Saturday, March 7, 2009

the past on his back
emotion barks at his heel
eyes look to heaven


With thoughts in his mind
Not looking where he's going
He walks unaware.


turning from the light
now his feet in darkness fall
a friend begs him, turn


He's Nobodys fool.
But he's the only fool we have.
His life is a joke.


In his search for bliss
the stupid American
lemmings to the cliff


Be quiet dumb beast!
I am man, and you are not
what could you tell me?


Joker, jestor and clown
Years spent searching for myself
Ha, the laughs on me


He's a silly fool
aware of nothing is he
but jestic and simplific beauty.


listen if you were wearing
such a silly frock
you too would contemplate the leap.


why not take a trip?
what better place to do it
than right here right now?


Led by the idiot box,
the Fool states: "even a fool
knows any fool will do."


Pick a card, Descartes,
any card. I'll bet you I
don't know what it is.


nobody said...

Hello Folks, and yes we had no bananas last week, kind of thing. Excellent effort for the Shen Ling painting. It was worth leaving it up just to give John a chance to do his.

Oh! And there were lots of anonymous efforts. I didn't whack them on the front page because they were, um, anonymous, which is to say, who can tell if they were from one person or many?

Otherwise, yes, today's pic was on the church already. But it's a great pic and easily up to serving double duty. Yoroshiku.

Skye said...

Life starting anew
Overly Optimistic
He dances for joy!

With thoughts in his mind
Not looking where he's going
He walks unaware.

An innocent fool,
Childlike simplicity,
It's all that he knows.

Anonymous said...

yellow-spotted fool
sometimes found on rosy cliffs
soon to be extinct

nobody said...

Ever distracted,
by things lacking artifice -
under his feet, the earth.

nobody said...

Between him falling,
and the earth holding him up,
he shall never fall.

Anonymous said...

Bound for Paraguay
less curious by the day.
High fives with Ken Lay!

What's this guillotine
doing here now in my scene?
Down my leg I'm peen.

kikz said...

turning from the light
now his feet in darkness fall
a friend begs him, turn

hope things have settled down w/your daddy...?

Anonymous said...

walking with my dog
so to clear my mental fog
I think about this blog

In Afganistan
the mujahideen can't foil
my grab for their oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

**body crinkle**

Penny said...

I'm a picker
I'm a grinner
I'm a lover
And I'm a sinner.
Playing my music in the sun.

First thing that came to my mind....

Penny said...

oh yeah and those our song lyrics, sorry should have said that.
sort of thought, I won't need to, then I thought maybe I better mention that.

"sure don't wanna hurt no one"
"smiley winky thing"


kikz said...

hey pen
i know steve miller's joker when i 'read' it :)

Anonymous said...

In his search for bliss
The stupid American
Lemmings to the cliff

You know who this' from

Penny said...

hey kikz, I sort of figured that everyone would know it was the joker, but then thought I should mention it. It is an oldie, ya never know, but it is somewhat of a rock classic, no?

lookin at the year that came out, man I was a kid....

The Joker

kikz said...

gaaad 73... i was 11 :))))

Anonymous said...

Hope all ok.

the past on his back
emotion barks at his heel
eyes look to heaven

all names must perish
and all below is image
one thing unchanging

Penny said...

hey kikz, I was ten!
( I have a late in the year b-day, so I was ten, when that one came out)

I think I was born to rock
my MiL always says
god how can you still listen to that crap.
played the vid about 3 times.
rock videos sure are not the same now eh?

clown said...

He plays the buffoon
Tomorrow he's a wise guy
The dog barks en-joy!

Joker, jestor and clown
Years spent searching for myself
Ha, the laughs one me.

clown said...

Oops...I misspelled a word in the last line. Here's what I meant...

Joker, jestor and clown
Years spent searching for myself
Ha, the laughs on me

Anonymous said...

He's a silly fool
aware of nothing is he
but jestic and simplific beauty.

Anonymous said...

He's a silly fool
aware of nothing is he
but jestic and simplific beauty.

su said...

listen if you were wearing
such a silly frock
you too would contemplate the leap.

Skye said...

Hey Penny, good one throwing in the lines for Steve Miller's The Joker!

Will you be mad at me if I say I was only 2 when that came out? Age doesn't really make much difference though, I still love the music and actually have one of his cd's (the only one I've found so far)

My favorite lines from the song:
I'm a joker,
I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker,
Playin' my music in the su-un.

Anonymous said...

free fall foolery
I may drop my jewelry
and my safety pin

Anonymous said...

why not take a trip?
what better place to do it
than right here right now?

Anonymous said...

so I sez to God...
Too busy to pray right now
so catch me later

Penny said...

Nah skye, I am not mad at you, silly,
It's all good.

nobody said...

Yay, lots of good stuff. Brian, is that you being anonymous? You've traded your ego for our confusion, ha ha. Why not just pick an anonymous name. 'X', or 'john doe' or something?

Hmm... or perhaps we should all be anonymous? I can see a logic to it but, nah, that's too weird. And besides, for what percentage of human time on earth was anonymity possible? I'm thinking it's a pretty recent invention.

So says nobody, ha ha. The irony runs rampant don't it?

Otherwise, I'm certain the other anonymous was Tony. Why not just whack your moniker on it mate? Definitely your best yet.

Oh! And new faces popping in. Actually with the rash of anonymouses it's hard to tell. Anyway, hello Tao. Good effort. Or perhaps I should say frabjous, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Anonymity, an idea whose time has come!
Taking orders from Nobody like a good anarchist, I admit to hitting the blog once as anonymous this time, but I did not inhale.

nobody said...

Hee hee, I did. It was fun. Were we talking about dope? Or was that just me?

nobody said...

The little dog laughed,
to see such fun. And the fool?
He spooned the moon.

Anonymous said...

off tangent Nobody have you been posting on Urban Guru Cafe by some chance or are there many nobodies?

Anonymous said...

A Fool's ideas wax
like wilding whiskers: "may I
use your razor Bill?"


Anselm introduced
the Fool to his God and the
Fool shook his own hand

"I think therefore I
am" said the Fool to his head,
"and I'm no Fool"


Led by the idiot
box, the Fool states: "even a fool
knows any fool will do."


You can argue 'til
your face turns blue, the Fool still
won't understand you

Anonymous said...

god shook a fool's head
a crackerjack prize fell out
but the fool ate it

Anonymous said...

"pick a card Decartes
any card, i'll bet you I
don't know what it is."

Anonymous said...

"i tried to pronounce
my fart but it wasn't clear.
I think I stuttered."