buff and on my duff
sitting thinking about stuff
my piles cry, enough!
Then Rodin's masterpiece
looked right at him and said: "I
am, therefore I think..."
He sits there thinking,
About what, no one can tell,
Still he sits and thinks.
'Kay, now where was I
The last time I saw my keys?
Were they over there?
Made of bronze and stone,
Perhaps he thinks of life, while
People stare at him.
To ponder and understand
seemed like such a good idea
and now I am like stone
Ponderment of life,
A crucial problem to solve;
Wherefore art mine clothes?
If I think I am,
then I am. But, if I am?
What an am I am!
I hope I haven't screwed up here a la Munch. I was torn between The Kiss and The Thinker and went with the latter. See what happens.
Otherwise I thought there were heaps of excellent efforts last week. In the end I pitched John's in first on account of it a) following the form cleanly and b) tickling my fancy.
Then Rodin's masterpiece
looked right at him and said: "I
am, therefore I think..."
He sits there thinking,
About what, no one can tell,
Still he sits and thinks.
'Kay, now where was I
The last time I saw my keys?
Were they over there?
Made of bronze and stone,
Perhaps he thinks of life, while
People stare at him.
To do or not do?
He ponders for eternity,
getting no closer.
To ponder and understand
seemed like such a good idea
and now I am like stone
The world like a dream,
my thoughts flow as a river.
The joy of it all.
My thoughts a cipher:
shoes or ships or sealing wax,
none shall ever know.
hey noby:)
y, by 'god', i meant her surgeon:P)
stomach flu laid her ass low...been here @scot rite, since fri morn..
pukefest has finally ended... just ystrdy got solid food in her and kept it there.. keeeeeripez!
tues 2:A+ here.. chkd in w/les..
didn't know when you'd get bak there to see my hi to you.
had time to drop by..
fuk'd up wk, mate! swearta!
gettin better though.. :)
well, gotta run, don'wanna stay gone too long incase kid wakes..
half decent nurse this shift.. but still....
hugz ta all*
buff and on my duff
sitting thinking about stuff
my piles cry, enough!
Ponderment of life,
A crucial problem to solve;
Wherefore art mine clothes?
Is there an internet acronym THITICTHHBAL? There is now. It stands for 'the hippy in the internet cafe tilts his head back and laughs'. It should enter the vernacular any minute now I expect.
Anyway crack me up!
And where's the Schutte? It seems he finally has some serious competition. C'arn R!
When I think, I tire.
My brain becomes over strained.
So, I do not think.
If I think I am,
Then I am. But, if I am?
What an am I am !
through stone and darkness
the river moved in silence
over empty land
If I think I am,
Then I am. But, if I am?
What an am I am !
This is outstanding!
There he sits broken hearted.
Paid for a crap.
But only farted.
Yeah, Mir. I'm with you. It's a cracker. I expect that whatever it is that I think it's about is different to you, different to Pen, on and on. But for mine, that's a plus. It's precisely why I used to love the Pixies. Onya Pen, you and the Pixies mate.
And Silv - you didn't attend the University of Canberra back in the early 80's did you? I just had a weird photographic deja vu thing happen. Ahem. Nuff said.
"I am what I am,
And that's all that I am." Said
Popeye the sailor.
Sorry Nobody, couldn't resist!
... man!
Ha! And it's a pity NaM, which is to say notamobster, doesn't groove on haiku. His would have been "What a NaM I am!" hee hee.
I grooved on this one. Tons of good stuff. In the end I stuck Brian's up first because I really loved it. Pen got the closing spot. And John, I really liked yours. A lot. But it wasn't really for this pic. Was it for the previous one? Regardless, that's where I put it.
cheers nobody, no worries. He is the thinker, the river is thought, moving through the enclosed stone dark interior landscape of the head, the empty land is the void of satifactory conclusions. He is thinker as landscape blah blah.. cheers for now.
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