born in the darkness
this music moves through the blood
out into the world
deep reaching desires
follow the guitar cable
to the hands that play
Angst and misspent youth
crushed against a throbbing stage,
so glad I did that!
A secret confessed
It's trite I know but I have
always loved Hopey
Under the hot lights
equal parts inspiration
sweat blood -- we rock!
When I was thirteen
my whole life changed in one night
a rock and roll show
primal expression refined
thru technology
amplification of spirit
troubadour of his age sings
vibration joins all to one
Instruments, lights, GO!
The rockin' band is on stage
Crowd roars approval.
WHO concert, rowdy
Hot dogs hit the opening act
"Fuck off Toronto"
This pic is drawn by the mighty Jaime Hernandez. Jaime and his equally talented brother Gilberto wrote and drew my favourite comic of all time Love And Rockets. (No not the band - they stole the name from the comic.) This is the cover of LnR #24. I remember the precise moment I first laid eyes on it in the comic shop. It did my head in. Click on it for a higher rez. I reckon it's worth it.
And if any suit-wearing type gets antsy over me appropriating it - chill out boys, we're just writing poetry.
A secret confessed
It's trite I know but I have
always loved Hopey
Angst and misspent youth
crushed against a throbbing stage,
so glad I did that!
Hey R, how you doing? I'll drop you a line in email. And yeah, who didn't love Hopey? Mind you, I loved Maggie too. I always imagined myself as Ray. Pity they didn't work out.
Did you see the comments for the last pic? You get a mention. A nice one of course...
deep reaching desires
follow the guitar cable
to the hands that play
Hey Susana, Good onya! Nice to have a new face pop in. I was over your way the other day and had a read, albeit in a bit of rush. I'll pop over again later. And nice haiku. Bravo.
Slow ringing build-up,
tension - waiting for those chords...
Twenty Thousand Volts!
Blown to smithereens,
a swirling storm of feedback.
Goddesses of Pain!
Under the hot lights
equal parts inspiration
sweat blood -- we rock!
When I was thirteen
my whole life changed in one night
a rock and roll show
One of my greatest
regrets in life is the lack
of hot female bands
Or perhaps it is
the overwhelming number
of scruffy male bands
Apologies to the ladies... er, women among us, for the last couplet. I do realize the view contained therein could be seen as "sexist" -- where I prefer to see it as "complimentary" of what is best referred to as the fairer sex in this context.
Besides, it's Mr. N's fault anyway; 'cause he went and posted the Love & Rockets cover...
Hee Hee. And yeah, yeah, blame me. I always do!
primal expression refined
thru technology
amplification of spirit
troubadour of his age sings
vibration joins all to one
Hey Kikz, did you mean to go 7-5-7 instead of 5-7-5? Just curious.
idn't 'posta b 7 5 7??
blinkblink? :)
but but but... didja like em:)?
sorry :) bacon buzz frm dinner:)
ewpz... it is 575....
well.. they work anyway.sorta.
figurez i'd get it backward.
I liked 'em fine. They just looked a funny shape is all.
Hey I was just reading last weeks blog entries, thanks for the tip of the hat for the good old Tokyo band. (You should hear the stuff we do over in Hilo nowadays) Speaking though, of old Gerrard turntables (which were like totally state of the art I recall) I just heard that we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of Electric Ladyland. Spooky. Ladyland, along with Country Joe and the Fish, and HArry Belafonte Live just about sum up my listening obsessions 40 years ago.
I think that the music obsession is what that picture this week is all about. For me this week its Wynton Marsalis, but we obsessive compulsive listeners...ya just cant tell.
Electric Ladyland? Man, that album cover so completely did my head in as a kid. Wooooow... they haven't got any clothes on! (furtive look left and right to see if anyone was watching, ha ha)
born in the darkness
this music moves through the blood
out into the world
Instruments, lights, GO!
The rockin' band is on stage
Crowd roars approval.
WHO concert, rowdy
Hot dogs hit the opening act
"Fuck off Toronto"
that's a haiku for Joe Jackson, who bore the brunt of an overly rowdy who audience in TO in the early '80's.
and that is what he said, as he left the stage.
btw: on a rockin note
today is Jimi Hendrix's b-day.
Nov 27th 1942,
and that man could play!!!!!!!
Onya Pen, I saw Robert Smith of the Cure in precisely the same situation at the ANU refectory in Canberra one time. Mind you, he handled it pretty well.
And John, I think you're winning mate. Nice sideways thought, subtly expressed. You just bumped out Susana.
Sure enough, this ain't a competition and me, I love reading everything here. If people have been paying attention, I ordinarily post the haiku on the front page in the order in which they arrived. But every now and then there'll be one I particularly like and I whack it in at the top. This says as much about me as it does about the haiku and no one should take it amiss or anything of that nature.
View it as an act of self indulgence on my part. I'm sure you can all dig it. Thanks folks. And wait till you see what I've got in mind for tomorrow, ha ha.
Hey Mir,
I hope you don't mind that I skipped two of yours. It's just that it struck me that they were conversation in haiku form rather than picture-dedicated, if you can dig it. You won't be deterred I'm sure...
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