New from Microsoft
Computers for Windows
Gates has a winner
5 - 7 - 5
Haiku are a form of Japanese poetry that are written in three lines with a syllable count of five, seven, five. But don't let that stop you writing whatever you like. There are no fascists here and any contribution you wish to make is welcome. Here we seek the sublime, and if we can't have that, we'll just have a laugh. It's all good.
With the current picture as your inspiration, pile in to the comments and have a go. At the end of the week I pick five and put them on the front page.
As the Japanese say - Let's enjoyment haiku!
This pic is courtesy FB.
You weren't a 3D animator in a past life were you FB? Oh wait that was me. I figured it was one of us...
The blue screen of death
meets the force of gravity.
Meanwhile, down the beach...
Operator error?
I'll show you inanimate
box - fly, be free!
# # #
Crude CRT, an
innocent if toxic tool
takes the blame again
# # #
Frustration writ large
is giving the janitor
a malignancy
# # #
Patience, a virtue
can be exercised even though
gravity still works
Ha ha ha ha. Actually something like your second one did occur to me. Hmm... if you think about it, getting angry at the monitor (which everyone does) is the equivalent of shooting the messenger, ha ha.
Having put this one up I couldn't think of anything suitable so here is a quick effort.
Frustration abounds
The monitor monitor
has just lost his job
Break on through, yeah, yeah!
Free fallin', I'm free fallin'
Oh, Oh, bad planning.
Audit time already,
wall street housekeeping is fast,
but now there's a draft.
with unblinking eye
this broadband both binds and frees
the truth is airborn
with no work in sight,
you can't, the window is too small,
I win the wager.
From Belgium
New from Microsoft
Computers for Windows
Gates has a winner
You'll do as I say
No more big, bloody bright blue screen
New window - 10$
Satisfaction: priceless
(yeah I know, I know I didn't stick to the 575 thingamagiggy!)
Anon, from Belgium - ROFLMFAO!!!
The winner!! LOL again
Oh shoot Nobody - I didn't realise that you already mentioned the blue screen of death (I try not to read the other haikus until I've made mine)
Still though - it's the first thought I had...
Hell never mind me, Buff. I laughed my arse off.
And Buff's right. FB's second effort is a cracker. Which is good really what with it being his pic and his effort going on the front page and all.
Hello Bill Joy of Sun,
Steve Jobs of Apple, Bill Gates
you are the one we wish to shun
You son of a gun.
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