Wheels within wheels
Mechanical, political
The world keeps turning.
a man of the world
one that he made for himself
swapping steel for sun
sex organ of the
technological machine,
man becomes subsumed.
how very beautiful
that behind that mechanical feat,
an ordinary man
steel and man entwine
meshing together at last
encircling them both
Wheels within wheels
Mechanical, political
The world keeps turning.
Engineering lives
Gearing and leverage
It’s a precise game?
I have always known,
the little man in my watch,
Is a caucasian!
der schutte
wheels grinding on
turning of the way
gears of all is everything
spin around and chase
in the school of old
the great hall of all the time
on the wall the clock
tick tock in the mind
are we late or early
whilst sitting in the chair
for lessons of for ever
allways now repair.
Sorry! I meant to say thanks FB for the pic. Nice one.
The Schutte you swine! That was my idea. I just couldn't jam it into 17 syllables dammit. You always were a dab hand with a shoehorn.
Onya Neil. Bugger seventeen syllables mate - I really liked that. There's a lot to be said for rhyme and meter.
Unrhyming and meterless now -
a man of the world
one that he made for himself
swapping steel for sun
sex organ of the
technological machine,
man becomes subsumed.
how very beautiful
that behind that mechanical feat
sits an ordinary man
sorry again nobody...neil
a cog in the wheel
broken and yet still turning
yes, life does go on
In an old garage
I found strange antique machines
Tools of unknown use
der Schutte
Bugger, I also had..
I always wondered
how without a battery
did my wrist watch work
steel and man intwine
meshing together at last
encircling them both
Clandestine hobby
Keeps the intellect alive
After work is banned
De Schutte’s second effort reminded me of an old B movie starring Frank Windsor (can’t remember the title). Anyone remember when automation was going to create the leisure society, how did we fall for that one? Work was banned except for the lucky few with work permits. A group of guys had a huge diesel engine in a lock up garage which they stripped down, rebuilt, fired up and then repeated the process until they eventually ran out of fuel. They had to be careful; the penalties for getting caught were severe.
Hello boys and girls, what's the date today? How long was I gone for? Never mind, it's all very good. Nice effort here. I'll fish out the best five and post a new thing shortly.
Off I go now, back this arvo. Ciao ciao
good one
Won der ful pic ture
Of hu man en gin eer ing
fe at, beau ti ful
I'm sure there was some logic determining what got put on the front page but I'm not sure how it differed from 'first come best dressed' ha ha. No one will get their nose out of joint will they? The problem was that there were too many good haiku. Bravo FB for the choice of phote!
BTW Anon - technically 'feat' is one syllable. There is a Spanish make of car, the 'Seat' (pronounced 'seh-at'), that would qualify as two and, funnily enough, drop precisely into your effort here and make a brilliant haiku advertisement.
But we won't do that because, a) we sneer at advertising scum tempting us to sell out for money and, b) since there's no money nor anyone tempting us with it anyway, we may as well sneer since it's more fun than cursing God. If that makes any sense.
Anyway, nice effort boys and girls, bravo.
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