Munch Munch, Fookin' Munch,
Ye fookin' wanker punk,
Yer paintings weere all junk!
On a summer afternoon,
two hits of blotter
aargh! I scream, why now?
Water, walkway, a handrail!
A pained expression
No ice, not bleeding.
No stumbling along for help
Painful memories
Munch's scream. Insane?
Pain? An injury sustained
A brain crunch by Munch.
Der Schrei der Natur
is still audible, drowned by
roaring jet engines
sunset colours scream
i scream inside for Gaza
and can do nothing
my scream is incidental to the background patterns and colours
undisturbed by my grief
they simply shine radiantly.
I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream for Ice Cream
For those who don't know, this is The Scream by Edvard Munch. I'm a big fan of his. To be honest I wanted to put his Madonna here, what with The Scream being done to death and Madonna being a superior picture. But then I thought, 'It hasn't been done to haiku-death has it?' Which is to say, however many times I've seen it I've never written a poem about it. Have you? Pile in.
When Scottish People write Haiku
Munch Munch, Fookin' Munch,
Ye fookin' wanker punk,
Yer paintings weere all junk!
On a summer afternoon,
two hits of blotter.
aargh! I scream, why now?
Water, walkway, a handrail!
A pained expression
No ice, not bleeding.
No stumbling along for help
Painful memories
Munch's scream. Insane?
Pain? An injury sustained
A brain crunch by Munch.
nobody: the timing of this picture?
for me? It is like the place I hit my head on the cement, very much like it.
The water, the handrail...holding of the head.
It makes my head hurt just looking at it..........
Der Schrei der Natur
is still audible, drowned in the roar of jet engines
Schutte, you slay me. Glaswegian to the core, that. But the Scots are also notoriously good at poetry and counting as high as twenty-one, so you oughta shift that "Yer" to the middle line.
Two hits of blotter? Made me snort so loud I woke the wife, napping in the next room.
Unusual choice Mr. N. There had to be some particular motivation that dragged you back to this seriously commodified modern "classic". Why not the Madonna or "Vampire"?
Warhol was a real tool, no matter how right he was about so many things. The death of art's sacred function in the modern media-driven world and all that, him whispering conspiratorially into the media megaphone all the while as the body creative finally stopped twitching.
Der Schrei der Natur
is still audible, drowned in the
roar of jet engines
This is, of course, the correct version with the line break in place.
F**k's sake. This is an abject lesson in why one shouldn't attempt to compose haiku while under the sway of illness and a less-than-clear head...
Der Schrei der Natur
is still audible, drowned by
roaring jet engines
Mir is right, I just about wet myself with Kuramaebashi. (And for those who don't know Kuramaebashi is a bridge over the Sumida River in a suburb of the same name in downtown Tokyo. It transliterates as 'warehouse front bridge')
Speaking of bridges and Scottish poetry, how could we not mention William McGonagall?
"Beautiful railway bridge of the silv'ry Tay
Alas! I am very sorry to say
That ninety lives have been taken away
On the last sabbath day of 1879
Which shall be remembered for a very long time."
Hee Hee.
Otherwise I hope all the ill people get well soon. As for why this pic? Don't ask me man. I start somewhere, end somewhere else, and it's all a bit of a mystery.
Thanks for the help on the scottish poem. yer right.
I am glad I got a laugh out of a few people. I feel it my bounden duty to insert fluffiness when poems sometimes get too heavy for me and I cannot get there anymore. I is like german films, I have to make up punch lines to fill in all the uncomfortable and pensive silences or else I get creeped out. Me wife the japanese film critic does not always appreciate this.
Just German flicks? I do it for every goddamn movie!
"Yada! Urusai yo!", says Na.
*sorry folks a gag only those two will get. Not much of a one neither...
schutte! total crack up! i detest this munch:P
sunset colours scream
i scream inside for Gaza
and can do nothing
Cobalt blue turns black,
sunset hues a garish hell.
Senses overwhelmed.
my scream is incidental to the background patterns and colours
undisturbed by my grief
they simply shine radiantly.
(Sorry about the breaking of the 3 liner - just needed to happen)
Whilst some might object (ahem) I say - if people can't make the 17 syllables work they should write whatever. Me, I groove on all of it. Speaking of which I liked your last poem over at your place Susana. Very nice.
ok then
I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream for Ice Cream
Well somebody had to say it. And thank you John!
Okay I obviously should have gone with my first instinct and put up Madonna. Done to death is done to death, haiku or no. Well never mind. Besides, it was worth it just for Schutte's two efforts. Hell, it's almost worth pissing the Schutte off if we get crackers like that. Hey R!
Anyway I reckon you'll groove on tomorrow's phote. I don't know about others but it's the story of my lfe, ha ha. Seeya then.
mornin y'all..feels like aftn to me, i've been up since 2:30 and it's now 5:30A... @@
well, surgery was finished @2pm ystrdy.. daughter doing fine... scary stuff... guess i'm doin pretty good for 4 or so hrs sleep a day :P i got here didn't i >:)?
rummaging round the halls as kid o sleeps... nurses in too often to sleep... i did get a nap in last nite frm 10-2A this am..
anyway... finally got round to finding a terminal that had a keyboard attached.. up in the kid resource rooms, they lock em up, so now i'm downstairs in the family resource center.. surpriZed as hell, i can get access to my usual haunts online... even finally managed ta pull up my google acct :) well one anyway.... still can't chk my main mail off sbcglobal.
they may sit her up today... and i finally got a rollaway bed.. the first night was an event ... a foldout chair/bed thing.. more akin to a strapado wrack :P the rollaway much better, but too much traffic to sleep.. the thought was kid would sleep for extended periodc following surg, newp.. she nano naps... so i hafto...it reminds me of havin a newborn... albeit w/more tubes attached...
i did 2mos in NICU when they were born, monitor wires, nasal gavage, etc... fun stuff... but my kid is fixed, all extremities in workin order... i'm rambling..sorry.
just wanted ta chk in.. and update y'all...
many thx for all the prayers and good vibes sent into the aether :)
and god bless the scot rite kids hosp for fixing my daughter.
i'll catch y'all soon*
Thanks Kikz and good on you. You've been definitely filling my thoughts mate. I don't know why but everytime I washed the dishes (go figure) I thought of you and your daughter. And I did that thoughts into the ether thing. And your husband and the other girls are well too? Otherwise I hope she has a speedy recovery and that the physio isn't too arduous. Thanks mate.
anyway... just aftr dinner here 7P, they got her up in a hiback wheelchair.. she almost passd out 4mins later.. heart rate droppd, she blanched gray.. we got her bak on the bed, upppd the end..
she's back to baseline.. was hungry 20mins later..
@@ i thought we'd hafta shock her??!! i was panicking..
anyway.. alls well as of now..
hoping for a more quiet night.. one of her IV's is out. and she had a few bites of food over the day w/out puking...which was the prob last nite.. puking..
so anyway.. thanks so much for the thoughts noby:) this computer sukz the big one..
i've had bout a 2hr nap today while hubs was here and b4 the 'trauma'...
keep sending those good vibes our way..
other twin was chkd out w/xrays, she's fine... no probs :)
baby shows no signs...
hopefully this is niters for me.. gonna catch some tv and try to sleep... y'all hava great wknd!
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