from time, sin and want
joy rises shimmering
spiralling home
to the eternal stars
mumbling, laughing, spinning,
completely forgotten the linear time.
spiraling into the oneness,
is still the whole shield.
I am.
Earth and Sky unite
Reaching and straining to heal
A Dance, yet the circle breaks
Full moon,Puna Beach
I saw some fat ladies dance,
and it was not bad!
Dance implores spirit.
Free us. Wind whispers, not now.
Collapse in dismay.
from time, sin and want
joy rises shimmering
spiraling home
to the eternal stars
two bites of the cherry -
deeper than the sea
a lapis lazuli sky.
our spirits weightless
spinning and breathless,
no longer this world of man.
our dance through the air
Prancing naked in the sky?
How old are these people?
Over 18 I hope!
(The Pope's in town for crying out loud)
mumbling, laughing, spinning,
completely forgotten the linear time.
spiraling into the oneness,
is still the whole shield.
I am.
did someone have second, third and fourth thoughts?
I am working on mine, stay tuned!
Hey Folks,
Well that's weird. As you've probably noticed the haiku blog is arranged differently to the other ones. On the other blogs all comments come to my gmail and I click them and they appear. And the only person with the power to delete them is me. Apparently with things arranged as they are here, whoever writes a comment can delete it. That's my best guess anyway. If whoever wrote them and/or deleted them wants to fill me in, I'd appreciate it.
BTW. The internet was down for the whole state of Queensland yesterday. Somebody dug up a cable apparently. All fixed now. Anyway... whatever happened yesterday was with me completely absent.
Otherwise nice work PM and Lua. And kikz too, of course. You've such a poetic soul!
PS For anyone wondering, this pic is by Henri Matisse. It's arguably his most famous work. Matisse is one of my faves. He's less obvious and harder to pin down than Monet, Seurat, Renoir and all the other Impressionists.
And then there's that mad Buddhist temple/Yves Klein blue! Intense!
Wait, I think I get it. Looking at the times, I think it was Lua. Lua, you big silly! What are you doing?
Earth and Sky unite
Reaching and straining to heal
A Dance, yet the cirlcle breaks
meh, not the best - but you asked!!
Bravo Buffy,
Very good. I was wondering if anyone would address the fact that the circle was broken and that one of the dancers is tripping. Matisse didn't do this by accident. What does it all mean? Beats me.
I like Monet, Klee,
Van Gogh, Miro, Manet too,
But Matisse just sucks!
Full moon,Puna Beach
I saw some fat ladies dance,
and it was not bad!
Ah yes,
But Mr Schutter, art was never your bag was it? And you blew your last line mate. It should have been - 'not bad for haoles', ha ha.
Let me introduce my 'particular friend' Mr Schutter. We've had lots of adventures together over the years. But he's not much given to taking things seriously. And I thought I was bad!
Been busy lately but...I didn't want to miss my chance to haiku, et tu?
Dance implores spirit.
Free us. Wind whispers, not now.
Collapse in dismay.
oh and one more thing, not haiku related, but I came across this saying? Proverb?
"It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good"
it is "A sailing metaphor frequently invoked to explain good luck arising from the source of others' misfortune."
It seemed fitting, don't ask me why, I just had to drag it here.
Ta Nobody,
Never knew haiku could be so much fun!
BTW can you fix my spelling? (blush) I guess I should have read it over one more time eh?
(circle..circle... see I do actually know how to spell it! Must have been a blonde moment!)
OH, and yeah the first thing I noticed was that the circle was broken.. not sure what he meant by that. Perhaps the lessening of female energies in the world? A collapse wrt the natural balance? Hard to tell - we need an Art Historian - I'll ask my Sis - she's in Brisbane - yer neighbour mate!
Thanks folks,
Actually you may not have noticed but I already do fix little errors like that. I think I was a sub-editor in another life.
Ill wind? Ayah! I have no desire to profit from other's misfortune.
Oh! It's Sunday. Time for a new pic.
And PM,
I did groove on your haiku mate and had a laugh. But I didn't put it on the front page because it wasn't really about the subject. Rather the subject in this case was merely a prop to make another point. And fair enough too. But that's not what the front page is about. Yoroshiku.
We practical people understand these things nobody. That's fine and dandy by me.
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