slave built dark temple
where real decisions are made
the towers must fall
hiding behind masks
the vainglory of the self
bellies, cocks, and cunts
After the battle's
Won, will the undead still need
To be the other?
Reeking cheap drama,
dependent on costumes, light,
obtuse script writing.
lighting the fuse
the whole squalid tribe
are reduced to ash
Okay, Okay, so I keep picking duds. Well to hell with you, I liked last week's pic. Will anyone like this one? Beats me. For those who don't know, it's from Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut. See what we make of it.
I liked last weeks picture too nobody but for some reason I always have trouble with paintings as subject for haiku. It's not always a question of like or dislike, sometimes a picture I dislike will produce interesting haiku. This new picture is creepy, but that's only my opinion.
It's creepy alright. But that's kind of the idea...
Actually if people want to hold off for a bit, I'm going to lay my hands on a copy of it this afternoon and find a better screengrab. This isn't the one I wanted. The one I wanted was only 200 pixels. Leave it with me, I'll be back shortly.
Also, a small note on pic selection - I actually have several pix lined up for here but I'm always mindful of the others already on the page. If a given unused pic is too close to an earlier one in terms of colour, or texture, or style (or whatever) I'll generally ditch it or defer it. And that was the case here. In spite of having five likely pix I went searching for another and ended up with this.
Varied visuals is one thing, and whether they make good haiku material is a whole other continent - an eternally impenetrable land of mystery, ha ha.
more real with a mask
secrets veiled as fiction
to prevail or not
E voila! Here is the pic I wanted. If anyone wants to see if more clearly there's actually plenty of rez there. Just click on it and have something three times as large.
And John, no need to change your haiku at all. Very good.
slave built dark temple
where real decisions are made
the towers must fall
It's not that I found the last uninteresting it is just that I have had my head in other things for a while.
To placate your sensibilities here is a retro effort for the last picky.
Watching in the deep
Torment or tournament? Is
It Enzo or Jacques?
(Film ref – answers on a postcard.....-)
Now this one:
After the battle's
Won, will the undead still need
To be the other?
Cohesiveness through
Ceremony gives control
To those not present.
Hey John, Hey FB,
Sorry if I appeared cross at the top here. I was just being a variety of arch. I should have put a smiley winky thing in there. If a picture doesn't grab people that's cool. God forbid this place should become like homework or something.
Sure enough, what with me having no real idea what anyone grooves on, it will always be hit or miss. And? And nothing. It just is. I'll plough on regardless and take anyone who enjoys it as a bonus.
And Sir! Sir! Can I answer the postcard question? Is it the Big Blue?
Anyway I'm pissed off now: Why didn't I think of that? (smiley winky thing)
whited sepulchres
carrion in cloaks and masks
tumescent in death
Ha, it sure was the Big Blue. I saw it years ago and thought it was average but now I think I might be in for it? I will have to get it again from the library. And self flagellation is unnecessary.
Reeking cheap drama,
dependent on costumes, light,
obtuse script writing.
der schutte
lighting the fuse
the whole squalid tribe
are reduced to ash
Yay Su!
Lovely to see you again. And marvellous haiku mate. It's a little bit cruel but to quote Monty Python, 'cruel but fair'.
How are you? Sorry I haven't been over at your place. It's just that I haven't been feeling very metaphysical lately. I hope you're all well. Is your son a world famous snake handler yet? I'll pop in catch up right after I finish tearing the no-plane argument to pieces. Right now I've a terrible bee in my bonnet and I'm off to whack my head repeatedly with a stout bit of rattan.
Dig it, I am Sherlock Holmes and the bonnet is a deer-stalker.
"I say Watson, the chase is afoot. We must act once! Hand me that rattan cane."
Whack! Crunch! Whack Whack Whack! Bang! Smack Whack Whack!
"Ah, that's better. Now where were we?"
Ha ha ha. Why have we never seen that in a Sherlock Holmes movie? We've had dozens of the bloody things and never once have they featured a scene where he beats himself in the head with a stick.
Those Hollywood gits - they're so unimaginative.
Anyway, off I go.
(Slowly exits stage left accompanied by the sound of buzzing, whacking, and the occasional 'Ow!').
Forgot to mention that the political system in Belgium is getting serious. The French guy trying to form a coalition with eight parties minus the one with the most votes who took their ball home has reached an impasse and can't continue. He has called the king back of holiday. The king is pissed and given them one day to sort their ideas out. In the meantime Yves Laterme who is heading up the interim government has announced he is leaving politics to become VP of OCED by the year end at the latest.
Watch this space.
Woops posted on the wrong site - sorry
yeah life is good.
the one is too busy with the snakes to get anywhere up the ladder.
talking about sherlock holmes - he and watson are out camping one weekend.
in the middle of the night holmes shakes watson awake and says whilst looking at the sky "what can you deduce watson?".
Watson - " well astrologically speaking the moon is in venus conjunct uranus which means a time to be careful with your loved ones.
meteorologically speaking the moon dog represents a storm moving in within a few days.
and cosmologically speaking it appears that we are all part of the larger whole. why holmes. what do you deduce?"
holmes - "someone stole our fucking tent you fool".
Crack me up! I can't believe I didn't see the punchline coming. Very good.
FB, you silly sausage! Actually I knew you'd posted in the wrong place because there were far too many syllables.
darkened minds gathered
control and earthly power
scratch out a rubric
Hi nobs, i really enjoyed this movie,(except for the nicole kidman getting stoned scene which was ridiculous) but thought it had been "changed" in production after scorsaces death..here we go..
behind masks of fear
hearts lie in terror
beastial demonstration
dignity splayed wide
eyes now tightly closed
noone here gets out alive
Dissassociative diabolism
wrong place wrong time
the feast begins
unrecognisable annonimity
creating a satanic divinity
cruel and debauched
Cheers A
A13, not only were those haiku good but one would have scored a spot on the front page for sure. But! You were too late. Still, good haiku.
And yeah - good call - the scene with Kidman stoned. What a shocker, the worst in the movie. Wrong in conception, wrong in delivery, just wrong. I didn't see this movie until ten years after it came out because the previous times I'd tried to watch it I couldn't get past that scene. Truly bad.
Ciao mate.
Yeah nob's that movie i only saw a few years ago, it was insightfull but you could tell the ending is flat ie suss..not how the man woulda done it, and strange also was the timing of the marital demise of mr and mrs cruise kidman et al..an interesting time in the scheme of things..back then was.
cheers a
Hey A13,
Also mate, since we're back here in what's effectively an empty bar I just wanted to say I hope you don't mind me, um... giving you a nudge before.
I'm never quite sure what to do on that score. This isn't a class and I try not to play the role of teacher. Assuming where people are at is fraught. Some of the people in here, particularly the Schutter (whom I've known for twenty years), have been writing haiku for longer than I have and are better at it. Ain't nothing I can teach him. Mind you, he's not always the star, as we saw in his Papillon effort. But ordinarily he's very very good and when he tops himself he's dazzling.
And who knows for everyone else? I once pointed out a grammar error for P2P, whom I know speaks English as a second language. In case you didn't know but I used to be a teacher of precisely that. Anyway P2P pulled me up by saying that that not-quite-right past participle (or whatever it was) was exactly what she wanted and she had no intention of changing it. Me, impressed! Nothing to say but bravo. Or 'brava' since she's a chick.
So I tend to leave people to it. But you gave me the impression you were just dipping your toe in the water so... I gave you nudge. I hope you didn't take it personal. Furthermore I reckon you've got a definite knack for this and I'll be interested to see how far you can take it. Within the simple rigidity of 5,7,5 extraordinary things are possible.
Whatever anyone thinks, this is poetry. It's an attempt to give voice to the unspoken. It's a search for subtleties and... oh bugger it - Van Morrison nailed it already when he wrote the inarticulate speech of the heart. Okay, so Van Morrison is a complete and utter genius and we're just a pack of rank amateurs but at least we're trying. The thing is, the obvious is easy and won't do nothing for you, but the sublime is a slippery elusive beast and hunting it will, um... or it might ...or hopefully should ...and speaking for myself I should say, take me towards being the person I want to be.
Dear oh dear, rambling now. I'll leave you to it and see you on the front page.
PS. Not forgetting of course - if the sublime is beyond reach just go for comedy. Basho did all the time and he is the master. Ciao.
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