gently you cradle
seeing no imperfection
sing to me again
forever i will gaze at you
with the deepest awe and wonder
love truimphs over hate
you took the deep trip
pure vulnerability, this time.
I got your back, son
life is as you see
emotion love and caring
only for your own
choked miracle
love and water quietly coax
life to flow again
take care in darkness
hold close with a gentle hand
to an unseen love
Hey Folks,
Who does that jumped up johnny debbn maid think they are nabbing last week's top spot? Who cares? Good haiku!
And of course a particularly honourable mention to Mir whose best stuff wasn't on topic. Never mind, they were a treat regardless.
This week's pic is from William Eugene Smith's extraordinary Minamata series. For mine, it's one of the spookiest photos ever. I'll be interested to see what people make of it.
PS Click on it to get the bigger rez. It's worth it.
innocent babe of mine
gestating at the worst of times
when the skies mushroomed
forever i will gaze at you
with the deepest awe and wonder
love truimphs over hate
the smile of Buddha
a heart freed of desire
only compassion
Hey Susana, very good. I like both of those.
But just quickly - Minamata was a town in Kyushu where the drinking water was contaminated by mercury from a huge industrial plant. It was a huge scandal in the fifties. It's not actually connected to the bomb.
Hey nobody this mind is a funny thing.
It is one hundred percent unreliable.
I had seen that picture and read that it was due to the bomb.
All these volumes of information rattling around in this brain, and probably all of it either completely amiss, somewhat amiss or ......soon to be amiss.
you took the deep trip
pure vulnerability, this time.
I got your back, son.
Well, as I like to tell people, I have a mind like a steel trap-door. A thousand facts all ready to be forgotten at a moment's notice. Hee hee.
I really like it:
I won't say yours I'll rather say the final product.
Doing this in the interest of not feeding the doer and keeping you off the anon button.
I felt your mother's heart in yours. A lot of interesting back and forth on Les Visible about re-incarnation. It is interesting to speculate that this pic may be of "little Dicky Cheney" next time around, and that his mother's patient love will be the laboratory that unfrankensteins him...then again, it may be lil ole me, who no doubt could use some unfrankensteining as well...
Imagine if you were Frankenstein, and were simultaneously bitten by Dracula and a Werewolf at the precise moment you were given Ghost-Rider powers by the Devil?! Man, that would be super cool!
Oh, that's weird. Did I just turn into a ten year old? Sorry about that. I think the word 'unfrankensteining' set me off. Good word. Me as class clown aside, I was grooving on those thoughts. Onya folks.
gently you cradle
seeing no imperfection
sing to me again
Clown, you evil genius. That just broke my heart.
If Frankenstein were bitten by Dracula and a Werewolf and given Ghostrider powers by the Devil at the same time, clown would have to reduce him to a blubbering penitant with a single well-aimed haiku...
That photo broke my heart. The beauty of it
is almost too much. Thanks for posting it...and
turning me on to an artist I hadn't heard of
life is as you see
emotion love and caring
only for your own
in a sea of dark,
a luminous soul shares light.
mother and child.
Trying to stick to the haiku rules here but in relation to your comment about re-incarnation and the possibility of that body being Dick's next time:
Pure Intelligence Energy
Creating this dance of life
who is there to be punished?
choked miracle
love and water quietly coax
life to flow again
evil can't rest at night
corporations used to soothe
now dreams turn to nightmares
oops. too many syllables...
choked miracle
love and water pour to coax
life to flow again
Not so fast! Anyone visiting here is automatically issued with a poetic licence. This permits the bearer to take a word like 'quietly' and count it as two syllables. Honestly, the difference between 'quiet' and 'quite' is the merest of dipthongs.
Further distillation of rules time -
The rules of haiku are rigid and may not be broken, unless of course it suits you to do so.
Truth and beauty tossed,
all for a bloody dipthong.
Yeah, well, bugger that.
Asian Madonna,
a Pieta without end,
until the last breath.
Asian Madonna,
a Pieta repeated,
until the last breath.
take care in darkness
hold close with a gentle hand
to an unseen love
poetic license
yearly renewals required
paid to nobody
Hey, Nobody, sorry I couldn't come up with a haiku for this particular pic, but I have something for you over at my Weekly Injection of Chuckles blog. I hope you come to claim your prize! :)
Ayah! It's not a kitten in a blender thingy is it? Off I go...
jap engineering
improve the original
refine the details
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