise you would have come across this, on trays, key hangers, plaques for the wall and more or less anything else in the shop. All with the scene from the last picky plastered on them.
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one only.
This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?”
The Lord replied, “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.”
So there you have it - or not as the case may be :-)
Sentimentality rules OK.
While we're meandering, very early in TV life in Australia (and your 'have chook, will travel' indicates you saw this show as well) Have Gun Will Travel (Richard Boone as Paladin) was my most favourite show. In fact I had arranged with a mates mum that I could go each week to their house and watch as we had no TV. I would take her a box of Roses chocolates as a thank you for letting me watch the show, I loved it and was Mrs Wilsons favourite white haired boy for the duration (my hair at that time was as black as).
Have Gun Will Travel
Hello FB, and yes it's true I did not know that my choice was fodder for inspirational posters. And I'm glad you found consolation in it. Sure enough no such thought occurred to me. My angle could best be summed up as 'humans on the earth'.
And Tony, you know I've never seen that show. I'm pretty sure it was before my time. I'm more from the Batman / Lost in Space era. Mind you it was all in black and white - I didn't see colour TV until 1975.
lost in space was my favorite show of childhood. i cut my loathing teeth on that arrogant bastard dr. smith.
force-fed drugged up stock
K F C market study
reality missed
Chicken licken
roll your own
smokin kid KFC
light up
chicken pluckers son
singed feather smell
lame, i know, just couldn't get the spirit of this one today..
I loved lost in space too, but thought that don guy was waaay more creey than Dr Smith..
and nobs, re colour TV, I was stoked when i first saw it about 1975 as a kid, watching daryl and ozzy show on sat morning and was surprised that ozzy was bright pink!
Cheers A
Hee Hee, I'm glad everyone piled in. And A13, you couldn't get into this one and that's why you only wrote two haiku. As opposed to eight, ha ha ha. Anyway I like your first riffing off JD. Very good. And JD.
And yeah, Doctor Smith - he was so hateful. Even as a little kid I couldn't understand why they didn't just kill him. Ha, I just went and looked up Jonathon Harris. No surprises he was Jewish. Like he could ever have been anything else.
But never mind that, does anyone remember the episode where they were on the planet of the teenagers? Penny go-go dancing on that platform constitutes my discovery of the opposite sex - a goggle-eyed, drooling seven year old not even sure why he was weirded out.
in the good old days
chicken were as big as men
and smoking was cool
That's the one AP. Actually I got lost on a youtube wander (anyone remember Prince Planet?) and there's a chap there who's collated a bunch of mind control scenes from various TV shows. Lost in Space gets a couple of guernseys. And looking back there was a lot of this going on. Pretty much every show (every American show) had an episode or two pivoting on hypnotisim or mind control. Mind you, after Dave McGowan this comes as no surprise.
Hi Nobs, i remember prince planet..what about space angel, with the very weird mouth..
and another one i used to love was marine boy...the lost in space episode i liked had a strange harp and a devil looking character in it..Cheers A
chicken were as big as men...
love that. also reminds me of the gilligan's island episode when they found the giant radioactive vegetables. remember when that was so funny? hahaha.
Yeah AP and the radioactive vegies gave them all superpowers!
maryanne could see xtra well couse she has the carots!
Cheers A
dreams of Gilligan
comedic plutonium
cue the laugh track
ha, good one nobs, great memory A13! those were the early days of predictive programming.... so quaint.
Well I had to go on a quest to find inspiration because it was nowhere around here, with or without the footsteps.
Who is the smartest,
The chicken for not smoking
Or the boy who does?
A life time bonding
A chicken called Freda Payne
With his Band of Gold.
Time to move on kid
Here comes Simon Smith and the
Amazing Dancing Bear.
You reminded me of a very painful time in my formative years Nobs, when I got dumped by this really sprauncy chick. She was a nine and a half in anybody's book and time after time she fell for the same old line without realising until it was too late. Of a Saturday night I would take her out to a pub and when we both had a drink I would say “He's in trouble again”. The “Who” reply was automatic and I would say “Batman” and without a pause I would relate every detail of the half hour episode. Then I would end up with something like “So you are really going to have to watch it next week to see if this is the end or if he can escape from the giant jaws of death that are closing in on him.” She hatred it, she thought it was so childish and after taking it for a couple of months she KB'd me. On the other hand, mind you, she might have thought I was after her cherry but on balance I am sure it was Batman that was the clincher.
Spring of sixty nine
I started to smoke because
Zappa looked so cool.
der schutte
*eighteen* sixty nine
real boys rolled their own wads and
knew how to speak hen
She's still got the band
I gave her when we were young.
I just don't care now.
Everything depends
on a banded, white chicken
standing next to me
Japanese New Year
is not as festive these days.
I sit with my friend and smoke.
Fauntleroy would smoke
The chicken would dance glibly
Pennies from heaven
Time for some exclamation marks! And the word sideways.
Tsisageya! Is that the best debut ever? Hooly Dooly, I really like the way your brain works. Aforementioned! Do hang around won't you?
Tony! What the fuck is going on mate? From 'I don't like hake' to the king of the subtle sideways. Very good. And you don't need me to ask you to hang around do you? Nah.
Anyway, top week this week. I grooved on it. New pic soon.
Thanks Nobes
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