Saturday, January 10, 2009

It dangles a light
way down deep in the darkness--
maybe dinnertime?


cathode ray mindfuck
breaker of minds, harbinger
of a blank planet


Faces in shadows
Blind to the rest of the world
Blinkers, worn freely


the box light
making me a shadow
no dream can ignite


The teacher throws light,
Filling minds with mental trash.
The lesson is obey


Tell me who I am
What to wear, eat and purchase.
Without you, I'm lost


eyeballs on a stalk
an empty ringing vessel
ready for poison


Worship in its light
The television altar
glows both day and night


Staring at the boob tube,
The mind rots a little more,
Forever, it's gone.


Anonymous said...

It dangles a light
way down deep in the darkness--
maybe dinnertime?

Anonymous said...

cathode ray mindf**k
breaker of minds, harbinger
of a blank planet

Magdelena said...

Faces in shadows
Blind to the rest of the world
Blinkers, worn freely

su said...

the box light
making me a shadow
no dream can ignite

Anonymous said...

The teacher throws light,
Filling minds with mental trash.
The lesson is obey.

nobody said...

Cool. I thought this one might appeal. Hats off to all.

nobody said...

Hey Slozo,

Is this your first time in mate? Good on you. And good haiku. You get the gag obviously.

Anonymous said...

I once read an article about punk rock, which included the lyrics from a song by the Ramones;

When I see
What is on my TV
one word comes into my mind

kikz said...

wish i had energy to compose :)

left a short note on other post...



Penny said...

Tell me who I am
What to wear, eat and purchase.
Without you, I'm lost

Penny said...

nobody: what is dexter?

Penny said...


I just caught up on the news of your daughter, oh scary times, I am sorry, I know it is tough.

I don't pray, but good thoughts are coming your way right now, when you read this, you know they are there.

Catch them in your hands, hold them to your heart.

Got them from my daughter when she leaves, when she was younger, I would blow kisses, she would catch them and hold them to her heart and I would do that too.

Here are my best wishes...........................
catch them
It is good to know you have them

nobody said...

TV a gateway,
a gateway to a child's mind.
Who goes there?

nobody said...

Hey Pen, Dexter is the new depth that is being plumbed on Fox. The hero, Dexter, is the son of a serial killer. The father recognised that his son was also a natural born killer and taught him how to be a superior serial killer and how to camouflage himself amongst the ignorant non-serial killer victims-to-be. To this end, he's a cop in charge of hunting down serial killers. For Fox it represents new highs in TV drama. This from people who see no irony in the expression 'reality tv' ha ha.

Sure enough, only the creators, and a tiny subset of the show's viewers, understand the meaning of the metaphor.

kikz said...

aww, thanks penn,

so muchly appreciated..

well, it's 4:44A here in the valley of dallas in the resource rm of the scot rite kids hosp..
was awakened @1... kid up to restroom/meds.. took her 2hrs to get bak to sleep... guess what.. i'm still not..
but.. we take her home taday...
i'm sure getting her in the car for transport home will be fun, as i tried w/her sister last nite, pretending to elly.. cripez!
the bum spin to get her in the front seat.. can't do the back..
i guess we'll try a slick garbage bag on the cloth seats to spin her after she sits down... don't think at this point she can maneuver in any other way....

oh well...
thanks for all the wonderful thoughts...
yap y'all later :)

nice piece noby :)

Anonymous said...

eyeballs on a stalk
an empty ringing vessel
ready for poison

Penny said...

and another one:

Worship in it's light
The television altar
glows both day and night

Penny said...

bizarre a show about a super serial killer, who is a cop?? But can also kill and not get caught?

Man, I thought Dave McGowans book was difficult enough.
He missed the cash cow, and should of wrote some bogus tv series for fox I guess?

nobody said...

Pen, good haiku! And seriously mate, between revealing the agenda, and advancing it, only the latter will ever get any screentime. And sure enough, McGowan is broke and unknown, and Dexter is a huge hit and its creators live in huge mansions with hot-and-cold-running blowjobs.

Such potential,
for human enlightenment.
Perish the thought!

Skye said...

Staring at the boob tube,
The mind rots a little more,
Forever, it's gone.

nobody said...

Every now and then,
an eye blinks and sees afresh,
the illusion gone.


Hey Skye, you didn't take my advice I see. Foolish woman! Just joking - nice of you to drop in. Now that I think about it, has Swallow ever been here? Bloody Philistine.

nobody said...

Excellent effort this week. Me, I thought Brian's was cleverest. Very good.

And Mir, you can swear in here mate. Broad minded folk, we.

Skye said...

What can I say my dear, I love that Philistine

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nobody
I myself often don't "get" references, but this one is to those scary depth-fish that have a light hanging from a little moustache in front of their mouth to attract prey.