Monday, July 25, 2011

help from thee I plea
stuck with cat-like eyes of mine
in the tree of life

to pick a flower
alert and amenable
like a gift from gods


Secrets of the mind.
Nietzsche; Sartre; Bertie R
Can't know what I know.


time dangling askew
twinkling possibilities
life just happening


He came back and winked,
"She's not as shy as she acts"
Grabbed their coats and left.


water, dark and deep
mystery without language
remain unexpressed

Monday, July 18, 2011

bloke, I sympathise
that's exactly how I'd feel
if I woke up there

one minute I'm zonked,
on the couch watching TV,
the next... Ice! Thing! Fish!


"The Survival Nerds"
Premiers this season on Fox
Life without 4G


fish out of water
into a roaring fire
back into water


Line tied round big toe
Lie back and wait for a bite
Aye, aye there she blows.


Renaissance Tony:
he can fish and grow stubble
all at the same time!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

One spring acid trip,
naked on Kailua beach
badly sun burned dick.


take away our clothes
sunburns and gay love flourish
summer dreams in heat


Languid existence
Can be soo boring for the
Ones who don't like sex.


An old-cherub's home
Outside, perhaps at recess
Or maybe nap-time


from the flow of life
a mind stylizes reality
making it more true