Vitruvian Man
the secrets you hide equal
the truth you reveal
Ezekiel's wheel
spinning across the heavens
carry us to the stars
Proportion and meter
measure and time, the cycle
of eternity
Arms outstretched describe
the scale and wonder of all
The circle is squared
Leonardo thought
Lakshmi Tatma became
Vitruvian man
to square the circle
eternal golden spiral
proportion divine
leonardo's ode
pythagoras' truth
windmills of the mind spiral home
Within mankind's wheel
Seven Chakras, I do see.
Life force energies.
Scientific method
of the Vitruvulix man
leaves much to be desired
"Four arms and four legs,
Or maybe a man's behind him"
Comments from my son.
Vitruvian Man
the secrets you hide equal
the truth you reveal
Ezekiel's wheel
spinning across the heavens
carry us to the stars
Proportion and meter
measure and time, the cycle
of eternity
Arms outstretched describe
the scale and wonder of all
The circle is squared
Leonardo thought
Lakshmi Tatma became
Vitruvian man
to square the circle
eternal golden spiral
proportion divine
i love this image :)
leonardo's ode
pythagoras' truth
windmills of the mind spiral home
cripes, i detest the constricting physical parameters the comments section! grrrrr! typed out it is just 3 lines.. here it slogs into 4. (shakes fist @ blogger.com's code toads.....)
mornin noby...
could be just my stupidity... but i can't post commentary at all on church... tried as anon.. tried as google account.. for some reason can not see the word verification.. rightclick/view image doesn't work.. ah well.. i'm rendered speechless.
Within mankind's wheel
Seven Chakras, I do see.
Life force energies.
Oddly enough, when I first checked out the haiku pic,tuesday, I thought, yah, seen this before, get back to it later.
Had an app't for massage therapy, (which by the way is wonderful)
Grab an app't card,and what is on it?
The same dam picture!
I mean it is not a pic one sees everyday, but twice in one day?
cause I like that word :)
p.s. can't post on any of les' sights either.....
tried rebooting my system.. thought it might be a java issue.. still hav no idea..cuz it didn't help....
oh well.....i'm wondering if anyone else is having the same problem w/comments word verification not showing up?
p.p.s. cool beanz pen :)
sites... not sights...cripezyimmini... this has me addled....
ok, final word... apparently as of 22nd, blogger.com has decided to chg the template for the 'comments form'
it always came up on another page, i think it's called a draft page..
now it is 'embedded' at the bottom of a non draft page, also here, you can choose to show orig post, or not...
on the blog pages where word verif is on, you don't hav the option...for the 'draft page'... i hav no idea how to resolve this..
i can't even leave a freakin comment on blogger inre this... so guys, if you notice a slack off in your comments... this may b the prob....
voxless k :P
If you're right kikz Les will have to change his settings at his end- if blogger will let him
It's funny that this site works OK but les' and the main site of nobody and ben's don't
I tried a random blogger- it worked OK
Strange gremlins in the system
Also strange kikz, you got to Les through another computer and another commenter CJ
Thanks nobody for the use of your hurrikurri site for this
The software is now using what appears to be an updated software version with flash-based windows for entering the "verification" code required to post a comment.
I'm using the latest version of Opera (as of last week), and was able to post a comment on the main forum. If you are using an older version of browser that has not recently been updated, that may be a good place to start looking for the source of your difficulties.
This forum does still appear to be using the old software version, with dark grey text on a pale background and the previous verification selections below this text box...
Scientific method
of the Vitruvulix man
leaves much to be desired
Oh it's all going on without me, ha ha. Erm... I have no idea what's up. I've been posting normally. My only guess is that you have cookies switched off. I have cookies turned on for blogs and off for everything else. When I have popped into a blog with cookies off, I can't read the code word thingy and can't post comments. Might it be that?
No straight lines in man,
nor anywhere on this earth,
without we make them.
What was he seeking,
Leonardo DaVinci?
Man as machine?
I am moderately paranoid nobody when it comes to these things so my measure is it's a done deed
Time will tell
miraculix: outstanding!
i think i've found a workaround.
it appears my morning's attemted comments were saved.. won't know til les/noby update...
previously i had allowed blogger.com cookies.. so they were there..w/restrictions..
seems to be a 3rd party cookie problem.
what i did was;
go into the browser prefs/security/cookies/
and c/p added blogger.com as an accepted 'exception'.
this rendered blogger able to retrieve/acknowledge my blogger/google identity.. and allowed me to also see the word verification .gif image.
hope this works for y'all :)
sorry and thanks noby for all the space/bandwidth used cackling bout this...
it was just a huge drag being voxless :)
"Four arms and four legs,
Or maybe a man's behind him"
Comments from my son.
thanks kikz :)
Ha ha ha, thanks R (and the ocean boy).
And yes, yes, I think Miraculix took the honours today. Not that there are any 'honours' as such...
Actually I just re-read everything and there's tons of good stuff. And did anyone look up Anon's reference to Lakshmi Tatma? I did. She's that little Indian girl who had a cojoined twin that gave her too many arms and legs. The locals took to worshipping her as some incarnation. But it seems she had surgery and is now on her way to something resembling a normal life. Gorgeous kid...
Nice article you got here. I'd like to read more about this matter.
BTW look at the design I've made myself Overnight escorts
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