a hole in the sky
his heart too small to keep him
from earth's hard embrace
The darkening sky
reveals fresh new stars to me
moment by moment
seagulls and sparks fly
gunshots ring shocking the heart
give love a bad name
Red dwarf heart of the
Human nova, final beat
Before extinction
city lights float up
twinkling through a ceaseless glass
coldly receding
Hey Boys and Girls,
I really liked the last effort. And weirdly enough picking the best five turned into a very strange process. I initially had a different set in place but the proximity of the photo seemed to change everything. Haiku which I thought were brilliant one page away, when put in the immediate presence of a photo's brutal honesty sort of, I don't know... 'paled'. And conversely, efforts on the back page that I'd thought were over-wrought suddenly worked. Interesting and not what I expected.
As for this week, I left the file name as a suitably vague 'matisse'. I decided not to give the correct name to the image in order to see what people made of it. It's that kind of pic - whatever pops into your head is fine.
Alternatively, if you do know the title of this image and want to write a haiku with that as the subject matter, off you go - it's all good. And cheating via google-fu is also permitted. Hell, you could even do a before and after haiku and see if you can make two bookends out of them. Up to you...
Below the surface
A dark shape amongst the stars
Laser harpoon ready
Red dwarf heart of the
Human nova, final beat
Before extinction
dancing absolutely fearlessly
in perfect resonance
Late deep blue evening
Tiny Tim can tiptoe through
The tulips with me.
Sarah Palin's kid,
has-beens, wannabes,flotsam,
Dancing with the Stars.
der schutte
the star's unlikely promise
a hole in the sky
his heart too small to keep him
from earth's hard embrace
Jinx, the Schutte! It's nearly dinner time there. Say hey to Na.
Otherwise you guys are cracking me up today.
Come and eat dinner, the invitation always stands.It is pissing rain and we are currently drinking my cherry chocolate stout.
city lights float up
twinkling through a ceaseless glass
coldly receding
Bloody jinx again! And thanks mate, you never know, I might pop over. I was thinking I hadn't looked down the back of the couch for ages and you never know someone might've left several thousand dollars down there. It's not completely impossible...
Just to be sure, I went and checked, No thousand dollars but there were some strange finds...
The darkening sky
reveals fresh new stars to me
moment by moment
der schutte
dancing with the stars
new aussie outback version
will make your heart bleed
seagulls and sparks fly
gunshots ring shocking the heart
give love a bad name
and somehow this turned into a bon jovi haiku? oh cursed pop music.
olympian flag
severed native inspired
now commercialized
So...so many words,
So...so my head hurts,
So...so my emotions,
So...so only God knows,
So...so I wish someone
So...so nobody answer.
hello Honk Bonk Man
did you want me to answer
or write a haiku?
Mauna Kea Dawn,
dusted like God's donut
with the first white snow.
der schutte
Nothing to do with the picture of course. But this morning, while contemplating a trip to the beach, I walked out on my porch with my cup of coffee, saw this, and remembered why Hawaii is so friggin beautiful.
distant mountain snow?
ancient Hawaiian rules say:
no school today
bombs bursting in air,
so afraid my heart will burst,
just want to go home
Matisse had forgot how to paint. So with scissors created, how quaint. From his bed he would snip and his glue it would drip, in the hope all the ladies would faint.
Hello Boys and Girls,
Sorry, I haven't had much time for haiku lately what with being completely immersed in clerihew. I've decided they're very similar. No honestly!
For those who don't visit the church blog, click the link on the front page and check out the hot clerihew action.
hmmphh the haiku sighs
when does that clerihew bitch
depart from whence she came?
did not mean to post as anonymous.
it was me sir, it was me.
So this is over is it?
Just wondering.
I went an looked at Clerihew but its really limited in scope. Jokes about celebrities. I might try a couple, but I do not see much fun in making fun of people who are parodies of themselves already.
der schutte
hey nobody,
i imagined you were off partying and then i realised you might be staving off flood waters.
hoping you are well.
at least it beats the daily routine.
Hullo Boys and Girls,
Um, haiku back soon.
PS As for floods, I live at the beach a couple of hours away from Brisbane. It is true that floods can occur at the beach but then they're usually called 'tsunami'.
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