my microscope blurred
motes borne on the abstract sea
in opposition
pink, blue, blue, pink
the giant amoebas float by
as tree marries television!
Thought transference through
diverse mediums – HELP ME
Sorry I’m just a fish.
Felix just hoicked
And up came a fur ball - Yoiks!
Not a happy cat
big bertha, small sun/son
earth and moon, entwined escape
from Fuji san's/son's/sun's milk
Is anyone still hanging out here? World's lousiest mein host, me. I'd apologise except that I do it so often that it's all a bit meaningless. So to hell with you and here's a new picture. Yoroshiku.
her world a droplet
Medea swimming swimming
searching for her prey
Still checking back nobody. No haiku though, all mine have gone rubbish. Have you found anything interesting on wikepedia? Did you have a good Stephen Chow?
I've been trying to write a piece about the peasants revolt of 1381 for ages but like a lot of my attempted writing I can't make it small enough and still have it make sense.
Hope all good with you!
Hey John, sorry I haven't been frequenting your comments mate. But I always stop in and admire the front page. I expect you can see me.
Offline Wikipedia is good but frustrating. For some reason it's a year old and incomplete. For instance in looking up Sacha Baron Cohen there's no entry for Bruno. It seems that in every trail I follow there'll be any number of dead entries.
Stephen Chow was heaven. My faves were God of Cookery, an Iron Chef pisstake, and Forbidden City Cop a period comedy. The more I see of him the more impressed I am. His attitude to women is remarkable. He's not scared to play opposite smart, funny women, nor to be shown up by them. In O'Brien's Aubrey/Maturin there's a constant discussion about 'moral advantage' in marriage, ie. who's been caught out at what, who's failed who, and who gets to lord it over the other etc. Chow can come at a complex topic like this and effortlessly deal with it with extraordinary insight, grace, and good humour. If I was a chick I'd marry him.
And the Peasant's Revolt? Yes please. Weirdly enough, just this morning as I was standing on the balcony thinking how nice a cig would be (quit for a week now) and Wat Tyler popped into my head. To no useful effect of course apart from serving as a useful reminder as to what murderous cunts the aristocracy are. Anyway, I vote 'aye'.
Cheers nobody. I don't really spend a lot of time with the statcounter. I connected it originally to see if anyone at all was looking at the blog and to my great surprise there were quite a lot of visits, I had presumed I was talking to an empty auditorium.
I've not seen anything by SBC since his Ali G tv stuff, couldn't stomach watching the films but I have to see part of the expensive media campaigns as they are slapped on the sides of buses here. The Bruno film didn't seem very popular here, despite the media blitz. Now I'll have to try and catch some of Stephen Chow's work, that sounds much more up my street.
I got particularly interested in the character of John Ball, the hedge priest, and have been looking for his speeches/sermons but history being what it is they seem difficult to find. For some reason we weren't taught about this in school, can't imagine why. You seem to have guessed the main thrust of it there nobody!
Nice to see you back. Has anyone heard from Kikz lately?
The new picky loaded itself on my speed dial so I just popped in to see what everyone else had made of it and as expected, not very much. And no I haven’t taken umbrage that my last submission didn’t go up, enough of mine have gone up anyway so I am not sensitive about it. I only sling one in when I think Mr N has gone walking in the boonies. But quite right, I am one of the ones who didn’t turn up for the last effort, too damned busy maties. I have just spent a week – really a week building a corner wardrobe unit that wouldn’t hang straight on perfectly level ground. Sorted it now though but Ikea rules, KO! Before that it was sorting my brother in law’s new house out and clearing out the old one – still two days work in it before the end of the month. Then it was sorting my best mates bedroom out; and; and. And come November my son in law is on the move to the other side of Belgium and one guess whose services have been booked for the Big Project? Jeez, if this is what retirement is all about I am going to get a job. At least I won’t drop dead in front of the telly.
Yeh, sadly enough John Ball didn’t have access to the full glory of the internet. My mate of bedroom fame mentioned above is a Scot and he recently told me this really stupid story about a local authority somewhere in Scotland that wanted to build a statue of William Wallace but nobody knew what he looked like so they built one of Mel Gibson instead and called it William Wallace!!!
Anyway, I am bereft of ideas on this new picky but I will check into the site regularly to see what better ideas others have for it.
Hello FB, Well that sounds like fun to me. All I want is a workshop to paint, sculpt, and build furniture in. As for pix, I think we could put them on a scale thus:
very easy
very difficult
And sure enough, this one would rate 'very difficult'.
As for Mel Gibson, I imagine it as a scene in some comedy involving an Albanian sculptor, the instructions as Chinese whispers, and a final unveiling with the whole town looking on and ...Ta Dah! It's Mad Max! On a camel!
Cut to assorted shocked Scottish faces. "I thought he was on horseback"
Cut to angry Albanian Sculptor: "You say Mel Gibson the Australian one! I say, 'Mel Gibson not Scottish?' and you say, 'No, the Australian one!' Okay, so here is Australian one. Is Mel Gibson, is not Scottish, but is Australian, like you said!"
Cut to everyone putting two and two together in terms of the sculptor only ever wearing black leather, affecting a limp, and calling everyone 'mate' ...and him eating dog food ...and the dead camel in the freezer etc. etc.
Hey John, as for Kikz, I haven't heard from her for a little while. Perhaps I should drop her a line. Has she not been hanging out at Les'? I've pretty much stopped going there so I've no idea.
Otherwise that first moment of statcounter is a trip isn't it? It's a shame that one gets blasé after a while. Nevis and St Kitts? Yawn.
pink, blue, blue, pink
the giant amoebas float by
as tree marries television!!!!!
Thought transference through
Diverse mediums – HELP ME
Sorry I’m just a fish.
Felix just hoicked
And up came a fur ball - Yoiks!
Not a happy cat
Hee Hee,
I quite like this little grab bag. I have no idea what any of it means but often as not poetry is better that way. Anyway, very good.
hey noby, hey john
been chkin bak and here y'all are..
my muse has quite left me for haiku, so i've not ambled over in quite a while.
hope allz well w/y'all... things ok here...just watchin the world go by...
crazier and crazier by the day.
sweet of y'all to think of me.
big hugz*
As way of an explanation Nobes, Anonymous Sept. 29, 2010, 10:35 PM
Your painting seems to me like the cartoon character cat, Felix, sicking up (the thing that looks like a mine) a hairball.
Thanks for that image btw mate.
big bertha, small sun/son
earth and moon, entwined escape
from Fuji son's/sun's/sans milk
Hey Kikz, nice to hear from you mate. I have a half written note to you sitting on my desktop. It didn't get much past Hullo Kikz how are you? A lot like everything I've written for the church now that I think about it. My brain is like a grasshopper at the moment. Or several grasshoppers. Perhaps a plague? Anyway it's not much good for anything.
Hullo Tony, I'm glad you liked it. It's by Miro actually. (And don't tell Tony this but Miro was a contemporary of Picasso's). Otherwise mate, that was your best effort yet. Not quite up there with Basho but definitely getting somewhere.
Apart from that, it seems that instead of my effort sitting on the front page all on its ownsome, I'm now faced with the happy outcome of having five haiku all better than mine. Yay.
PS Speaking of Miro, for anyone in Sydney, if you go down Liverpool Street in the Spanish part of town there's a very nice tapas bar called Miro with the interior all decked out with Miro-esque artwork. I put it right up there with Capitan Torres, which is across the road, and Racquel's in Oxford St in Darlo.
Er... I was a bit of a tapas fiend in my past life...
Oh man, I just remembered the Gambas Al Ajillo I used to have there. Damn, I wish I hadn't done that. How to ruin your day.
nobody you are so continental, maybe in another life we can all open a tapas bar somewhere.
Nice one Kikz, glad to hear all ok with you m'dear. Crazier and crazier sounds right, tis' a World Turned Upside Down
Tapas bar? That's a brilliant idea.
Wait. I have a better one. The place would be called Rodrigo Zhang's Tapas Teahouse De La Luna De Agosto and it would be a Chinese tapas teahouse/gallery featuring tapas, yum cha, and Peking duck. And tea
And bird cages! Anyone ever seen those Chinese bird cage tea houses? They're fantastic.
Hmm... let me hunt up a piccy of what it would look like and if it's any good I'll post it as tomorrow's pic.
ciao ciao
my microscope blurred
motes borne on the abstract sea
in opposition
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