Wednesday, July 1, 2009

worlds burning in war
stars dance around makara
all transformation


nobody said...

Excellent photo John. A thousand thoughts flow. Back tomorrow.

john said...

worlds burning in war
stars dance around makara
all transformation

nobody said...

folly in concrete;
a dance that never made sense,
the audience dead


humans burn alive,
their culture rains down as ash.
elsewhere a bird sings

Anonymous said...

From Belgium

Dance, dance macarbre
Radiation in the air
Or plagues of lizards

john said...

burn down the old ways,
throw blood thirsty ghouls our way:
dance to your own tune.

nobody said...

Here's a funny thing John. This photo is the flipside of a pic I posted already. Interesting to compare I reckon.


inside out Matisse
gaiety rendered leaden
colour washed away

john said...

Oh yes nobody the Matisse, it's like it has become inverted.

dance from life to death
evil moves across the earth
innocence transformed