Eugenicists at
Red Cross dispense life or death
In blood bag lottery
My eyes are closed tight,
teeth clenched, I hear the doctor,
and a dripping sound.
Even in these times
Irony of his blood type
Is not lost on us
a bag of red rum
blood suckers wetting their lips
just b positive
terribly sorry su
you need your blood so very much
more than we do
the magic of blood
of gods, sacrifice, and myth
in a plastic bag
still trying.
sadly, no...
Eugenicists at
Red Cross dispense life or death
In blood bag lottery.
Yeah, in the hit or miss stakes, this one counts as the latter. Seemed like a good idea at the time...
Mind you, we'll give it a few days and see what happens.
I think that the downside of a photo like this one, although it does invoke emotions and stuff, it that haiku wants to be visual, it is really designed to be a snapshot of a sound or sight that invokes an emotion. I always enjoy the game here because we are basically reverse engineering the haiku from its original idea. Basho would be proud. Instead of writing to invoke a visual snapshot with emotional content, we are given the snapshot and must go from there. Basho of course didnt have his digital camera when he became a wandering monk, so he was forced to listen to the frogs in the pond, or look down the rainy road, and build a word photo out of that sensory information.A photo like the blood bag is difficult for me because the emotional content is right up front, and there really is no place for me to go with visuals. But I am going to try one anyway...
My eyes are closed tight,
teeth clenched, I hear the doctor,
and a dripping sound.
der schutte
there I gave it a go!
Even in these times
Irony of his blood type
Is not lost on us
a bag of red rum
blood suckers wetting their lips
just b positive
You know what it is? The pix run the gamut here from 'piece of piss' through to 'extremely difficult'. And sometimes it doesn't become clear what a given pic is until it's posted.
Anyway, for a tough pic we did pretty well. I think the Schutter's approach really kicked arse: for an obvious and unromantic pic, get tangental.
Mind you, I liked all of them...
Anyone else? Pile in. There's still time to nudge me out of the tip five before I post a new pic tomorrow. Ciao ciao.
terribly sorry su
you need your blood so very much
more than we do.
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