enveloping quiet
cold morning mist
intimate echoes
i walk alone
Serenity, now broken
Unseen alight, now obscure
unchangeable echoes,
pushed out
from authentic wind
stand out
bangs beyond
5 - 7 - 5
Haiku are a form of Japanese poetry that are written in three lines with a syllable count of five, seven, five. But don't let that stop you writing whatever you like. There are no fascists here and any contribution you wish to make is welcome. Here we seek the sublime, and if we can't have that, we'll just have a laugh. It's all good.
With the current picture as your inspiration, pile in to the comments and have a go. At the end of the week I pick five and put them on the front page.
As the Japanese say - Let's enjoyment haiku!
One's senses softened
hard certitude washed away
my feet lead me where?
enveloping quiet
cold morning mist
intimate echoes
i walk alone
Even in Europe
you can hear the spurs jangling.
It's that Texan chick
Inhaling dank night air
striding hastily onward
mind focused, intention clear.
snickerz...:) yaya, so ya hear 'spaghetti western' mUzak in my haiku?! (insert vocal track frm good/bad/ugly)
i'm southern. there is a world of difference.
the pic...except for the bridge.. reminds me of nu awlinz. which is very old wUrld european. it is/was a a country w/in a country.. time passes differently there, the vibe is different.
i've been in the fr. quarter enveloped in mornin' mist. it does strange things to the acoustics of echoes.. even footfalls on cobblestone reverberate differently, amplified but contained. it's odd.
kind of like the strange quiet falling snow brings.
i got... 'morning' from the the pic... the color of the sky.. and the bridge lights being off.
i liked both of yours..
noby & penny :)
thanks kikz :)
That's cool 'Southern' has two syllables as well, ha ha. Otherwise a mate of mine took this phote and it's in Vienna or somewhere. Anyway it's Europe.
Fog is weird isn't it? Sight, sound, smell are all altered.
Otherwise everyone is walking in their poems. Maybe I should have photoshopped out that person on the right. I thought about it. As it is they look like they're about to fall in the drink, ha ha. Otherwise feel free to pick on any aspect you like. Even the most tenuous connection is fine. Or none at all if you feel like it. Even mine came within a whisker of being about time and cobblestones. The last line came at the last second.
Hey P, good one.
Off I go whistling kikz's theme tune...
Also I just discovered if you click on the pic you can see it at full-rez. Worth doing since it's such a nice pic.
here is another one:
Serenity, now broken
Unseen alight, now obscure
haiku, my passion...
...oh my Goodness what a challenge...
unchangeable echoes,
pushed out
from authentic wind
stand out
bangs beyond
Beautiful Lua! How nice to hear from you. I'm so glad you could make it.
Bella, non dimentichi - cinque sillabe, sette sillabe, cinque sillabe
Otherwise - At the moment I'm thinking I'll make this a weekly thing. Any more than that might be excessive. And I'd run out of photos, ha ha.
Or should that be 'non scordare'? Everytime I use babelfish it makes a fool of me, ha ha.
Well I hate to say it, but no one got the syllable count right, ha ha. I went and had a read about haiku over at wikipedia. It's quite interesting, worth reading. What I found there is that the key discussion is whether seventeen syllables is too long.
Me, I'm going to stick with the seventeen. Perhaps when I become some grand haiku master I'll ditch the structure. Like Bruce Lee, dig it. But in between times I like the way it forces me to struggle.
Anyway... whose effort do I put on the front page? Well since I'm a big softy, everyone's! Yoroshiku.
I just want to add that haiku, regardless of how many syllables they are, really must have a break in them. A contrast or a switch must be made. And the break must be noted with some word or punctuation. This is best done at the end of the first or second line. It's all explained quite nicely over at wikipedia.
Previously I was unaware and yet somehow did it anyway. Spooky.
Um... I hope everyone is having as much fun as me...
I was enjoying it immensely, it's fun and yet, hard.
weird huh?
to show I love you
I did everything just right...
then, I kicked your dog
Near the Mokulua Islands
hot,still, summer day
I saw the turtle surface,
breaking mirrored sky
soba on bamboo,
iced ume-shu,and old friends,
through the knotted ropes
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