Monday, June 28, 2010

years of diligence,
meditative yoga, so
I can see my heel.


with absolutely no effort
the center piece of the sculpture
manifested formlessly


mastery attained
and now coiled like a spring
waiting to go BOING!


Living Triskelion
Quocunque Jekeris Stabit
Or Mr Terre’ Blanche?

Monday, June 21, 2010

effortlessly i sow
miraculously crops grow
this divine life flow


the cold autumn sun
shimmering the field to sleep
man oblivious


the sun a halo
sanctifying the sower
and blessing his work


"The field is purple,
and dude, the sky is, like, green!
or am I just high?"


I love two painters
van Gogh is my favourite
Constable comes next

(Phwooar! scraped it in to the fifth spot Tony!)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We swam and drank beer,
Last summer, just you and me.

Now, alone, I'll die


Modern Weaponry

Gives video game choices
With no reset button


a sleepwalker's trance
through an endless world of death
too tired to wake up

Monday, June 7, 2010

drift in the current
distant shores gold with the sun
shimmer in the haze


clouds in clear water
this origami smokestack
reckless fingers weave


Hands withered with time
Perform familiar actions
Mind soars, body withdraws.


bowing at gangas feet
in an embrace so tender
and a hug so brutal


summon the great zeus,
this river of green gift-wrapped,
just a spark, mind you.