Sunday, December 28, 2008

What? Is this a joke?
Stop laughing at me right now!
I'm Frickin' SERIOUS!


Never forget ~ a
roomful of smiling children
transcends color and class


before corruption
before the teaching of hate
love is all they know


Chinese children smile
American finance crashes
Factories closing


does not make the children smile
anywhere in the world


Humor like beauty
is very much in the eye
of the beholder


"Look Li, the children
haven't laughed like this since the
old clown caught on fire..."


simple happy joy
how the hard world changes you
to become like us

Saturday, December 20, 2008

shards of bottle glass
and the roots of great mountains
worn smooth by the tide


worn leather boots and
my grandfathers' old knapsack
trudge along the coast


Mendocino was
a special place my spirit
will never forget


if god is in the
details, I suspect he is
developing stones


she crawls the beaches
of Mendocino for stones.


Ocean rock and roll
forming lingams on the shore
worship or ignore


For Free Elixir:
Seven Stones in round Black Hole
Add Ocean and Stir


temporary forms
shifting in tidal structures
give new arrangement

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Spirals macro and
micro, a trick off an old
muslim's mosque window.


Hand-formed metal
the Tree of Life leads us to
fractal paradise


Intention joins craft
on the path to one man's not
so secret garden


Twisted metal forms
Intricate lacework of leaves
Leading us within


love's labors not lost
vision patience skill combine
beauty its reward

who has wrought this art
no simple smith at his forge
mind & spirit speak

this threshold beckons
discoveries within its frame
beyond, more await the eye


metal lacing crafted
framed, flowing, inviting
a soulful boundry


the gate unopened
my dark twin the gatekeeper
I cannot confront