the victim of fame
stands on old chewing gum and
is shot by both sides
so soon the fame passed
and then the crowd moved away
to new distractions
vapid and preening
how now, miss america
your children laid low
bow to the idol
worshippers of the profane
your mistress hungers
once clothed in scarlet
now cunningly veiled in white
beware, that false light
I have a problem!
It is urgent, and pressing.
Where's the ladies room?
Isn't she stunning?!
Wrapped up in toilet tissue
Shower Pouf Headpiece.
Paparazzi gape
at the wrong set of shaved legs
emulating coy
Gender confusion
generates sad illusion
and social delusion
Bleach-blond spike heels and
haute couture scream to the world:
where's my chihuahua?
what we once thought was
glamorous we know now is
the scourge of mankind
she come she go she
stumble hard she overdose
out the light she gone
red convertible
route sixty-six eddie's comb
white shooz blue teevee
somewhere a vogue shoot
anywhere trailer trash dreams big
everywhere flows cash
beverly hills to
bal harbour to milano
on to baghdad babe
streamline my toaster
airstream the dream white knight come
pawn the diamond ring
tomatoes grow here
snow soon come and black men lead
rejoice in retreat
the victim of fame
stands on old chewing gum and
is shot by both sides
so soon the fame passed
and then the crowd moved away
to new distractions
mornin noby..
guess the evangelical mcpalin/witch burners cancelled halloween..or all went to the malls, or the high school football game.... very low turnout..last nite. odd for a friday.
oh well..
here's my contribution this am...
vapid and preening
how now, miss america
your children laid low
bow to the idol
worshippers of the profane
your mistress hungers
once clothed in scarlet
now cunningly veiled in white
beware, that false light
We constantly hit new heights in the this place don't we? These are as good as it gets. Bravo. I love how they work as well individually as they do together. Impressed.
waistbow/small curtsey.
thank you for the image, and the vox :)
I have a problem!
It is urgent, and pressing.
Where's the ladies room?
Isn't she stunning?!
Wrapped up in toilet tissue
Shower Pouf Headpiece.
That's no woman! That's the Schutter in drag! (Our hero wrestles Penny to the ground madly pulling at her hair)
Yah well, he can't have that shower pouf headpiece!
The toilet paper dress stuck in my head from those ads, for some brand of toilet paper, can't recall which one thought?? and designers made dresses out of toilet paper which were then featured on a model in the ad.
Just more advertising, I did not get!
Oh, and the way her legs I crossed, "I gotta go pee" was the first thought in my head, and from there????? The bathroom centric theme!
oh yeah
you can watch one toilet paper ad here
and they appeared in print.
penn, thankz for the gigglez :)
'Oh, and the way her legs I crossed, "I gotta go pee" was the first thought in my head'
mine was...
sodden stumbling strumpet... but got no further w/that line of thought... hence my other entries...
thanks kikz
but the humour goes completely to nobody.
I thought he was going for humour with this one!
or maybe, all i saw in this one was fluff
well... smoking mirrors had taken a hit.
no more comments...
visible origami still functional though.. for now...
blogspot code toads suk the big one...:P
Paparazzi gape
at the wrong set of shaved legs
emulating coy
Gender confusion
generates sad illusion
and social delusion
Bleach-blond spike heels and
haute couture scream to the world:
where's my chihuahua?
I just can't do any better than the literalist this morning, but that's because Old John's very first effort has stolen all of my usual thunder. "Shot by both sides". Brilliant.
Yeah and he nabbed the chewing gum thing too. Curse you Old John!
Have folks here popped in to John's blog? It's in the somebodies list on the church page. Wonderful photography.
John, is it cool if I pop one in here? It may be interesting for you to see what people make of it. Or it may not, ha ha. Who knows?
ha ha! thanks and sorry folks i'm not usually as quick to enjoyment haiku as that. Help yourself to a photo Nobody, it sounds good to me. Cheers for now.
Doriana Grey,
prozac botoxed off her face.
Munch's 'Scream' locked away.
good one noby :)...
smoking mirrors comments working again.
y, i've been by john's place.. beautiful photography.. cinematic even :)
Hey Matey,
Yeah, I love John's blog. For me it's a personal thing. It reminds me of the year I spent in Wiltshire as a kid running around in the woods. It was really quite magical. And it's all there in John's photos.
John, I was talking to a fellow the other day about the Somerset accent. Is that what it's called? Do you have it? I'm not having a go at you or anything. Some English accents grate (and I include new world English here), but some are almost musical. Or something. Wait! Mellifluous - that's the word I was looking for. Anyway, for mine, that Western burr is the latter. Yoroshiku.
Orlroight muy luvvurrs!
I don't have a Somerset accent but then i'm from Hampshire and have lived in Devon for about 20 years though the family comes from Dorset and Scotland. The accents change quickly between places here and i'm not really sure what mine is now but a Devon person would spot me as a foreigner right away. I have a debben maid (Devon maid) right here with me and she talks proper Devon.
innumm - aren't they/him
wunnum - wouldn't they/him
dinnum - didn't they/him
inner - isn't she/her
dinner - didn't she/her
wunner - wouldn't she/her
and of course a "z" in zider/cider. Theres plenty more but I think you get the idea.
The other important thing here is class of course. To some people I sound posh because I say parth as in path but that was just normal where I came from and posh people can spot me for the commoner that I am as soon as I open my mouth. It's very complicated but at least we all know our place.
Bristol is a good example of a city with lots of different cultural influences where the accent is still really strong, if you hear Tricky speak that is proper Bristol and right West Country it is too.
I have spent some time in Wiltshire, mostly because of the monuments and it is magical there still as it is here but I think you have to look a bit harder for it these days as the tentacles of London spread ever further out and pollute things.
apologies for lengthy comment.
cheers for now.
what we once thought was
glamorous we know now is
the scourge of mankind
she come she go she
stumble hard she overdose
out the light she gone
red convertible
route sixty-six eddie's comb
white shooz blue teevee
somewhere a vogue shoot
anywhere trailer trash dreams big
everywhere flows cash
beverly hills to
bal harbour to milano
on to baghdad babe
streamline my toaster
airstream the dream white knight come
pawn the diamond ring
tomatoes grow here
snow soon come and black men lead
rejoice in retreat
Noby, you passing out the bongos and striped long sleeve sweaters in here?
I'll have a cup of that chablis and some shades if you please.
Bong, ba ba ba-bong.
Fantastic. Ta John that was cool. And I take it that an 'inner sanctum' would be an all-male affair? Also, I wasn't making a point about Wiltshire per se. That just happened to be the bit of England I lived in. And class? Well, my brush with it wasn't pleasant. I was a colonial, which is to say OAR-stralian. What class is that? Not a good one, I expect.
And hooly dooly Nina, this one lit a fire under your creative cauldron. Me - rapt. Wrapped in my scarf and beret! And no chablis here darling. Semillon is our tipple, doncha know.
Silliness aside, I declare this week's effort the best yet. Everyone completely topped themselves. Bravo all.
...donning shadez and slowly snapping fingerz..
greatstuffy'all B)
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