nature sighs... ready
echos of her lullaby
leaves of red & gold
leaves of red & brown
fall upon the mossy ground
tells the trees are bare
The harvest over
chill winds scrape the northern hills
winter is coming
Colors of autumn
nature's beautiful palette
fades to gray and black
The song changes now.
Listen, notes invisible
choir eternal
Brights, earthtones and white
The seasons hottest colours.
Gaia get's it right!
And thanks John for this gorgeous pic. If you click on it you get it at a higher rez. Makes a nice desktop!
mornin noby,
nature sighs... ready
echos of her lullaby
leaves of red & gold
one of my twin daughters, key(13)
walked past as i was composing... she wanted to add a haiku of her own.. :)
leaves of red & brown
fall upon the mossy ground
tells the trees are bare
Mother and daughter.
An admiration shared.
Autumn leaves on moss.
The harvest over
chill winds scrape the northern hills
winter is coming
. . .
Colors of autumn
nature's beautiful palette
fades to gray and black
. . .
Can you tell what sort of weather we're having here in the Eifel? Being a child of mountainous northern lands, I have always comfortable with the cold shift to winter. But there is always a period of transition as the colors of the seasons of youth, flower and maturity give way to the long slide into darkness and the cyclic victory of the sun that begins it all again from the depths of the darkest season. Sol invictus!
sol invictus, mira!
speakin of sol invictus...:)
we got sunspots for halloween :)
exhaling gently
my gaze held in rapture.
Blessed plot, this earth.
(Does one make apologies to Shakespeare? Or is he beyond that?)
The song changes now.
Listen, notes invisible
choir eternal
Remnants of colour
Splash in the final seasons
The earth moves to whites and greys
Brights, earthtones and white
The seasons hottest colours.
Gaia get's it right!
The wheels of my bike
Crunch the dry leaves on the ground
Fall is in the air
if you wonder, it was moi that deleted, I had a change to make, in my Mother Earth as hottest designer on the planet, always providing the most wonderful palettes!
Hey Pen, I hope you don't mind that I skipped your second one. I liked it (actually I think I liked it better than your first one) but it seemed to be one step sideways from the picture and fairly graphically so, if you can dig it.
nope, I don't mind.
I like 'em both.
But the bike one is more personal, like the baby swallow one was.
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